A small studio decides to revive rt blob crawlers. They are honest about it from the beginning, they couldn't have been more clear about what kind of game they are aiming to make. They work quickly, professionally, frequent updates devoid of bullshit. They deliver the game in a decent development time, it's exactly what they promised, with hight production values to boot. Response? Banal, shit, boring, why not turn based (lol), you have to tango (lol x2), no one will buy the sequel, bwaaah.
Well, fact is, rt blob crawlers are banal, shit, boring to begin with. And making them "accessible" to an average ipad user doesn't really help at all.
I guess Big Fish could claim they "revive adventure games" with their HOG crap for housewives, too. The only reason they don't is that no market force wants the adventure games revived, so rebranding is actually preferable.