Master of Siestas
Infinity Engine-style inventory does the job just fine.So what's the best inventory system for our codexian Icewind Dale?
I'm leaning towards Arcanum style grid with varied item sizes.
Oh, and you need camp supplies to rest. Kingmaker style. They take some space, just enough to make the player think about supplies. The mechanics shouldn't be harsh, it's more about a mental barrier against mindless rest spam.
Camp supplies as inventory item is a good idea. Anything else, though, is taking it too far into survival game territory.
Fuck IE-style pre-rendered backgrounds. I want a 3D world I can interact with in my RPGs (keep the isometric perspective, though).
Turn-based combat with optional RtWP to keep the die-hard purists happy.
The best survival system was used by wasteland 1. Keep that canteen on you or you're going to die in the desert dumbass. Camp supplies or warm clothing or whatever don't need to be an expendable item. They just need to be carried by someone. Heavier/bulkier versions of tents or clothing could give better bonus or something.