@Monty , the lower catacombs cost us.
@Dorateen , stats for Zargon from Elder Evils:
Zargon the Returner CR 16
hp 342 (18 HD); regeneration 50; DR 15/epic
LE Huge outsider (evil, lawful)
Init +2; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Listen +30, Spot +30
Languages telepathy 1,000 ft., tongues
AC 32, touch 10, fl at-footed 30
Immune acid, anathematic secrecy (malefic property), disease,
poison; elder evil immunities
Resist cold 20, fi re 20; SR 28
Fort +28, Ref +19, Will +26
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 60 ft.
Melee 12 tentacles +36 each (2d6+20/19–20) and gore +34 (3d6+10) and bite +34 (2d6+10 plus 3d6 acid plus slime)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (30 ft. with tentacles)
Base Atk +18; Grp +46
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, aligned strike (evil, lawful), constrict 2d6+20, epic strike, improved grab, slime
Special Actions divine enervation (malefi c property), spew slime, summon ooze
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th):
At will—freedom of movement, magic circle against good, rusting grasp (+36 melee touch), transmute rock to mud (DC 26)
3/day—lightning bolt (DC 24), miasma of entropySC (DC 25), slime waveSC (DC 28C 1/day—acid cloud, mind fog (DC 26)
Abilities Str 50, Dex 15, Con 32, Int 21, Wis 28, Cha 33
SQ horn, nondetection, sign (eerie weather)
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Natural Attack (gore), Improved Natural Attack (tentacle), Multiattack, Power Attack
Skills Climb +41, Concentration +32, Decipher Script +26,Diplomacy +13, Hide +15, Intimidate +32, Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (religion) +26, Listen +30, Search +26, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +28, Spot +30, Survival +9 (+11 following tracks), Swim +49
True Seeing (Su) As the true seeing spell; continuous; caster level 20th.
Tongues (Su) As the tongues spell; continuous; caster level 20th.
Regeneration (Ex) Cold and fi re deal normal damage to Zargon. If Zargon loses a limb or body part it grows back in 1 minute. The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
Constrict (Ex) Zargon deals 2d6+20 points of damage with a successful grapple check, in addition to damage from its tentacle attack.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Zargon must hit an opponent of up to Huge size with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. It receives a +2 bonus on the grapple check for each tentacle that hits. If it wins the grapple check and maintains the hold in the next round, it automatically bites the foe at that time.
Slime (Ex) Creatures damaged by Zargon’s bite attack must succeed on a DC 30 Fortitude save or become polluted with slime. Each day, the victim must succeed on another save or take 1d6 points of Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma damage. Victims reduced to Constitution 0 collapse into a puddle of foul slime, dead. Those reduced to Intelligence 0 or Charisma 0 become whelps of Zargon. They retain none of their previous abilities. A remove disease or heal spell removes the effect.
Divine Enervation (Su) All divine spellcasters lose the ability to regain spells so long as they remain within 100 miles of Zargon. This interdiction does not interfere with spellcasting.
Spew Slime (Ex) Once every 5 rounds, Zargon spews a 60-foot cone of brown slime as a swift action. All living creatures within the area take 10d6 points of acid damage (Refl ex DC 30 half). Creatures damaged must succeed on DC 30 Fortitude saves or become polluted (see above).
Summon Ooze (Sp) Automatically summon 1d4+1 corruptures (see page 158); 3/day; caster level 18th. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell.
Horn (Ex) Zargon’s horn grants him regeneration 50 and a +6 resistance bonus on saving throws. Removing the horn requires a touch attack followed by a DC 39 Strength check, and doing so makes Zargon lose its benefi ts.
The horn “regrows” Zargon after 1d4 days. The horn is destroyed if it is dropped into the Eye of Zargon, far below in the lost city, within one day of Zargon’s death.
Anathematic Secrecy (Su) Zargon is immune to all divine divination spell effects.
Nondetection (Su) As the nondetection spell; continuous; caster level 20th.
Skills Zargon has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. He can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. He can use the run action while swimming, provided he swims in a straight line.
This module is indeed large, and I’ve kept some parts out of the thread, such as a number of random encounters against followers of Zargon as I explored the Lost City. I probably had around five such encounters, but most went the way of the battle from the last post. A generic message like ‘Priests of Zargon spot you and attack’ appears, then combat starts with Warrior Maidens, Brotherhood Warriors or Magi coming to help. Magnus, Midge, and Jaesun form a wall, and eventually I get a magic-user to cast Ice Storm or Fireball, which eliminate the majority of the force. Then we play clean up with the remnants and go on our way, losing only a few allies along the way.
The Lost City is pretty smashed up, though. Half the old buildings now show as crumbled walls.
Wounded and dying Cynidiceans lie about the floor of this ruined hovel. You realize with some bitterness that you cannot help them now.
The mushroom crops have been damaged, and farmers and Brothers of Grom try to keep disturbed giant insects away as they sort through the remnants.
