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Elder Scrolls Let's fix Morrowind


Jan 25, 2022
Alright boys, we all know that morrowind is simultaneously the greatest game ever made and a huge piece of crap
So let's put together some frankenstein monster of mods to fix it.

First, I'd like us to lay out some issues that we have with the game, then we can try to put together some shit to fix said issues
As for me right now my problems are:

  • The economy is weird. Every time I play Morrowind I'm broke as fuck for a few levels then suddenly I'm literally a money machine
  • Training is busted. Some type of skill training is a good idea, but the way it's implemented is REALLY bad and makes skilling up a matter of "click train like 20 times and now you're a master"
  • There are a bunch of skills that in theory should be fun but straight up break the game (alchemy i'm looking at you)
  • The NPC level distribution is REALLY bad. We've all experienced this, at the start, the game is pretty tough, but once you hit around level 12+ (which is pretty easy to get to) you're some sort of god steamrolling everything. Evidence:
  • creeper and mudcrab merchants need to go
  • resting as it is in unmodded morrowind is really bad, it undermines the whole purpose of magicka and health. There needs to be some sort of cost to resting so you can't just blow your whole magicka bar on one enemy then sleep 24 hours in a cave and repeat endlessly
  • there's a ton of other just totally busted shit that will ruin the game upon discovery, scattered throughout, that I needn't mention lest my post break codex servers due to length
  • general problems with the coding of the game, corrupted save files that will end your run 20 hours in whether you like it or not, etc..
So, as I complete my first list of gripes about morrowind, I'd like to propose a baseline foundation for our frankenstein. Please let me know what you think of these PROPOSALS:

1) SHALL we base our installation on OpenMW? Forsomuchastothou providing stability benefits. The only downside to OpenMW, that I'm aware of, is that some mods are just too based for it, and thus will not run. You can check some compatible mods here: https://wiki.openmw.org/index.php?title=Mod_status
2) SHALL we, on top of OpenMW, use BTB's Game Improvements as a blanket protection from broken bullshit present in the original game? I've copied part of the readme for BTB's game shits below, you can see the mod in full here: https://mw.modhistory.com/download-53-13679

The purpose of this mod is to radically change several aspects of the game that I felt to be highly imbalanced: birthsigns, racial bonuses, skill progression rates, spell effects, and the premade spells. I've since expanded it to deal with alchemy ingredients, the premade potions, equipment, enchantments, and other game settings, as well. The result is a game that's hopefully more rewarding due to a better sense of balance and progression in addition to a much better sense of replayability due to the more pronounced effects that your initial choices of character selection should now have.

Whoever was responsible for the game balance portion of Morrowind's development was either on crack or just plain absent. Given the rather heavy drug influences that the rest of the game seems to have, I'm leaning more towards the former. Either way, Morrowind is a very pretty game that not many people seem to notice doesn't have very much going on for it in the "game" department. Anyone who stops to take a look around will find a world full of garbage that exists mostly to take up space: spells and potions that nobody in their right mind would ever buy or use, equipment that occasionally manages to be less than useless, and the occasional item that's so overpowered that you have to wonder if anybody even playtested this pile at all. It's a mess - one that I've decided it was nigh time to be cleaned up.

BTB's Game Improvements is largely based on the well-known "Wakim's Game Improvements" mod, as you might have guessed from the name. The alchemy module, in turn, was conceived as the spiritual successor to its direct counterpart in HotFusion's "Economy Adjuster" mod. Many of the changes made by this mod are either inspired by or taken directly from the above-mentioned ones, and I thus prefer to think of my work as a continuation of what was started by Wakim and HotFusion - what started as a few tweaks to Wakim's Game Improvements quickly grew so large in scope that it evolved into what you see here.

Taking a hint from both Wakim's Game Improvements and HotFusion's Economy Adjuster (and about a dozen other mods since), I've broken my mod up into five separate modules that can be used independently from one another so that players can choose which of my changes they want to use. Of course, just so you know, I'll be deeply offended and hurt if you don't use all of them. Really.

The five plugins that make up BTB's Game Improvements are:

� The "Character" plugin edits the game's birthsigns and races. It also includes a script that allows
stat bonuses provided by birthsigns to extend beyond the 100-point limit.

� The "Spells" plugin edits magic effects and pre-made spells, sets new starting spells, and adds
several new NPC-only spells.

� The "Alchemy" plugin edits alchemy ingredients, apparati, and the premade potions, as well as renames
the premade potions to a more standardized format. This plugin requires both expansions.

