Do you guys know if there’s any way to make a stolen horse my official horse? I just nabbed one from bandits but don’t know how to swap the new guy in for Pebbles. Maybe it’s not doable. Taking him to Neuhof to see if a stable can help.
Playing GTA taught us to repaint it.
Why are there so many snooze inducing side quests ? Every single one consists in a peasant sending me in the middle of the fucking woods, asking me to find a needle in a haystack and play detective Columbo for half an hour. I would understand if they were a little more action oriented, at least it will keep me entertained for a while, but most of them are basic fetch quests that consists in investigating something, find some plants, find a horse, bring me this, bring me that. There's a war going on, dangerous degenerates are roaming the lands and all you can give me is constant peasantry boring me to tears with their boring problems.
The main problem is that you can't find enemies 90% of time if you roam the map without the activities activated and most of these activities given to you by the bailifs consist in a bunch of dumb ruffians placed in the same dumb camp again and again, there's not a single decent action oriented quest with a well designed encounter and that's my biggest gripe with this game.
The side quests aren't really like that. What you are describing are 'activities' the actual side quests have story scenes and more involved quests.
but im found while stationary and opening chest. Very cleanly i must say.Take off autorun
yeah I have this covered.low vis and noise clothing at least.
Dunno maybe I should just grind sneak at this point. Any pointers how to do it effectively?
Shouldn't you stop playing, if you hate it so much?
I'm undecided on the balance, so far. I don't really want KCD to have more 'epic' stuff, so I'm totally fine with gathering a bunch of crap for the lady. The real question is from a gameplay point of view. The hare hunt or the horse that bolted, as menial as they may be, were actually highlights for me, because they are good examples of how the game systems and quest design encourage you to explore and experience the forest, the game, the archery, the navigation, etc. as an actual medieval peasant/squire/mercenary might. But the whole game can't be full of that, or that quality is going to wear off and then it is going to feel like any other fedex quest. So it really depends for me on how the mix is 20-30 hours in.
At least tell me this shit is better than Elex.
... maybe even higher if we’re grading on a curve because last year was not so great for the genre.
I found this quest has a followup. And since I solved it so Elishka would stay, she told me where to search for her sad now-hubby. A light c&c right there.Tough Love- Find a house for Elishka to live in
I liked talking to them all after and seeing how they actually work, although mine seemed pleased enough (except that merchant was sick of Agathas preaching to Lord lol). I wonder if you make like old woman who cried about whooping your ass carry shit what will happen... hey, it pays double!carrying shit
Spamming links to that 'Gamergate' interview seems to be a pretty common tactic at the moment, but can be a bit amusing when it falls flat
eg comments on Polygon article:
Spamming links to that 'Gamergate' interview seems to be a pretty common tactic at the moment, but can be a bit amusing when it falls flat
eg comments on Polygon article:
"SJW is a banned word on Polygon" - Hahaha.
Fucking Stasi cunts.
I found this article on optimization, which I think is rather good. It also mentions a trick to turn off your single utilized core's affinity and thus use all your CPU cores. I am not noticing significant improvements in framerate though.
There is a boost that gives you about 10% more fps, you have to look at your cpu cores, one is at 100% (CPU1 most of the time) in the taskmanager go to the kdc task rightclick-> affinity and tick off this core, afterwards all cores will be used evenly.
That's kind of my point though. You lucked out and got a suit of power armor from Navarro. You're using that and an AI exploit in an early version of the game.As for the armor, yes I have one of the best armor in the game because I killed a Cuman very early into the game and it seems that nothing can budge it
If there is a way to block master-strikes other than not triggering them by shift-walking, PLEASE prove me wrong.