Darth Windu said:
The problem is that the closed beta testers were chosen for a reason - ie maturity, intelligence etc etc, you get the idea.
That's why the lot of you leaked the thing and got shut out, right? Oh wait, you are the white knight. The only new tester not kicked off the team. You know what I think? That you leaked it and sold everybody else out in an effort to hide the truth and save your own ass. Congratulations, it worked.
Darth Windu said:
Anyway with the leak of TSLRP, everyone can get it (though they shouldn't). If TG allowed everyone to post bugs though, there would be a massive number posted of bugs (a) already solved, (b) already reported, and (c) not existing.
Absolutely clueless. Already solved bugs wouldn't be bugs and therefore wouldn't exist to be reported. Unless you are referring to the handful of fixes that were made for 1.0b9. In which opening the process and allowing the community at large access to interim beta builds would solve that problem. Already reported bugs doesn't seem to be an issue for the thousands upon thousands of open source projects and game mods already out there, so I'll discount that one purely on the basis of your ignorance. Not existing? Heh. When this leak first hit, you and crew ran around and chanted the "it's buggy as shit don't download it or your computer will blow up" mantra time and time again. Now you are worried about people reporting non-existant bugs. Get your story straight Darth Windu.
Darth Windu said:
EDIT: err...no. As a modder myself I know EXACTLY how I do things, exactly what I've done and how I've done it.
Your comments betray your true lack of experience. You've never written a line of code in your life, much less debugged a large codebase. You have no idea how things work in an open source development project. You have no idea how collaborative development works. Writing a half baked proposal for crappy Star Wars game mods, does not make you a modder much less a developer.
So kindly climb off your high horse and stop acting like you are God on Earth. Those of us that have done the background research on you know better. Note: If anybody is interested in viewing the full range of Darth Windu's experience as well as his body of available work, you need go no further than
Wildstorm said:
Wouldn't the added step of reviewing the fix and implementing it (as well as getting it in the first place) increase the time spent on an individual bug?
It would appear to myself as well as other observers of this project that the bulk of the time is spent on actually getting around to coding the fix and cataloging it appropriately. It is the development that is lagging behind the testing, not the other way around. Checking the validity of submitted fixes can be done via testers and doesn't necessarily require a full fledged developer. I think the risk TG would run in opening the development process would be showing the world that in fact over large periods of time, things aren't being done. They appear to get into spurts of development, but then they stop again. As a fellow developer, I understand this. My personal projects often flow in the same sort of way. However I don't go out of my way to hide it either.
OstermanA said:
Silence, that's the kind of thing you PM to people. If you have a problem with something that someone says talk to them privately about it. If you can't come to a resolution, then you talk to a moderator. Publicly insulting people is not cool.
Really? Since when? My name has been raped in these forums since this leak hit the net. I've been publicly blamed and torn to bits here and on other forums by members of these forums. Darth Windu and PastramiX are the primary offenders in this regard. However there have been others. Team Gizka itself has been very reserved and realistic in their approach to this situation. Their mostly now ex-beta testers have not been. The forum mods here have also operated with less than stunning integrity in the last week. So for you to claim that such rants should be taken to private messages is laughable at best. Stop being hypocritical.
Silence Override said:
So are you saying that NO ONE else on the internet is capable of doing this?
That's exactly what Darth Windu is saying. Of course I think his ego is due to take a bit of a dive once people start cruising over to his
personal website and check out the work he claims makes him a "modder".
Garfield said:
I'm saying if you have someone come in and change something while you're still working on the mod, it's going to probably mess everything up. Especially with something as complex as the Restoration Project.
Yeah because writing a script for an RPG game is "complex". Give me a break. The task may be difficult because of the state the TSL code was left in after completion, but to call it "complex" is just over the top ass kissing. Just stop already. TG has a download for the source code to this mod on their website and it's certainly not "complex".
I didn't think I would ever come back here. Truthfully, I didn't want to ever come back here. The truth is that I got everything I wanted out of this project when I downloaded the leak from TBP and played through it. Team Gizka has restored the flawed masterpiece of K2:TSL to it's rightful place on the RPG totem pole. The conduct of the people here however serves only to detract from that however. Clearly Team Gizka is not interested in going the open source route. That's fine. It's their decision. But a year from now, when this project continues to drag on, and the fanbois here look back, I want you to consider this moment. Consider that at this moment a decision could've been made that took this project in a different direction when you are scouring torrent sites for the leaked beta download a year from now.
Consider that the beta test team that leaked this thing (or was blamed for it) may have been trying to send the developers and the community here a message. Remember that the point has been missed. Also remember that out of all the beta testers to kick to the curb, keeping Darth Windu was a spectacularly poor decision. His conduct during this incident serves only to show me as well as others that he has something to hide in all of this. He managed to survive the cut, but I suspect he has something driving him personally to act like such an asshole about it. Perhaps it's a inbred fear that somebody will stumble upon his crappy website with his crappy mod design documents. Or perhaps there is something else there.... perhaps he is the leaker. Perhaps he screwed a lot of people to maintain his position in the face of all this. He has a hardon for me obviously, so who would put it past him to upload a torrent using a username very similar to one that I use here? He couldn't register the same one because I already had that username on TBP. That is of course the fatal flaw of his plan.
Nevertheless, this is my final post here at Team Gizka. It however is not because I will almost surely be banned after this post. Nor is it because of the fact that I've already circumvented at least open IP ban to get back in here. It is because this community and the concept it embodies are dead to me.