With 2017 over half way through, we take a look ahead to see what sits on the horizon for 2018. One such title that stands out is Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which is set to arrive on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, on February 13th.
It’s undeniably one of the most anticipated games of Q1 2018, and as such, we fired a few questions over to Rick Lagnese, US Community Manager for Warhorse Studios. We’ve included one of the most recent trailers for the game above if you want to get a first hand look.
XT – Can you please give a brief summary of the game for those that are not up to speed?
RL – Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an open world, first person medieval rpg set in Bohemia in 1403. You play as Henry, son of a blacksmith, and you are on a quest for vengeance as your parents, friends and almost everyone else you know has been slaughtered in your hometown Skalice, by King Sigismund and his mercenary raid of Hungary. Furthermore, your King, Wenceslas IV, has been abducted by Sigismund and what’s very interesting is that they are half-brothers! Henry will attempt to restore balance as fate drags him into a very bloody conflict.
XT – Kingdom Come: Deliverance is easily one of the most ambitious games coming in early 2018. Are you feeling the pressure to open a new year with such an in-depth experience?
RL – There is always pressure to deliver a very high quality, enjoyable and historically accurate medieval game. However, I believe that we thrive on pressure. Our fans have given us much support through our Kickstarter and we have had plenty of feedback by now. We are looking forward to seeing gamers enjoy a very fun and exciting game that we’ve all been working on for quite some time now.
XT – The game houses many different pathways for many different situations, all of which tend to come with consequences and specific outcomes that alter the journey in the game for the player. How unique would you say Kingdom Come: Deliverance is on this front, next to the likes of (let’s say) The Witcher?
RL – The Witcher is a great game in its own right. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a game where we want every player to really think about the choices that they make as many choices will produce different results, even to the point of triggering different cut scenes. We won’t tell you how to solve quests. You will have to figure out what you are going to do and how you are going to approach every situation.
XT – I understand that development of the game is complete, and that you plan to spend the next several months optimising and addressing any issues to ensure a smooth launch. Are you at all able to share how much longevity the game is set to offer?
RL – Gamers can expect to get a good 50 hours in or more, depending on how you play the game. We’ve seen players play far more than that in the beta, so it’s really up to the player. There’s also a tad over 4 hours of cutscenes in the game, so expect to get deeply involved in the story.
XT – The events that unfold in Kingdom Come: Deliverance are said to be historically accurate aside from the personal story of protagonist, Henry. Does this level of historical accuracy extend beyond the story? Such as how we see NPC’s living every day life, how they’re treated by one another, and by the law?
RL – Well sure! We want to immerse everyone into a very realistic setting/experience in the land of Bohemia. We even have a full-time historian that works with us to ensure that nearly everything is time period accurate: the culture, clothing, armor, weapons, artwork, religion, the crime system and more.
XT – How valuable has feedback been from Kickstarter backers in regards to shaping the overall package?
RL – Very much so, of course. We’ve been able to make it this far because of them. We will continue to communicate and listen to our backers post launch as well!
XT – Kingdom Come: Deliverance offers up timed sensitive quests. Will these affect the arc of the story?
RL – While there is only one ending to the story (history will repeat itself) how you get there is up to you. What’s also interesting is that if you fail a particular quest, you may be given an opportunity to go about it an entirely different way. You may regret a timed-sensitive decision you made, but that doesn’t mean that all hope is lost.
XT – Quests play a massive role in the game, with many of them leaning on player choice. Do you anticipate a lot of replay value in this regard?
RL – Absolutely. You could probably get through 80% of the game without killing anyone, yet maybe in your next playthrough you decide to be like Spartacus and kill them all! Maybe you’ll regret some choices that you made in the first playthrough that causes you to want to go back and make different decisions in your second time around.
XT – Is it fair to assume, depending on how a player moves through the journey – being either peaceful or relentless, that we’ll be seeing different versions of Henry by the end game?
RL – Henry will grow up and mature more as the game progresses, that’s for sure. Throughout all the choices that are made in the game, there will still be one concrete ending.
XT – Many RPG games have a tendency of relying on elements of fantasy, however Kingdom Come: Deliverance seems to be completely without it. Was this fully authentic representation a decision you all made from the start of development?
RL – Indeed. Dan Vavra has always wanted it to be this way. Afterall, he is from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic and he takes much pride in making KCD a historically accurate driven game that pays homage to homeland.
XT – Can we expect to see DLC and post launch support?
RL – You can definitely expect to see DLC and post launch support. We had some things we said we would do in our Kickstarter that were not able to make it into the game, so we will see how we can iron it out into DLC. Mod support will also be available in some way, shape or form post launch.
XT – How difficult is the game aiming to be?
RL – In the 15th century in medieval Bohemia, it took time to learn how to use a sword, or a bow or a spear. In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you will be able to train and learn how to use your weapons and you will also learn very quickly that you’re not Thor *laughs* There’s no magic and no fantasy in our game, so you will have to hone your skills and while doing this, you will be able to unlock perks to assist you and help you as you progress throughout the game.
XT – Taking the setting into account, there’s naturally going to be some fairly large scale battles and confrontations. Are you able to say how many enemies will be populating the screen at any given time?
RL – We’re still working on this but we have shown that our beta was able to demonstrate a 60 man skirmish.
XT – There’s more than one way to skin a cat. That’s a phrase that I think suits the mechanics of the game quite well, being that you can approach a situation from a wide range of angles to achieve different results. Will players be able to counter a consequence that they’re not happy with? Or is it pretty much a case of making your bed and laying in it?
RL – These are great questions! As mentioned before, you are able to counter consequences that you are not happy with. If you’ve seen our Gamescom build, we showed what happens when you lose the fight with Kunesh. You can do a side quest where you can convince 3 other guys to beat up Kunesh if you are willing to do something for them first.
In other instances, you will most definitely make your bed and lay down in it. If you want to kill the shop keeper, then you won’t be able to buy from them anymore! Man, I just cannot wait to see what everyone’s experience(s) will be, but it will be fun nonetheless!
XT – Is there anything in particular that you’re proud of in Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
RL – We are proud of the support we’ve been given by our fans to make such a fun and enjoyable experience this coming February. We are proud to pay homage to medieval Bohemia in the early 15th century, all-the-while making an awesome video game out of it!
Thanks a lot for your time Rick, we appreciate it. Readers, as aforementioned, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is due out early next year. If this isn’t on your watch list, now is the time to remedy that. Stay tuned and as always, we’ll keep you in the loop.