� The "Equipment" plugin edits weapons, armor, unique/magical items, artifacts, and scrolls. It also
disables Creeper and the talking mudcrab. This is the other plugin that requires both expansions.

� The "Settings" plugin edits game settings (GMSTs) and skill progression rates, as well as repair
items and soul gems. It also adds soul gems to several merchants and adds new guards.

All of the changes made by each plugin are listed in their respective "Changes" files, and that's pretty much all you really need to know here. If you'd like to know more about the reasoning or motivation behind the changes I've made, keep reading. Otherwise, just go check out the changelogs.

PLEASE provide input on PROPOSALS #1 and #2, along with any "gripes" you personally have with morrowind that ought to be dealt with, along with any other suggestions for our great machine


Jan 25, 2022
Regarding Proposal #2 (BTB's improvements), this 'blanket protection' mod essentially addresses ALL of my 'gripes' from OP, with the exception of "potential corrupted/broken game" (which is fixed by using OpenMW) and "NPC level distribution"

"NPC level distribution" won't be as big of a problem with BTB's improvements as the mod drastically slows player leveling, HOWEVER, additional overhauling of NPC difficulty is very much open to consideration


Oct 19, 2018
Economy: Harder Barter (MWSE) or The Buying Game. Both fantastic because they are balanced around vanilla prices, meaning you don't need to do a bunch of esp-level edits to items and therefore maintain 100% compatibility and consistency with other mods that use vanilla values for new items, such as Tamriel Rebuilt. Harder Barter in particular fixes the Training problem by limiting your gold intake to approximately 20% of vanilla.

NPC levels: More Deadly Morrowind Denizens (MDMD), Beware the Sixth House and RandomPal's Creatures_RP. The first turns more of the high level NPCs into proper "boss fights" and buffs some other ones that are supposed to be tough. Beware the Sixth House buffs Sixth House monsters, duh. Creatures RP isn't a difficulty mod but it does change Dremora, Golden Saints etc. to use Bound Equipment which makes them more dangerous at low levels when Daedric weapons don't normally spawn, and less rewarding at high levels when fighting them used to always be a 20,000 gold net-positive.

To be perfectly honest this fixes most of the issues with the game. Hell, Harder Barter on its own slows down the progression enough to fix the game.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Interested in the eventual modlist, but honestly the worst and most crippling problems with the game lie outside the mechanics. Dungeons would have to be overhauled to not be incredibly boring, quests would have to be rewritten or outright restructured to include some kind of player engagement beyond "deliver this to here/kill these guys here", Vivec City would have to be completely removed and rebuilt from the ground up, and much much more. I don't know of any mods that begin to fix any of this - there's a few decent city and town redesigns and there's LGNPC to try and breathe some life into the deadness of the world, but nothing really works.


Apr 18, 2016
I would just play with OpenMW and call it a day.
Game is flawed, but there's no perfect game since humans can't be flawless.
So to enjoy for what it is rather than struggle to make it what you want is eternal goal you never achieve as every human is different.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Remove skill training. If its necessary, you can add some themed mini quests that reward X amount of skill, like "bring this potion while its still warm to that guy in 2 minutes, rewrds athletics skill.
More gold sinks, like repair costs, cost to sleep at an in, rent cost for property you can buy.
You can only sleep in a few designated save spots (costs gold), or you risk ambushes, AND THE AMBUSH HAPPENS BEFORE YOU ARE REGENERATED.
Skill breaking is fine, because a player has to try to do it, it won't happen by accident. If you don't want it broken, don't break it.

@Todd, I am available to hire.


Jan 25, 2022
Economy: Harder Barter (MWSE) or The Buying Game. Both fantastic because they are balanced around vanilla prices, meaning you don't need to do a bunch of esp-level edits to items and therefore maintain 100% compatibility and consistency with other mods that use vanilla values for new items, such as Tamriel Rebuilt. Harder Barter in particular fixes the Training problem by limiting your gold intake to approximately 20% of vanilla.

NPC levels: More Deadly Morrowind Denizens (MDMD), Beware the Sixth House and RandomPal's Creatures_RP. The first turns more of the high level NPCs into proper "boss fights" and buffs some other ones that are supposed to be tough. Beware the Sixth House buffs Sixth House monsters, duh. Creatures RP isn't a difficulty mod but it does change Dremora, Golden Saints etc. to use Bound Equipment which makes them more dangerous at low levels when Daedric weapons don't normally spawn, and less rewarding at high levels when fighting them used to always be a 20,000 gold net-positive.

