Update 9: It is sophisticated and explosive.
Music: Robotix (dune 2000)
After much drama and inanity within the war-chamber the prestigious codex hivemind decides to strike at Gara Kulon.
Unfortunately due to an unforseen strike of major derp the Harkonnen reserves from the south are ordered to start the assault.
This means they won't be in position to lead the assault on the main Ordos stronghold should that be the next target of House Harkonnen.
: You are to assist the Ixians by any means necessary. Their technology may prove very useful in establishing House Harkonnen rule over the known universe.
: Greetings beings serving House Harkonnen. Our field tests are stalled by by a critical lack of vital supplies. We request that you solve this logistical conundrum for us.
: Remember that you are talking to representatives of House Harkonnen, the future rulers of the Imperium!
: My apologies mentat but our research is at a critical stage and we cannot waste vital time on pointless pleasantries. Assist us and we will support your military campaign with our scientific expertise.
: The Baron demands that you help them, perhaps after that he will demand that you teach them some manners.
The Ordos try to assault our base but we send them a healthy dose of
inkvine incline which makes them reconsider.
They went after our harvester but its driver decided to just run them over instead of calling for backup
Fremen bikers? Seriously westwood.
Although now that I think about it I could use this to smite some ragheads if I reacted faster
: We require nutrients and machine components not bodyguards Harkonnen.
: Having Harkonnen soldiers as guards is an honor not an insult Ixian!
: I am merely clarifying our requirements.
The first supply sandcrawler has been dispatched.
Fortunately it wasn't sent too early because the Ordos started to advance into our spice field cutting off the path to the Ixian just minutes later.
A laser tank strike team is spotted splitting off from the Cobras and heading towards the Ixian compound.
: Bring us more supplies Harkonnen.
: Pray that you do not get on the Baron's bad side Ixian.
: Remember that allying with the Ixians is imperative Commander. If they want those supplies you will deliver them in one piece.
: May I suggest airlifting the next supply transport? For a house that has mastered the secrets of machinery the sandcrawlers they build are rather slow.
Another attack by the inferior Ordos. They can feel the noose tightening around their neck.
Reinforcements are sent so that the Ixians can feel safer while violating the great convention with computer research.
They arrive just in time to kill more Ordos.
Cleve Gholas in devastators are deployed and a palace is erected, the Ordos will not be present in this region for much longer.
It's a bomb JC!
The brave Harkonnen carryall pilot, having no previous bomb disposal experience, is clearly the best man for the job.
: Did you just let Ordos engineers sabotage my Palace commander?! Another failure like that and I will whip you with inkvine myself!
: Cowardly Ordos! Slay them for their treachery!
Time to punish some Ordos dogs.
: First you betray the Tleilaxu and now you aid the Ixians? Your interfere is merely a minor annoyance Harkonnen serpent.
: Ah the Tleilaxu abomination rears it's ugly head once again. Come closer I will gladly make you a guest of honor at my private torture chambers.
: You would be amusing if you were not so banal. You fail to grasp how insignificant your shitty campaign is in the grand scheme of things.
: Commander capture this tleilaxu dog alive!
Cleve Gholas are dropped at the southern entrance to defend against the incoming tleilaxu abominations.
: Stop running and fight like a man, woman or whatever the hell you are you bloody abomination!
Fortunately the devastators in the north should be able to cutoff the tleilaxu.
: I expected much more of a challenge really.
: Do not think you will win this war corpse-worshipper!
: Manboons at 12 o'clock!
After successfully cutting the red, green, blue, yellow and pink wires the pilot successfully disarms the bomb.
: Yes, yes, yes it is as we requested. You will be contacted by my superior, now leave us alone to our research.
: His superior better be more grateful than him. For both his and his entire planet's sake.
Time to send in the Cleves!
: Your mere existence is an insult to Baron!
: Resist harder subhuman scum!
: This planet and its spice belong to the Baron! I will not allow you to steal His property!
: Greetings Harkonnen, my name is Lyric Suite and I represent the scientific, political and mercantile interests of House Ix on Arrakis.
: I see that unlike your subordinate you adhere to proper protocol when referring to the representatives of your future Emperor.
: You must pardon his social ineptness, for years he has been enslaved by the greedy merchants of CHOAM. Fearing that he might be cannibalized by them at any moment has traumatized him greatly.
: A terrifying story indeed Lyric Suite.
: Unfortunately such things happen when the white man lets inferior races breed exponentially and seize control of the economy of the Imperium.
: Care to explain what do these devices do Ixian?
: Why yes my lord Baron. These are infiltrators, using the most advanced optical camouflage available they can sneak past enemy forces. They are remotely controlled and should you deem it necessary they will explode after a brief arming sequence which exposes their presence.
: Fascinating.
: Please consider these a gift, I believe you will find them most useful unlike say women in politics or out of the kitchen for that matter.
Time to put these gadgets to the test.
Why did we bother with that tleilaxu biotech nonsense again?
: The heritage of Mark Cleveland Blakemore will reign supreme on the field of battle!
With the massive advantage in reinforcements we had we could not lose.
Continued in next post...