The Warrior Maiden who warned you about Zargon’s attack wanders the streets here, her face bloody. She speaks as if in shock, “Zargon… the City…. Must stop…”
After wandering for awhile, I take the hint from earlier and head towards the Warrior Maidens camp. It also has been ruined, as had the Brotherhood headquarters and that of the Magi.
Only monsters still linger in this shrine.
We are facing off against more than a dozen goblinoid creatures and an ogre. It is shield wall and fireball time. Jaesun, Midge and Magnus block a small eastern opening where they can funnel the goblinoids, and Abigail lets loose with her fireball, wiping out the center of the clumsy enemy formation. After that, we kill off the last three goblins and hobgoblins before the ogre closes in. He misses Jaesun, and is killed by Myass’ sling stone after Midge and Magnus stab him multiple times.
The floor is littered with corpses, both monstrous and human. You note with some small satisfaction that the Magi of Usamigaras were also here, and they apparently tried to fend off the monsters with their lives.
All three factions are supporting one another now, with the Magi moving to save as many Warrior Maidens as possible during the attack. I can’t find the way down into the catacombs, however, and leave. I explore some more destroyed buildings in the nearby area, eventually seeing this message.
Broken open by the earthquake, the large slab of stone apparently covers a tunnel leading deeper into the earth. You climb down the tunnel.
You step off the ladder and survey the catacombs around you. So far beneath the desert, the air is cool. All is still here, but you are far from foolish enough to let that lull you into complacency. Giant rats swarm out to protect this cave as you step into it.
Hmph! Giant rats… whatever.
Holy shit!
And here’s a problem. We might be fighting a lot of smaller creatures, but these encounters are eating through are area attack spells. Rats also disease, so we can’t take them lightly, especially with their numbers.
I do use a fireball to clear this room, but between this and some previous random encounters I’m finding myself needing to head back to restore spells already. I decide I can handle one more encounter and press on. While exploring I find some treasure.
A pouch of gems lies under the disassembled ribcage of a skeleton.There’s nothing else in here, so I check the next corridor.
A wave of heat washes over you as you exit the chamber. Suddenly, you are sure you are being watched. Nothing attacks me, so I take another step.
A strange glow suddenly illuminates the cavern. You feel no doubt that unseen eyes watch you from every direction. A spirit materializes before you. A voice issues forth from both the spirit’s mouth and the stones of the corridor. You hear it in your ears and in your mind at once. “The time has come to determine the worthiness of those who would redeem the Lost City of Cynidicea. Your worth, heroes, will determine the success of your mission, and the continuance of your lives. I shall ask you three questions. Your answers shall determine whether Cynidicea lives or dies, and you along with it. Lights flare in the spirit’s eyes and the caves around you rumble. The ceiling groans, and rocks clatter to the floor.
The first question. You are wandering in what you know as the Beastlands, where orcs and humanoids run rampant and free in large tribes. You are a day outside of Guidio’s fort when you find a ruined caravan. A single being remains alive. A wounded lady with no opportunity to defend herself from the horrors of the east. You can either leave this poor woman to die, or take her with you for safety. The fort lies ahead. Of course, she will not be able to pay you for her services. All her material possessions were burned away during the raid, and she will consume a day’s rations during the trip.”
I am asked if I want to take the lady with me or leave her behind. It is times like this I ask myself WWRD? What Would Rance Do?
I take the woman with us.
”Correct, but it could be said that the first question was too easy, too trite. The second question. You are in the Northlands, and a mission for Xanathon, the High Priest of Rhoona. Your charge is to bring faith back to the people of the Northlands by returning a sacred artifact to Urnst. En route, you learn that a legion of demons has set out to lay waste to the entire Duchy of Rhoona, which lays behind you. Now Urnst is at civil war due to a religious squabble. Every day, hundreds of men confused in their faith die without purpose, taken by the holy war. These men lose their souls to eternal perdition. Thousands will likely die from the invasion of Rhoona, men secure in their faith. If they die, they die with the knowledge that they fought well in the name of their god. How do you intervene?”
This is a harder one, but I go back to WWRD. Rance would rather hundreds of women die in Urnst instead of the thousands in Rhoona. Of course, he’d find a way to save both, but that’s not an option for this question.
"You have chosen poorly! You shall die as well as the City!” Rocks fall as the cavern collapses, burying you and the Lost City for all time. Merchant caravans passing through the area eventually come to know it as Malnudycea, the Sunken City.
Damn religious fanatics…
I reload, and go back down to the depths. Maybe I should find where to dispose of the horn first.
Skeletons rise from the bones strewn about the floor of this room. One stands out among them, taller and possessing four arms.