To be perfectly honest this fixes most of the issues with the game. Hell, Harder Barter on its own slows down the progression enough to fix the game.

YES, to MDMD (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48745) and Beware the Sixth House (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46036). I've used Beware the Sixth House and it was great (making sixth house VERY strong), and MDMD sounds good

I'll also propose Tribunal Rebalance (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48818) and Bloodmoon Rebalance (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45714), which are made by the creator of 'Beware the Sixth House' and work to fix the expansions' balancing

I'm not familiar with RandomPal's Creatures, is it this mod?

These mods should be compatible with OpenMW
Buying Game and Harder Barter, as far as I'm aware, are not compatible with OpenMW. So we need to decide: Do we use OpenMW or the vanilla engine?

I'm slightly biased to OpenMW just because when I've used it in the past it's been much easier to get things working, and I've never had any game ruining problems when using it. Vanilla engine is much trickier especially as the mod list gets longer. But I can be persuaded the other way if there are some really banger mods that need MWSE
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Feb 14, 2017
This is like trying to fix a broken relationship with your first love. Just be grateful for the good times, have the odd wank over the memories, meet up for a quickie every now and then, and abuse every sequel which you hook up with after for being inferior.


Nov 15, 2015
Morrowind's problems cannot be fixed without a complete overhaul, which in turn would create a bunch of entirely new problems.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Alright boys, we all know that morrowind is simultaneously the greatest game ever made and a huge piece of crap
So let's put together some frankenstein monster of mods to fix it.

First, I'd like us to lay out some issues that we have with the game, then we can try to put together some shit to fix said issues
As for me right now my problems are:

  • The economy is weird. Every time I play Morrowind I'm broke as fuck for a few levels then suddenly I'm literally a money machine
  • Training is busted. Some type of skill training is a good idea, but the way it's implemented is REALLY bad and makes skilling up a matter of "click train like 20 times and now you're a master"
  • There are a bunch of skills that in theory should be fun but straight up break the game (alchemy i'm looking at you)
  • The NPC level distribution is REALLY bad. We've all experienced this, at the start, the game is pretty tough, but once you hit around level 12+ (which is pretty easy to get to) you're some sort of god steamrolling everything. Evidence:
  • creeper and mudcrab merchants need to go
  • resting as it is in unmodded morrowind is really bad, it undermines the whole purpose of magicka and health. There needs to be some sort of cost to resting so you can't just blow your whole magicka bar on one enemy then sleep 24 hours in a cave and repeat endlessly
  • there's a ton of other just totally busted shit that will ruin the game upon discovery, scattered throughout, that I needn't mention lest my post break codex servers due to length
  • general problems with the coding of the game, corrupted save files that will end your run 20 hours in whether you like it or not, etc..
So, as I complete my first list of gripes about morrowind, I'd like to propose a baseline foundation for our frankenstein. Please let me know what you think of these PROPOSALS:

1) SHALL we base our installation on OpenMW? Forsomuchastothou providing stability benefits. The only downside to OpenMW, that I'm aware of, is that some mods are just too based for it, and thus will not run. You can check some compatible mods here: https://wiki.openmw.org/index.php?title=Mod_status
2) SHALL we, on top of OpenMW, use BTB's Game Improvements as a blanket protection from broken bullshit present in the original game? I've copied part of the readme for BTB's game shits below, you can see the mod in full here: https://mw.modhistory.com/download-53-13679

The purpose of this mod is to radically change several aspects of the game that I felt to be highly imbalanced: birthsigns, racial bonuses, skill progression rates, spell effects, and the premade spells. I've since expanded it to deal with alchemy ingredients, the premade potions, equipment, enchantments, and other game settings, as well. The result is a game that's hopefully more rewarding due to a better sense of balance and progression in addition to a much better sense of replayability due to the more pronounced effects that your initial choices of character selection should now have.

Whoever was responsible for the game balance portion of Morrowind's development was either on crack or just plain absent. Given the rather heavy drug influences that the rest of the game seems to have, I'm leaning more towards the former. Either way, Morrowind is a very pretty game that not many people seem to notice doesn't have very much going on for it in the "game" department. Anyone who stops to take a look around will find a world full of garbage that exists mostly to take up space: spells and potions that nobody in their right mind would ever buy or use, equipment that occasionally manages to be less than useless, and the occasional item that's so overpowered that you have to wonder if anybody even playtested this pile at all. It's a mess - one that I've decided it was nigh time to be cleaned up.

