You can apparently pour alcohol into food of enemies and then they are then worse at combat, hah.
Watching 90 minute
interview with Vávra, some info:
- they are already working on the DLC questline with playing as a woman (I think Theresa will be the protagonist?)
- They are planning fairly longterm support for the game, have 10 dedicated people watching streams and forums to get as much feedback as possible for bugfixing. Apparently they never saw the Flying Dragon Kick bug before it was recorded
- As far as modding, he says they did not have time before launch to look into it in detail, but now they will investigate how possible it will be to release some tools - they rewrote most of the cryengine but are not sure what they can release from legal standpoint, so it will require some negotiation with Crytek. Of course he cannot promise anything specific yet because of that.
- Making of documentary was delayed because they want it to include the time before launch, launch party, feedback and reactions etc.
- the R&D they made and tools they developed should make development of future game significantly less difficult and hopefully faster
- crowdfunding for the future game is something to consider, he brings up Swen Vincke and how they did kickstarter for Original Sin 2 eventhough OS1 made lot of money, crowdfunding is a way to measure interest, build relationship with fans etc
- czech voice acting: Warhorse want it, but the game has 110 hours of voice acting, in real terms it would probably take around 3 months of work of 5 directors, 3 audio engineers, 50 actors, ton of QA..and he questions if the opportunity cost would be worth it, since it would mean not being able to do other stuff that might be more important/useful...basically they want to do it if the game is successful but cannot promise it yet
- before even starting the company, after leaving 2K, he spent 2 years reading and studying historical literature (for example work of
Zikmund Winter who wrote some 2000 archaic czech page work about medieval life called "Cultural Image of Czech towns"). He describes how he had to write 80-page manual about medieval clothing for the artists because the clothing was completely different with different names et cetera..and then had to find specific professional who dealt with this as a vocation to find all the flaws and errors total, around 20 people were consulted regarding various specific things
- didn't want to do Hussite Wars right away because it would be too much, so they searched for smaller interesting events and locations where they took place and found that first invasion of Sigismund which provided good background for the game, the burning of Silver Skalitz actually happened and it served as a good starting point. The time period was also selected because it is just before advent of guns (which they did not want) but right after the golden years of Charles IV's reign
- he came up with the idea for the teleshopping advert, they actually intended to run it on German TV like actual teleshopping, but didn't have time :D
- talks about the futility of DRM and that it is useless anyway so they didn't bother (he didn't know about the online check fuck-up, but it confirms it was unintentional)