Additionally, a lot of drama and discourse has occurred around the series’ representation efforts, or lack thereof. I can’t really speak about the original, but I have to talk about the colossal *yikes* that is some of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II’s character work.
Early in the first act, you come across a Jewish merchant named Mordecai Haim. As well as being a vendor, you can engage him in the same kind of ‘hey, how’s it going? Anything going on in the area?’ small talk as you can with most NPCs. His response to such an inquiry? ‘Pay me’. Jesus Christ.
There’s also a character who is revealed as being gay during the core questline, but adding this element to their characterisation is to fall back on such an agonisingly tired, boring and dated series of tropes that I’d frankly rather they’d just not have even gone there at all.