It's easy to understand why this game will find more success than Veilguard, and it has nothing to do with acceptance, cringe, or whatever. Warhorse did a bait and switch. They can add whatever they want in their games, but I don't accept it for the simple reason that the tune of Vavra changed once leaks happened. We did not hear anything about the controversial stuff before then. He sold out, which I may not have had a problem with under some circumstances. The thing is that his game would have done well either way. Unfortunately, he bent over and took woke dick in his butt, and grabbed some money in return. Seller of snake oil, and no matter what anyone says, my mind can't be changed. I don't wish them neither good, nor bad luck. It went off my wishlist, and that's the end of that.
"But you don't have to be gay!!", some people will say. Sure, that's what they said about BioWare games as well. Look at Veilguard, but also prior games. There were already signs in Inquistion with certain characters. Whoever plays this has no right to complain about wokeism in any other game, because they are showing that they are okay with previously non-woke games getting ruined.
For something like Larian, and Owlcat, you can almost know that there will be shit like this in their games, but they don't try to sweep it under the rug, and sucker people into thinking it isn't there.