BTB's Game Improvements is largely based on the well-known "Wakim's Game Improvements" mod, as you might have guessed from the name. The alchemy module, in turn, was conceived as the spiritual successor to its direct counterpart in HotFusion's "Economy Adjuster" mod. Many of the changes made by this mod are either inspired by or taken directly from the above-mentioned ones, and I thus prefer to think of my work as a continuation of what was started by Wakim and HotFusion - what started as a few tweaks to Wakim's Game Improvements quickly grew so large in scope that it evolved into what you see here.

Taking a hint from both Wakim's Game Improvements and HotFusion's Economy Adjuster (and about a dozen other mods since), I've broken my mod up into five separate modules that can be used independently from one another so that players can choose which of my changes they want to use. Of course, just so you know, I'll be deeply offended and hurt if you don't use all of them. Really.

The five plugins that make up BTB's Game Improvements are:

� The "Character" plugin edits the game's birthsigns and races. It also includes a script that allows
stat bonuses provided by birthsigns to extend beyond the 100-point limit.

� The "Spells" plugin edits magic effects and pre-made spells, sets new starting spells, and adds
several new NPC-only spells.

� The "Alchemy" plugin edits alchemy ingredients, apparati, and the premade potions, as well as renames
the premade potions to a more standardized format. This plugin requires both expansions.

� The "Equipment" plugin edits weapons, armor, unique/magical items, artifacts, and scrolls. It also
disables Creeper and the talking mudcrab. This is the other plugin that requires both expansions.

� The "Settings" plugin edits game settings (GMSTs) and skill progression rates, as well as repair
items and soul gems. It also adds soul gems to several merchants and adds new guards.

All of the changes made by each plugin are listed in their respective "Changes" files, and that's pretty much all you really need to know here. If you'd like to know more about the reasoning or motivation behind the changes I've made, keep reading. Otherwise, just go check out the changelogs.

PLEASE provide input on PROPOSALS #1 and #2, along with any "gripes" you personally have with morrowind that ought to be dealt with, along with any other suggestions for our great machine

Few things,

- there is a mod for everything
- OpenMW never was, and never will be, the right way to play Morrowind. Modders know this, the Morrowind discord knows it, only Codexers dont

Will follow up with suggestions later


Dec 31, 2016
Lair of Despair
Economy: Harder Barter (MWSE) or The Buying Game. Both fantastic because they are balanced around vanilla prices, meaning you don't need to do a bunch of esp-level edits to items and therefore maintain 100% compatibility and consistency with other mods that use vanilla values for new items, such as Tamriel Rebuilt. Harder Barter in particular fixes the Training problem by limiting your gold intake to approximately 20% of vanilla.

NPC levels: More Deadly Morrowind Denizens (MDMD), Beware the Sixth House and RandomPal's Creatures_RP. The first turns more of the high level NPCs into proper "boss fights" and buffs some other ones that are supposed to be tough. Beware the Sixth House buffs Sixth House monsters, duh. Creatures RP isn't a difficulty mod but it does change Dremora, Golden Saints etc. to use Bound Equipment which makes them more dangerous at low levels when Daedric weapons don't normally spawn, and less rewarding at high levels when fighting them used to always be a 20,000 gold net-positive.

To be perfectly honest this fixes most of the issues with the game. Hell, Harder Barter on its own slows down the progression enough to fix the game.

YES, to MDMD (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48745) and Beware the Sixth House (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46036). I've used Beware the Sixth House and it was great (making sixth house VERY strong), and MDMD sounds good

I'll also propose Tribunal Rebalance (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48818) and Bloodmoon Rebalance (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45714), which are made by the creator of 'Beware the Sixth House' and work to fix the expansions' balancing

I'm not familiar with RandomPal's Creatures, is it this mod?

These mods should be compatible with OpenMW
Buying Game and Harder Barter, as far as I'm aware, are not compatible with OpenMW. So we need to decide: Do we use OpenMW or the vanilla engine?

I'm slightly biased to OpenMW just because when I've used it in the past it's been much easier to get things working, and I've never had any game ruining problems when using it. Vanilla engine is much trickier especially as the mod list gets longer. But I can be persuaded the other way if there are some really banger mods that need MWSE
Nice, I was intending to find or make similar thread myself, planning my new Morrowind playthrough. Textures mods would go first But I'm not convinced on the rebalances on any kind. Most of Morrowind problems steem from players ruthlessly abusing systems in the game, a normal, fresh player could go for dozens of hours without breaking the game with overpowered artifacts or putting tons of alchemical potions on the market. Most rebalances' focus group is not a new player with enhanced experience, but a veteran player that wants to be challenged. I don't think making the game more difficult is the way, this is not Skyrim.

