Or I could go with this and have my master strike without having to exploit it.
KCD combat is great until you level up combat skills too much, when they are near max it's time to drop the game.
Stop trying to install mods for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is a great game out of the box, just play on Hardcore and choose perks properly (numbskull = on, tapeworm = on).
Installing mods is an emergency process, because they often break stuff, and the effort to get everything running takes out from enjoyment to the point where it can sometimes ruin the whole experience. In some cases, it must be done regardless, because the underlying game has fundamental shortcomings that prevent it from being enjoyable. This is not the case with Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
I remember that any decent opponent worth of using combos would typically counter before I can get the third move in, and weaker opponents in which I could pull combos would die by the second hit. I could technically wait until their stamina was down so they couldn't counter, but it was much simpler to rush them, push them back and hit them in the head. Wasted opportunity.Combat in KCD is shit because, unlike with the block->counter->block->counter exchange, you can't do anything to defend against ripostes, so the only logical thing to do is never attack first. It's literally the same issue For Honor had.
KCD combat is great until you level up combat skills too much, when they are near max it's time to drop the game.
Yeah, 600 years and it's still under construction apparently.They still didn't finish the monastery after so many years??
The construction was halted by the Hussite Wars, 17 years after the game's story, and never resumed.They still didn't finish the monastery after so many years??
That model of a finished monastery in Karel's office, is this just Warhorse's best guess or did you unearthed actual blueprints or some such?The construction was halted by the Hussite Wars, 17 years after the game's story, and never resumed.They still didn't finish the monastery after so many years??
Not sure but I found this:That model of a finished monastery in Karel's office, is this just Warhorse's best guess or did you unearthed actual blueprints or some such?The construction was halted by the Hussite Wars, 17 years after the game's story, and never resumed.They still didn't finish the monastery after so many years??
Původně tu měla vyrůst pozdně románská bazilika, později byly plány změněny na gotické síňové trojlodí
Meaning: The original plan was to build a late-romanesque basilica which was later (some time after 1350) changed to a 3 section (nave+2aisles) gothic church by Matthias of Arras (the goto guy of the time) who took over.Po polovině 14. století se stavby ujala huť prvního stavitele pražské katedrály, Matyáše z Arrasu. Tehdy byl změněn plán kostela z baziliky na halové trojlodí.
Happy 10th Birthday #WarhorseStudios! It was a long way to release for #KingdomComeDeliverance. Thanks to your support we were able to go on this journey & together created a unique gaming experience. THANKS!!!
Remember the tense time around the release of KCD
you know he's seen some shit
That's our current lead graphics artist. Seeing shit is his job.
Also, coincidentally, he's the person who made the Sassau monastery.