Or we can fight that thing. We are against a bone golem and undead horde. I play defensively, trying to get Turn Undead to work in our favor. Jaesun the Gay and Myass both try to Turn, but fail. I knew it wouldn’t work against the bone golem, but I expected better results against the skeletons and zombies. The front line takes some damage from incoming skeletons, but they only do half damage in return because of their edged weapons. Team Slingers have a better time of it as their sling stones are blunt and do full damage, but we aren’t taking the enemy down fast enough. Still, I hold back on fireball until round 3, as I get the undead as packed together as possible and so I can hit the bone golem, too. Abigail lets it loose and we find out the hard way that the bone golem is immune to fireball attacks. It does clear the area of most of the undead, however, and luckily the bone golem misses Jaesun, then shows itself not to be immune to three magic missile blasts in a row.
I don’t get much in the way of experience or treasure, but I do see a tunnel I can take on the opposite side of the room. I go down a little way.
A spectral form rises from the bones littering the alcove to the west. It shows no sign of letting you pass, and then it swoops forward.
We are against a specter. Myass fails to turn it, so I launch a magic missile into its face. The creature attacks, but the front line is unable to stop the specter and it drains Midge of a level before Abigail can hit it with another magic missile. Magnus finishes it off with two attacks, but the damage is done. Midge is now a level 5 Fighter/Thief.
I’m hoping we cleared out some of the worst of these monsters, but then I find out how wrong we are.
A thick patch of green slime drops from the walls! A green slime attacks Magnus and Midge, dissolving both their armors, before Abigail kills it with a magic missile. So far our little trip into the depths has been nothing short of a disaster. But we find the slime we were looking for which will enable us to survive the fiery area to drop off the horn.
Green slime covers this wall. It is very cool to the touch. You hold out your canteen and let the slime run into it. Each of your companions fills a canteen with the slime. I give Myass’ Chain Mail +2 to Midge, then move on.
A large patch of black pudding oozes up through cracks in the floor of this chamber. Fuck. Here goes some more armor. I find out the hard way that Ice Storm works against Black Puddings as Abigail and Qastur use up all their Magic Missiles and Ice Storms to bring the creature down.
Finally, I decide I’ve explored enough and return to the place of questioning. With the first question, I answer that I would take the girl with me. For the second question I answer that I would let Thousand Die in Rhoona, which is idiotic. Why would I condemn thousands to die who might otherwise promote their religion. The invaders will force their new religion on the conquered land, weakening the faith I was to propagate. Few worship religions from fallen civilizations. Bah! Whatever.
Correct! Better that thousands go to heaven than hundreds go to torment. You have chosen wisely thus far, but what now? You have compassion for people, but insight tempers that with knowledge of heaven’s grand scheme.
The third and final question. There are ten children in the desert. They are orphans, without hope for the future. In the process of recreating society, they will be overlooked by those with the power to help. Children are, after all, very inconspicuous. Yet, it is possible that the children are the leaders of tomorrow. It is equally likely that they are the drunkards and damnation of tomorrow. You know. Codexers. In your journeys through the pyramid you have come across quite a number of valuable jewelry. To you, these are merely the capstones of a successful adventure, once you find your way home. For each child, a single piece of jewelry means the future. They could pay their way in any household, and make nobles of the people who care for them with one piece of jewelry. You could be saving the nation, or dooming it, all by this once choice.”
Wow, remember not to invite this guy to a get together. Ok, what would Rance do? By giving money to orphans, they will become as rich as nobility or at least live well according to the questioner. That means those ten orphans might grow up to be rich women thankful to Rance for their status and wanting to show appropriate gratitude. And they might have rich female friends!
![I am very smug about this issue. :smug: :smug:](/forums/smiles/emo-emot-smug.gif)
Give the jewelry!
Correct! The children would survive to choose, and the gift of life, especially one guaranteed to be full of food and amenities, is the most precious gift possible to bestow upon another creature. When you have chosen the ten pieces of jewelry you will give, approach me at the exit opposite the chamber.
I pay the man, and get access to the chamber behind him in return. W
hite flowers grow in the cave wall here. Would you like to pick one?
Excellent. Now all that is left is to drop the ring, errr… horn… into Mt. Doom… I mean some fiery lava place.
I can’t find where to throw the horn, so I decide to return to base.
Smoke is thick in the air, and the screams of dying Cynidiceans echo through the streets as humanoids continue the slaughter. Looks like the cultists have decided if they can’t run the show, they’ll murder everyone. Spoil sports. I also find out that the earlier collapse has blocked the way into the pyramid, so we are stuck here. I get back to base.
The leaders of the Three Orders look at you with hope burning in their eyes. You have also procured salves proof against the heat of the volcano. There is nothing left to do but travel west from Orpheus Park and brave the perils of the West Plateau. Be warned that this will not be a simple matter. Goblins, hobgoblins, trolls and worse dwell in the catacombs of the West Plateau. All will come to the aid of Zargon’s essence within the horn. All will strive to stop you. But you must persevere, or all is lost. With the destruction of Zargon and the brewing of the potion that will cure Cynidicea, the healing process will begin. You will soon return to your green home!
Yea, yea, yea. I bet you sons of bitches will have something else for me to do after getting rid of the horn. Like put together that potion or something. At least they gave Magnus and Midge chain mail armor and trained Jaesun to level 7 for free.