Update #63: KotC 2 Version 1.47 Adds Many New Feats + New Dungeon Image!
Hello everyone! The latest version of KotC 2 is version 1.47. It can be
downloaded here for both Windows and macOS. It can also be downloaded on
Steam and
In the past month, I've been focusing on the implementation of new character feats: epic feats and standard feats. I've added 18 epic feats for characters that have reached level 20 and above, as well as 42 standard feats. I've also fixed a number of bugs and issues in the game.
Recently, I spent time learning how to add graphics from AI-based image generation website
www.dezgo.com into
Campaign Cartographer 3+. See the
previous Kickstarter update to learn more about Dezgo. Afterwards, I was able to make a nice isometric dungeon map using the new assets. Here's a sample picture of the new dungeon map. I'll post more pictures in the next Kickstarter updates.
New isometric dungeon map for KotC 2
See below for some images created using Dezgo. While I had to rework the Red Dragon and the Golden Idol in Photoshop, the other images are pretty much unchanged.
Sadly, it is again a difficult time for me as my brother is again giving me a hard time and driving me crazy. I'm hoping that the family home inheritance matter will finally be sorted out by a judge in six to nine months. Once that is done, I should have a lot more freedom to invest funds into the improvement of the game and upcoming modules. That will also give me a lot more peace of mind. I'm really looking forward to that. Until then, I'll just have to cope as best I can.
Characters and Monsters
Now, let's review the feats that were implemented into KotC 2 in September 2022. I have just updated the webpages for the
various character classes and
general feats, so you can also read the feat descriptions on the
website now.
List Of Additional Standard Feats
- [Champion] Divine Fortune: You can cast the spell Good Fortune as a level-7 spell.
- [Champion] Improved Armour Of Bravery: When you're wearing armour enchanted with Bravery or Greater Bravery, the radius of the effect increases from 10' to 15'. Requires: Level 9.
- [Wizard] Improved Firefly Familiar: Your Chromatic Orb spells are empowered for free and the difficulty class increases by one point. Requires: You must have a Firefly familiar.
- [Cleric] Widened Healing: The radius of all your Mass Cure and Mass Heal spells increases from 10' to 15'. In addition, if you have the Rejuvenation Domain Power, the radius of the Rejuvenation effect increases from 15' to 20'.
- [Cleric] Widened Destruction: The radius of all your Mass Inflict and Mass Harm spells increases from 10' to 15'.
- [Bishop] Widened Healing And Destruction: The radius of all your Mass Cure and Mass Inflict spells increases from 10' to 15'. In addition, if you have the Rejuvenation Domain Power, the radius of the Rejuvenation effect increases from 15' to 20'.
- [Bishop] Turning Strike: Your attacks against Undead creatures benefit from a +1 increase in Attack Rolls and +2 increase in Damage Rolls. If you have the feat Improved Turning, your attacks against Elementals and Outsiders also receive these increases. If you have the feat Greater Turning, your attacks against Aberrations, Dragons and Constructs also receive these increases.
- [Bishop] Greater Turning Strike: The Attack Roll bonus from Turning Strike increases from +1 to +2 and the Damage Roll bonus increases from +2 to +4. Requires: Turning Strike, Level 12.
- [Cleric / Bishop] Fast Touch Domain Powers: You can activate the Domain Powers Blood, Weakness, Wilting, Death, Madness, Paralysis, Disease, Curing and Sun with a Move Action rather than a Standard Action. Requires: Level 6 and you must have one of the Touch Domain Powers.
- [Cleric / Bishop] Improved Curse: Targets affected by your Bestow Curse and Mass Bestow Curse spells are also Dazed for one round, if they are not immune to mind-affecting effects and compulsion effects. The difficulty class of both spells also increases by one point. This feat will reduce the randomness of the effect of the spells Bestow Curse and Mass Bestow Curse, at least during the first round of the effect.
- [Wizard / Sorcerer / Warlock] Dispelling Magic Missile: Each missile from your spell Magic Missile has a 50% chance to destroy a single illusory duplicate created by the spell Mirror Image.
- [Bard] Improved Songs: The bonus from all your songs increases by one point, or two points for Battle March. Requires: Level 20.
- [Bard] Story Teller: With this feat, characters in the party gain temporary Hit Points after resting. The number of temporary HPs gained is equal to one at level 1 and 2, two at level 3 and 4, three at level 5 and 6, four at level 7 and 8, five at level 9 and 10, six at level 11 and 12, seven at level 13 and 14, eight at level 15 and 16, nine at level 17 and 18, and ten from level 19. Please note: your Bard must have equipped a musical instrument in the Arms body slot for this feat to work.