I remember having one playtrough with alchemy where I installed a fix that made alchemical shops not reset their inventory each time we barter, thus making buying ingredients a usual affair, instead of crazy barter spam. You could also find something that decreases the amount of gold self-made potions go at the higher quality, but seriously, I believe the game itself is good enough in this regard, just don't act as a lunatic and collect ingredients as you explore.

INB4 as always someone comes and starts talking shit like 'Player shouldn't be forced to work around game mechanics to not break the game.' All a player needs to do is not act like a fucking lunatic trying to break it on purpose, a lot of Morrowind gameplay problems is just pointless min-maxing people do to their own detriment. That is not to say I think some rebalances wouldn't be beneficial, I do think they would make the game better to soften the wild curve of power, but it's not as harsh as usual Codexer would make you think it is.

As for the mods, I've been confused as of late due to texture mods. I want to play Argonian, and as the vanilla models are ugly as fuck, mods are an obvious way of improvement here. Now I have the choice between really solid AI upscalled textures or hand-crafted Argonian replacers, and it's a tough choice as AI upscaled vanilla really gives the mods a run for their money, and doesn't make Argonians look like wierd flat-headed dinosaurs. Now, I assume that this thread wasn't made in mind with graphical improvements (I'm sure Morrowind purists will scream and howl at the very mention of any changes), but I do think having OpenMW makes the game looks much better according to everything I've seen. Just look at this video, the graphical advancement and the player's running animation. Just this makes the game look better than Oblivion ever could.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
The graphics mods all end up looking like ass IMO - there are definitely impressive elements in that video but there's also the weird ultra-bright grass that sticks out bizarrely on the landscape, major mismatch in art styles between different textures (from different packs, perhaps), and the usual oddness of modern shaders being used on low-poly-ish models.

The really big problem I had last time I tried various graphical packs was the faces. The vanilla Morrowind faces are excellent, especially for Mer, but disappointingly low res. Everyone recommends Better Heads and the like. Let's take a look at some comparisons:

Good old Eldafire and Fargoth. I really love these faces, they convey a shitton of personality and look suitably freakish as to immediately wrongfoot the player and help to introduce them to the surreal world of Vvardenfell.
But those are pretty low-res. Wonder if modders have come up with any good replacements?

Christ alive. I don't even know what to say. Just a lone bad mod, I'm sure - we'll have more luck on the next one.

Fucking hell. Fargoth looks like Bond on the cover of Goldeneye 64, complete with weird stretched mouth. Not even sure what's going on with Eldafire, looks like she's trying out to be on the cover of Vogue. Shit, awful, let's try again.

Wow! Just what I've always wanted - a mod to turn Eldafire and Fargoth into Halle Berry and some kind of Downs syndrome Jackie Chan. Great hair, too - immersive!

This one actually had to be made as a joke. Fargoth looks like he's gotten lost on the way to a fucking Fall Out Boy concert, and Eldafire looks like her head is the glans of a penis (but she's still coated in eyeshadow, of course, because modders can't conceive of a female character without a ton of chemicals on her face.

I chose the worst ones but they're all bad. Check it out: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind_Mod:The_Comparison_of_NPC_Head_Replacers

AI upscaling is theoretically exciting because it preserves the actual original art style rather than changing everything into a hideous mess like the above images but AI upscaled stuff always has a certain weird Google Deep Dream look to it which is distracting as hell. Honestly, I think the best bet for Morrowind, with the mods that are currently on offer, is to just play it with the original visuals. The game's visual distinctiveness is one of its strong points, when you start including fifty different flora mods from fifty different authors that all have competing styles (or just steal the textures and models from different games), the game starts to look like Disneyland on an acid trip.

That said, the OpenMW video probably does demonstrate the best case scenario for a carefully curated modlist that manages to update assets where appropriate without rupturing the game's visual integrity.


Dec 31, 2016
Lair of Despair
AI upscaling is theoretically exciting because it preserves the actual original art style rather than changing everything into a hideous mess like the above images but AI upscaled stuff always has a certain weird Google Deep Dream look to it which is distracting as hell.
I will post a comparison between canilla, upscaled and argonian replacement mods later, to show how good AI is in comparison.


