Game token pack #1: (hotkey: A)
* Age of Wonders | Avernum series | Black Sect | Dungeon Master Nexus | Kingdom Under Fire (round tokens) | Majesty | Rival Realms | Stronghold | Warlords 3
Game token pack #2: (hotkey: B)
* Amulets & Armor | Blood & Magic | Dragons of FLame | Dungeon Hack | Fantasy Empires | Fantasy General | Realmz (including sprites) | Warlords 2 | Warwind
* i.e. pixely stuff
Monochrome token pack #1: (hotkey: C)
* Discord Times | Fantasy Dimension | Persian Wars | Wargame Project <- all four in parchment (original) and black & white versions (prefix: C4,C0)
* various fantasy black & white and sketch tokens (prefix: C1,C2)
Drawing token pack #1 (hotkey: D)
* a mixed bag of various drawings
Drawing token pack #2 (hotkey: E)
* a small amount of tokens (mostly historical Turkish army and American Indians)
Fantasy art token pack #1 (hotkey: F)
* a mixed bag of old-style D&D art and other stuff that looked similar
Fantasy art token pack #2 (hotkey: G)
* lots of stuff that looked like oil paintings / IWD art (at least before resizing and cropping)
Realistic-looking token pack #1 (hotkey: H)
* some tokens that didn't fit into the pack below
Realistic-looking token pack #2 (hotkey: I)
* includes some photos/LARPers
* includes Discord Times color tokens (prefix: I0)
Fantasy art token pack #3 (hotkey: J)
* includes some stuff that looked like 3D renders and/or didn't fit into the above packs
It's mostly Human- and Humanlike-centric and may both contain races/monsters not available (yet) in KotC2, and lack those already present.
Some stuff is likely mislabelled or misplaced or duplicated (and the labels themselves are purposefully generic/ambiguous) - if something is too jarring I may eventually move/rename/delete it, but I'm burnt out for now.
Use the A-J keys to jump to specific packs inside the token selection menu.
Additionally, there's a "...\Knights of the Chalice 2\Modules\MODULE-NAME-HERE\CreatureTokens" directory - files put there will only show up for that specific module in the editor.
I don't have a credits list for the hundreds of artists involved, apologies to them.
Tip #1: At least on Windows, you can use "Sort by -> More..." to enable sorting by height, width or dimensions - so you can kill your PlayerCharacter folder with just the 64x64 tokens.
Tip #2: You can remove the prefix letters (tell some batch-renaming program to cut off first 3-4 characters, depending on the pack) if you want tokens with the same keywords from different packs grouped together; the ID numbers for the same keywords should be consecutive across all packs if I haven't made a mistake somewhere.