Update #90: Upgraded Sprites for Elementals + New Cave Map for The Dark Arena!
Hello everyone! Happy New Year! In the past month, we had one update for KotC 2. The latest version can be
downloaded here for Windows and macOS, or from
Steam and
GOG. Version 1.81 fixed some bugs and improved the
Gladiator class.
In December, I worked on a few encounters to be found early in the upcoming module, The Dark Arena, on the main map of the Crossroad Castle area.
In the process, I improved the Module Editor's text copy/paste function so that it's more compatible with text-generation AI like ChatGPT.
I also added a script command allowing the module creator to change the minimum Experience Point award for combat encounters. Normally, the minimum reward for combat is 25 XPs, but now you'll be able to increase it, reduce it or remove it.
These Module Editor improvements will be coming soon in KotC 2 Version 1.82.
As part of a quest, I needed a cave map, and I wasn't completely happy with my existing maps. So I ended up creating a new isometric cave map of size about 3000x3000 pixels.
New Air Elemental Sprite
Afterwards, for some reason I thought about the elementals of
KotC 1. They use a colour-cycling technique to improve their appearance. So I wondered why KotC 2 couldn't have a similar effect.
New Fire Elemental Sprite
I ended up creating new sprite animations for the Air Elemental, Fire Elemental and Water Elemental using the Gradient Map tool in Photoshop.
New Magma Elemental Sprite
I also created a new Magma Elemental that reminds me of the character burning effect from Street Fighter 2.
New Water Elemental Sprite
The sprite upgrade and the Magma Elemental will be coming soon, in KotC 2 Version 1.82.
List of Changes in KotC 2 Version 1.81
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when targeting a ranged-touch spell and your mage is holding a Dispelling weapon. When calculating the percentage to hit the target with the spell, the game was resetting the current spell to Dispel Magic, due to the Dispelling effect.
- Added a note in the help entries for Hit Points, Sweltering, Freezing and Underwater saying that, on a map with continuous damage, unconscious characters don't return to one Hit Point automatically after combat because they cannot rest properly. They do recover when you leave the dangerous map.
- The Monk's Dodge Bonus from Wisdom will now take into account the character's Generic-type bonuses to Wisdom, if any. Previously, only the highest enhancement bonus was taken into account.
- Fixed a bug with the Gladiator feat Powerful Blinding Strike I.
- The Gladiator's Blinding Strike attack will now deal damage equal to the character's normal damage plus one point per two levels. Also updated the help entries for the Gladiator class and Blinding Strike ability, and updated the webpage for the Gladiator class.
- Improved the Gladiator feat Improved Blinding Strike. In addition to increasing the duration of the Blindness effect, it will increase the Blinding Strike Difficulty Class by one point. Updated the help entry for the feat Improved Blinding Strike.
- Added some links in the help entries of the other Gladiator feats associated with the Blinding Strike ability.
- Updated the in-game chart of subraces, in the help entry about subraces, with a line concerning the Aviara Elf.
- Updated all the dialogue scripts that had the text "please click on the image below". This is incorrect now that the image can be displayed above the text rather than below. The scripts were both in the module Augury of Chaos and in the Tutorial Adventure.
- Expanded the script command Set module property to allow a module's introduction script to distribute basic clothing (but no weapons) to the party members. If you want to include basic weapons, please use the Distribute equipment script command instead.
Next Steps for Knights of the Chalice 2
Unchanged from the
previous update, the main areas of interest include the encounters and scenario of the upcoming KotC 2 module The Dark Arena, new monster sprites, voice effects for Critical Hits and monsters, possibly some voiceovers, and new
If you have any feedback, suggestions or bug reports, please feel free to let me know here,
in the Forums, or by email at
enquiries@heroicfantasygames.com. I really appreciate it!
Sincerest Thanks, Noble Defenders! May Legends Be Sung of Your Valour!!