- [All] Rapid Strike: When holding a single manufactured melee weapon, you benefit from one additional melee attack with that weapon at full Base Attack Bonus. You must use the Full Attack action to benefit from the extra attack. Requires: Attack Focus, Base Attack Bonus 9. I've given Rapid Strike to many monsters in Augury of Chaos and the Tutorial Adventure.
- [All] Melee Touch Magic: When you cast spells requiring a melee Touch Attack, you do not trigger attacks of opportunity and do not need to cast defensively. This feat only works when targeting enemies. If you are a Champion, Mage Knight or Storm Warrior with the feat Perfect Combat Casting, you receive a +2 bonus on all melee touch attack rolls. If you are a Cleric or Bishop with the Flux Domain Power, the benefit of this feat also applies to spells requiring a ranged touch attack. Requires: Superior Concentration, Improved Touch Attacks, and you must be a spellcaster or psionics user.
- [All] Armour Agility: The penalty to Speed from wearing Medium or Heavy Armour is reduced by 5. Requires: Armour Reflex, and you must not be a Dwarf, Samurai or Champion. Dwarves can take the feat Dwarven Armour Training instead. The Champion can take the feat Divine Armour while the Samurai receives the Samurai Armour special ability automatically.
- [All] Improved Armour Agility: The penalty to Speed from wearing Medium or Heavy Armour is reduced by 10. Requires: Armour Agility, Improved Armour Reflex, and you must not be a Dwarf, Samurai or Champion.
- [Ranger] Enhanced Magic Arrow I: The difficulty class of your Sleep Arrows and Slaying Arrows increases by one point. Please note: If you want to increase the difficulty class of arrows, crossbow bolts and sling bullets benefiting from your spells Lesser Magic Arrow and Greater Magic Arrow, you can take the feats Ranger Spell Focus and Ranger Greater Spell Focus instead.
- [Ranger] Enhanced Magic Arrow II: The difficulty class of your Sleep Arrows and Slaying Arrows increases by one more point. Requires: Enhanced Magic Arrow I.
- [Ranger] Improved Snaring Weapon: The difficulty class of your Snaring weapon enchantments increases by one point and the duration of the effect increases by one round.
Characters and Monsters
- [Storm Warrior] Improved Shocking Splash: With this feat, the electricity damage from your Shocking Splash and Greater Shocking Splash ranged weapon enchantments only affects enemies in the area of effect.
- [Monk] Shattermantle Strike: Each successful unarmed attack reduces the target's Spell Resistance by one point for one round, similar to the effect of a Shattermantle weapon. The effect is cumulative.
- [Wizard] Greater Wizard Spell Resistance: Your Spell Resistance increases by two more points. Requires: Improved Wizard Spell Resistance, Level 10.
- [Wizard / Sorcerer / Warlock / Mage Knight] Widened Colour Spray: The radius of your Colour Spray spells increases from 15' to 25'.
- [Wizard / Druid / Sorcerer / Warlock] Improved Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Close Range to Medium Range.
- [Wizard / Druid / Sorcerer / Warlock] Greater Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Finger Of Death.
- [Wizard / Sorcerer / Warlock] Improved Domination: Your spells Control Person and Control Monster are improved from Close Range to Medium Range. Your spells Dominate Person and Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead) are improved from Medium Range to Long Range.
- [Wizard / Sorcerer / Warlock] Greater Domination: Your spells Control Person, Control Monster, Dominate Person and Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead) are improved from Full Round Action Casting Time to Standard Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Domination.
- [Psionicist / Warlock / Psychic Healer] Improved Control And Dominate: The range of the Psionic Powers Control Body and Dominate increases from Close to Medium. Actually, the Psionicist already had access to this feat, but not the other classes.
- [Psionicist / Warlock / Psychic Healer] Greater Control And Dominate: Your Psionic Powers Control Body and Dominate are improved from Full Round Action Casting Time to Standard Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Control And Dominate.
- [Psionicist / Warlock / Psychic Healer] Swift Assimilate: Your Psionic Power Assimilate is improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time.
- [Psionicist / Warlock / Psychic Healer] Improved Hail Of Crystals: The range of your Psionic Power Hail of Crystals increases from Medium to Long. In addition, allies in the area of effect are no longer affected.
- [Psionicist / Psychic Warrior] Fast Power Drain: Your Power Drain psionic power is improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time.
- [Gladiator / Samurai / Storm Warrior / Psychic Warrior] Improved Swift Weapon: Your attacks with Swift weapons benefit from a +1 bonus to the Attack Roll and Damage Roll.
