Good thingie The Cao has a man completely out of the ordinary in his phone's contact book.
Moar *facepaw*
Yan Liang cheats badly in this battle. He sits in a one tile wide bridge so that just a single guy, up to three if we use an archer and the catapult, can attack him at once, and he has an item, the bean bag, that will automatically use a healing item after every single attack that hits him. For the player it is a very useless item as every single use will consume a recovery bean and will thus leave you in abject poverty before long, but the AI doesn't have that problem so LOL.
So we will call for Guan Yu and leave the northern bridge to him while we concentrate all of our forces in the western one.
As I move Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao away from the northern bridge I use the 'action' part of Xiahou Dun's turn to unleash the power of super duper cute baby seals, for it is time to show Yuan Shao the true might of the Cacao Rangers.
Cue transformation music!
Fact: Even as a boobie girl Xiahou Dun is 1000% moar manly than your random Codexer.
Deal with it.
Anyway, Mahou Shoujo Xiahou Dun is neither subtle nor complex. She moves fast and she hits hard, and that's about it. Yet that's all we want from Xiahou Dun. Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, and the like are awesome and everything but no one's going to call them REAL MEN.
I love those battles that give me the chance to focus my entire army in a single point.
Guan Yu will take care of the lone cheating general in the northern bridge while my forces slaughter the enemy army. And by slaughter I mean..
... nothing but exactly that, slaughter.
We loot the bean bag from his still warm corpse, yet I doubt we will ever use it.
Anyway, we are almost done.
After dealing with the last few enemies we start moving towards Yuan Shao's camp. As the distance is vast I take the chance to...
Yellow dragon? That makes no sense.
I don't draw this shit, C-Man.
Anyway, Mahou Shoujo Cao Cao's more easy to discern advantage over his old self is the ability to attack diagonally, which we will put at use almost immediately, and even more insane tanking.
And soon afterwards...
Wait a second. Don't I get to turn into a boobie girl too?
I am affraid you are not popular enough for dudes to draw you as a hot girl so that they can fap to you without unleashing the homo.
There isn't much else to tell.