PC arrives in New Eden, with his assault rifle and medkit ready to go.
An operative is there to greet us at the landing platform.
Cassius: The feds have New Eden on lock down. Your Mentor managed to get through and is waiting for you there. As HQ probably explained to you, the only way to join up with him is to infiltrate through the industrial zone.
What is this place?
It's an insturial zone that has been entirely automated decades ago by the corporation that controls it. A group of looters and smugglers have been squatting the sector recently. Several groups of looters and bandits hold the area. They organize their patrols, and watch the main buildings. I'd take a BOSCO rifle to stay hidden with its silencer if I were you. You'll have to take an elevator that's somewhere around here. The problem is that you'll be easily spotted by the security system if you activate it.
Every system has its flaws...
No, it's the Corporate area management security system. It was first conceived to avoid intrusions into the lower city.
PC proceeded to slay Cassius and put an end to his ramblings for this cycle.
We grab a BOSCO rifle from the armory, and some fully-automatic pistols for close range.
.309 Wall piercing, silencer
Semi-automatic, capacity 25 rounds
Accurate out to 700 yards
Zoom x2, x3
Damage 125-165
BK13 dual pistols
0.45 ACP wall piercing
Average recoil, semi-auto and fully auto modes of operation
40 round capacity
Damage 70-103
Medium armor for enhanced speed, but that lowers armor by quite a bit.
Some bandits almost immediately spot the PC and open fire. They are no match for a bullet through the brain.
The first NPC we encounter shows some deference, but he's a heathen so we plaster the brick wall with his insides. Rats feast on his entrails now.
Blocking bullets with a katana in the catacombs. You can guess how this ends.
Here's a view of the alternative UI screen. Is that a corpse hanging up there?
We find time to hack the sentries, that should keep the bandits off our backs and turn this into a safe building.
But one kamikaze rushes in with some grenades. We rush out and place a katana where his spine should be.
Here's a view of my current research:
Generation 2 Bioregeneration
"The Immortality's doors open to us"
When research is complete, this text is replaced by a full technical explanation and gameplay modifiers. At minimum, research opens up new research.
We take the long way around, and find a Fed hiding in a building. We have to move over to the corner to avoid being spotted from patrols outside.
This guy's name is Thorn, named thusly because is a a thorn in my side right now.
Sshhh, don't make a sound buddy: Those looter bastards will hear us!
You're going to be silent forever in a moment....
Listen, I see you're from the Secreta, from EYE, from whatever the hell you want! But I don't give a damn right now. I can't have those looters find me here.
Let's help each other, what could go wrong?
WHAAAAT? Are you serious? Cool! I'm listening, but please speak softly or they are going to find us.
Help me shut down the coporation's security system and I will create a diversion for you.
Do I look like an idiot to you?
*JEDI MIND TRICK* The looters will believe it's a Federal raid, you want the looters to think that.
Well it looks like I don't have any choice, I'll show you a hidden terminal. Hack it and the sec system will be shut down. Hurry!
We runs through streets bristling with the bullets of looters, there are long alleyways they shoot down. We shrug off the damage and sprint for the terminal then hack it.
*ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED* Elevator is now usable.
This trooper took three bullets in the chest (Albeit with a flak jacket) and one in the arm before he finally went down.
We arrive at the elevator, conveniently adjacent to our new safe house, but have to turn around to clear the alley before starting the ascent.
At the top... a graveyard of sorts?
This guy doesn't have a lot to say, but he is referenced later by another NPC as knowing where some hidden treasure is (I'm betting its in the cemetary)
Level complete. Onwards, to New Eden proper!
Mentor is bad-ass. Look at this looter he wasted.
Uh-oh. C&C. What to do guys. Do I --
A) Apply bubble sort algorithm: Bend reality to turn a Colonel over to EYE
B) Apply quick sort algorithm: Cyberspace adventure
C) Apply brute force algorithm: Leverage Orius' work to cut the head off the snake. Recall that we met Orius already at Temple HQ