- [Gladiator / Samurai] Improved Adamantine Armour: When wearing Adamantine armour, you receive a +1 bonus to the associated Damage Reduction.
- [Gladiator / Samurai] Greater Adamantine Armour: When wearing Adamantine armour, you receive a +2 bonus to the associated Damage Reduction. Requires: Improved Adamantine Armour, Level 12.
- [Rogue / Death Knight] Improved Phasing Weapon: Your weapons with the Phasing enchantment bypass 10 points of Damage Reduction instead of six. Your weapons with the Greater Phasing enchantment bypass 20 points of Damage Reduction instead of 15.
- [Rogue / Death Knight] Improved Coup De Grace Weapon: The difficulty class of your Coup de Grace weapon enchantments increases by one point and the duration of the effect increases by one round.
- [Fire Drake / Flamebrother Half-Salamander] Racial Fire Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Fire Damage. If you have a similar resistance from the Fire Resistance feat of the Barbarian, Druid, Ranger and Storm Warrior, then the character's resistance is increased by 10 points.
- [Ice Drake / Frostbrother Half-Salamander] Racial Cold Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Cold Damage. If you have a similar resistance from the Cold Resistance feat of the Barbarian, Druid, Ranger or Storm Warrior, then the character's resistance is increased by 10 points.
- [Lightning Drake] Racial Electricity Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Electricity Damage. If you have a similar resistance from the Electricity Resistance feat of the Storm Warrior, then the character's resistance is increased by 10 points.
- [Acid Drake] Racial Acid Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Acid Damage.
Cave of Crystals, Medieval Village, Nobleman Bedroom, Magic Book Shop
List Of Epic Feats For Level-20 Characters
- Epic Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all your spells and psionic powers with a Saving Throw increases by one point. Requires: Level 20.
- Epic Spell Penetration: You receive a bonus of +2 on level checks made to bypass enemy Spell Resistance. Requires: Level 20 and Greater Spell Penetration.
- Epic Spell Range: This feat extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells and psionic powers by another five feet. Requires: Level 20 and Extend Spell Range III.
- Epic Spell Critical I: Your Critical Hit Threat Range expands to 17-20 with all spells and psionic powers requiring a melee Touch Attack or ranged Touch Attack. Requires: Level 20, Improved Critical.
- Epic Spell Critical II: Your Critical Hit multiplier increases from x2 to x3 with all spells and powers requiring a melee Touch Attack or ranged Touch Attack. Requires: Level 20, Epic Spell Critical I.
- Epic Concentration: This feat gives you another bonus of +4 on all Concentration checks. Concentration checks (1d20 + Caster level + Constitution modifier) are needed whenever casting defensively or under disturbing circumstances. Requires: Level 20, Heroic Concentration.
- Epic Psionic Talent: Your Power Points increase by 20. Requires: Level 20, Psionic Talent.
- Epic Toughness: Your Hit Points increase by 20. Requires: Level 20.
- Epic Attack Focus: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls with all weapons, including manufactured weapons, natural weapons, ranged weapons and all touch attacks. Requires: Level 20, Attack Focus.
- Epic Damage Focus: You receive a bonus of +2 to Damage Rolls with all weapons. Requires: Level 20.
- Epic Defence: You receive a bonus of +1 to your Armour Class. Requires: Level 20.
- Epic Initiative: You gain a bonus of +4 on Initiative checks to determine who acts first during combat. Requires: Level 20, Heroic Initiative.
- Epic Flanking: Against a Flanked opponent, you gain a bonus of +5 to the Attack Roll instead of +2. Requires: Level 20, Greater Flanking.
- Epic Speed: You receive a bonus of +5 to Speed. Requires: Level 20.
- Epic Willpower: This feat gives you a bonus of +2 on all your Willpower Saving Throws. Requires: Level 20, Iron Will.
- Epic Fortitude: This feat gives you a bonus of +2 on all your Fortitude Saving Throws. Requires: Level 20, Great Fortitude.
- Epic Reflexes: This feat gives you a bonus of +2 on all your Reflex Saving Throws. Requires: Level 20, Lightning Reflexes.
- Epic Overrun: With regards to the feat Overrun, you are treated as being one size category larger. Requires: Level 20, Overrun.
Isometric dungeons
Now, let's review the other changes in versions 1.46 and 1.47.
Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.47
- When you start a new Augury of Chaos game, you will now have the option to skip the Prologue entirely and begin from Chapter 1 straight away.
