Update 8: The non-canon cannon
Don't think I'm abandoning this shit just because I'm swamped with work and my desktop was inoperable bros!
Supririsingly good desert themed music from an unsurprisingly shitty licensed science fiction RTS published by interplay
The wisdom of the hivemind has decided that we advance further into Ordos territory. Also we'll ally with the Ixians if we get the chance.
It's a good strategy to leave us in the dark until the very last moment mentat. Is this guy even a real mentat?
: Capture the Ordos spy Commander, I believe he will disclose information that will be quite useful to us once he is "persuaded" sufficiently.
I doubt he'll just walk into our base, we better send an agent of our own to capture him.
Time to scout this rather frigid part of Dune and find us some Ordos to kill.
Guild Mega Cannon? The fuck?
: Ah it seems the guild has a small outpost in this region. You should borrow this Mega Cannon from them. I doubt the Guild has much use for artillery.
The Ordos stronghold has been located.
: Suffer not the Manboon to live!
: Cleve Ghola Scout #71 Reporting in Commander! The Manboon spy has been located!
: Capture him alive, I want to torture him personally,
It is time to remove a cannon from the Guild's inventory.
While it's canonicity is questionable at least it will help us kill those Ordos sodomites.
: So far so good, no Harkonnen in sight...
: You will come with me Ordos dog!
: Now wait a min...
Cleve Ghola Scout #71 subdues the annoying spy and drags him into a safe area.
: It seems the Ordos are already missing their dear spy. Hide him before they silence him.
Cleve Ghola's superhuman infiltration skills allow him to fool the manboons.
Bad idea bro
The "borrowed" outpost is being reinforced in case the untermensch decide to attack it.
: Fire the cannon!
: That's it? I was expecting a glorious explosion! The Guild's weapon-making skills are sub-par to say the least.
: Pathetic, truly pathetic. These Ordos fail to realize how close they are to becoming a mere footnote in the history books!
These Ordos are getting more retarded with every passing minute.
Another attack surely they are joking?
: Uh I feel sick.... FOR THE EXECUTRIX!
: Men! Attack that devastator, it has been contaminated with deviator gas and must be purged!
Fucking deviators!
: All of you performed admirably, keep it up and I will not have to execute any of you for cowardice at the end of the day.
: Commander! The Ordos have erected a palace, they might use it to deploy some sort of secret weapon.
Well you know what they say...
...fight fire with fire
Get away from my harvesters you assholes!
Time to send in the Cleve Gholas and secure a vital piece of rock.
Sneaky ordos scum! They attack from the rear.
: You will suffer for this insolence!
At least the harvesters got blown up by the radiation (how the hell does that work anyway?).
Wait they're just standing there?
While the Ordos squad is derping around and not killing the spy capture by Cleve some of our other glorious harkonnen ubermensch exterminate more Ordos.
[Perception] I believe they're trying to run us over.
[Intelligence] We should try to get out of the way.
While our prisoner is more or less secured the Cleve Squad holding useless rock patch #32 suffers some loses
Good thing that there was a death hand missile on standby.
It also blew up that harvester
Building up a decently sized Cleve Ghola assault force is taking too fucking long...
One death hand launch later the assault force is assembled.
: Kneel before the might of House Harkonnen manboons!
: Resistance is futile!
: Kill these savages!
Well that was moderately challenging. Also how can we not approve of persuading that damn spy
Continued in next post...