There's nothing wrong with becoming a money machine. If you're a competent investment banker, you can become a money machine without using any of your own money.

Training was already fixed in Daggerfall. Once per day and only up to 51%. The problem is that training some skills beyond that can be extremely grindy.

Alchemy is only broken because there is no effects cap. It's only a couple lines of code. However, you are free to choose to not use alchemy that way.

As far as level scaling goes, this is an rpg. You're supposed to start steamrolling things as you get to a high enough level. That's the part of the game where your character stops being a normal character and should be far superior to the vast majority of inhabitants of the world. If there's not a point where you start steamrolling things, then what's the point of a level system? You level up just to keep up with the number bloat of enemies? There's no point even bothering with a leveling system if that's the case.

You are free to choose to not use Creeper or the Mudcrab merchant. You're also free to choose not to rest for 24 hours after performing a series of transactions to maximize your shekel gains while clearing your inventory of high cost loot.

You are free to choose to roleplay and not rest everytime your magicka bar runs out. You are free to choose to use magicka potions to refill your magicka. You also should be running the Atronach sign anyways.

You are free to choose to roleplay and to not exploit broken things.

I have never seen a corrupted save file. Maybe if you stop editing your save files you won't come across that problem. Also, overwriting files in games in general is often a bad idea and can cause save corruption. For most games, I recommend you regularly delete quicksave and autosave files and create new hardsaves regularly. I've played Rome: Total War for a long time which is notorious for these memory leak problems and have never seen any issues associated with that using this method.

So now to my proposals. How about you stop being a whining retarded faggot and use your free will to choose to play this game without exploiting things or play a different game.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block

And Ill tell you why you should NOT use it

Due to OpenMW using a different scripting pipeline (its a whole different engine) you're forfeiting:
  1. MCP
  2. MWSE and MGE XE
  3. PfP
  4. 90% of mods
  5. Lua, which are the best mods ever made for Morrowind
  6. 99% of shaders
And the REAL reason you SHOULD use OpenMW:
  1. Multiplayer
  2. Better framerate in distant cells of TR and P:T
  3. volumetric fog
Let me add OpenMW has higher system requirements and doesnt work so well on older systems/machines

As you can see, the situation is very clear. All the best modders and projects are ignoring OpenMW. The OpenMW team didnt want to cooperate with the rest of the morrowind community for a decade, and now its too late to migrate cuz no one cares

OpenMW is the true plebeian choice, of people who arent well informed and easily hyped
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You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I do think having OpenMW makes the game looks much better according to everything I've seen.

You are spouting rubbish

graphics arent even the main draw of OpenMW lol

you literally need 3 mods to update the visuals to a satisfactory level.. MGE XE, VanillaPlus textures and groundcover (Aesthesia or Remiros)



OpenMW didnt even have shaders up to a while ago. And grass mods dont work on OpenMW
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
not needed, these are engine level bugfixes that don't exist in openmw
many of MGE XE's changes are part of openmw
90% of mods
this is just a lie
Lua, which are the best mods ever made for Morrowind
It does, but it has its own API. Many mods support both.
MWSE-Lua or OpenMW-Lua"
The OpenMW API is much better as it didn't have the same limitations placed on it.
all grass mods
99% of shaders
No idea where you even got this idea from.

There's tons of mods on nexusmods tagged with 'openmw': https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/?tags_yes[]=2076
many of them exclusively work with openmw and not the base game

of people who arent well informed


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
You are full of shit

Yes, MCP is not needed if u use OpenMW. But vanilla + MCP runs better and faster than OpenMW. This is a fact.

many of MGE XE's changes are part of openmw

u have way more options with MGE XE

No its not

that is a puny fraction of mods

many of them exclusively work with openmw and not the base game

number of OpenMW exclusives is 1/100 of the exclusives of vanilla engine extensions such as MWSE

and they all have alternatives sans multiplayer

No idea where you even got this idea from.

from more than a decade of modding

there were 500 shaders for MGE XE even before OpenMW had 1 shader. And now it has like 3?

It does, but it has its own API. Many mods support both.
MWSE-Lua or OpenMW-Lua"

OpenMW has Lua, but it's a very different implementation than MWSE, so all mods would have to be remade for it, which won't happen

The OpenMW API is much better as it didn't have the same limitations placed on it.


you have no idea what ure talking about

OpenMW still lacks the scripting capabilities of MWSE

Just stop
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