- Fixed bugs preventing the award of Archmage Difficulty achievements in both the Steam version and the GOG version.
- Fixed a problem with the Shadow Adept / Shadow Expert / Shadow Master achievements in the GOG version only.
- Fixed a bug with characters disappearing when reloading after completing the Vanishing Sword Quest with Goblin companions.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when the party leader is a companion that gets removed from the party by a script.
- Added some code to accelerate gameplay in combat and elsewhere.
- Automatic saves will now be marked as Autosave.
- Added the missing Greater Splash enchantments for ranged weapons into the weapon-enchantment interface. Also fixed several issues with the existing Splash enchantments for ranged weapons (Flaming Splash, Icy Splash, etc).
- Changed the button labels in the Module Information screen and in the Module Editor from Maximum Character Level to Maximum Starting Level, and from Minimum Character Level to Minimum Starting Level.
- Applying the Shaken condition for a number of rounds will no longer remove a pre-existing Shaken condition. Also, applying the Cowering condition will not remove the Shaken condition.
- The Combat Log will now indicate the start of a new round in red letters.
- Fixed issues in the dialogue script of the Werewolf Quest in Augury of Chaos.
- Fixed an issue with the display of effect animations (sleeping, fascinated, confusion, etc) for Giant Spiders when displaying creatures using animated sprites.
- In the Module Information window displayed from the Party Creation screen when launching a new game, added the module's Level Cap. I had forgotten about it, but I actually implemented the Level Cap module setting months ago in the Module Editor.
- When starting a new game, if one of the party members has enough experience points to level up beyond the maximum starting level, then his or her experience points will be reduced to one point below the amount required to reach the maximum starting level + 1.
- Fixed an issue with the headline of the help entries for spells.
- Improved the spell descriptions for Lesser Magic Arrow and Greater Magic Arrow.
- Improved the help entry for Magic Arrows. Also improved the help entries for Wizard feats and feats associated with each Wizard attunement.
- Added some more random names in the Character Creation interface.
- In the Module Editor, added some tooltip information when mousing over the Combat XP scale factor button.
- Finally, I've given Boots of Striding to the Drake Cleric in the first encounter of Augury of Chaos, the one with the bandits.
Knights of the Chalice Version 1.46
- Fixed a crash when levelling up a Swashbuckler from level 13 to level 14.
- Fixed a bug when healing a character out of combat while exploring a map with the Underwater, Freezing or Sweltering property.
- Mousing over weapon and armour enchantments will now display a tooltip with some information about each enchantment.
- Creatures built using the Creature Wizard that have feats which reduce the level of certain spells (e.g. Divine Fortune) will now receive these spells automatically.
- Corrected an error in the help entry for the Mage Knight feat Greater Stoneskin.
- Fixed a broken link to the help entry for the Mage Knight feat Improved Suppress Sword.
- Improved the in-game help entries for the Wizard/Sorcerer Transformation, Critical Hits, Improved Flanking, Greater Flanking, Flanking and Flanked.
- Improved many of the help entries for feats by adding links to related help entries.
Cave of Crystals, Prince of Nature, Golden Idol, Flaming Greatsword
Next Steps for Knights of the Chalice 2
For the most part, the next development steps remain unchanged from the
previous update:
- Reply to posts on the Steam Forum, GOG Forum and the website Forums, and fix any remaining bugs and issues in the game mentioned by the players on the forums or by email.
- Work on the Kickstarter Social Goal promises. They include: custom spell effect sounds, the new Druid spells Vampiric Spores, Creeping Doom and Iron Grip, a new option to display spell icons during level-up, a new option to display the monster injury status rather than Hit Points, and a new option to distribute only 80% of Combat Experience Point awards.
- Work on planned features: the iconised combat actions menu, new subraces, new spells, new Wizard familiars, new items & new sound effects. The new spells I'm interested in include Wail of the Banshee, Mass Hideous Laughter, Reach, Mass Reach, Fly, Mass Fly, Vampiric Spores, Creeping Doom, Lesser Malison, Greater Mirror Image, Mass Greater Mirror Image, Greater Mirror Image (Rogue), Resilient Grease (Rogue), Psychic Warrior Personal Reach, Psychic Warrior Personal Fly.
- Hire a graphic designer to create new sprites, new maps and other types of artwork.
- Work on the three upcoming adventure modules. Create the new world map & new dungeon maps.
As always, if you find bugs or if you have any feedback, thoughts and suggestions, please feel free to let me know here, or
in the Forums, or by email at
Thank You So Much For Your Support, Legendary Heroes of The Realm! Best regards