If I wanted for this to be a Video LP, it would have been such from the start.
These ADD kids cannot appreciate the turn-based perfection of screenshot-based Let's Plays when they aren't popping moles.
Breaking through Meduna
Anti-Tank (Dead Armour)
Another failed attempt to take over the mine in Alma happened while the Mercenaries were heading to the Meduna defensive perimeter, where most likely tanks were awaiting.
Speck fails at Internets. What a surprise.
Considering the large cash reserves right now, time for paying the dues.
The perimeter is breached. Some of the emplacements strongly suggest there will be some tanks here. Better to exert maximum caution.
The two teams sneak towards the northwest corner of this sector to ambush some predictable enemy positions.
Contact! Time for some silent takedowns.
Dmitri starts it with another knife hitting right where it hurts.
This draws the remaining enemies towards the woods to get Dmitri,
Where Orgasm ambushes one of them with her katana.
All clear. Time for the EXTREME team to get in position somewhere they will be less exposed despite the lots of attention their loud guns will draw.
They assume defensive positions over the emplacements while the Kodex Kool Krew continues their hunt.
They find something. A tank! Good thing it didn't spot them lest they'd be utterly raped. No signs of human enemies. It is known that blowing a tank with a mortar shell or anything else will definitively draw lots of attention. But there is not much else to do in this situation. Thus Brain gets ready while the others of the EXTREME team are in position to deal with reinforcements from other sectors.
He destroyed that tank with only one direct hit! Truly a EXTREME SHEPARD COCK COMMANDER from Estonia.
Ulminati spots an alarmed redshirt near the tank that just blew up and rapidly takes him down. More will probably come from that direction to investigate, and thus he keeps his aim at the location.
The local forces won't last long, but the reinforcements might become a much more serious threat.
Ulminati continues his killing spree with his suppressed WA 2000 sniper rifle. Too bad there is no .300 WinMag cold-loaded ammo.
Soon, the predicted reinforcements arrive, and their welcome party was ready.
The threat of rape is strong. Reinforcements are the reason why not covering all possible directions enemies could come from is almost always a bad idea.
The most immediate threats to the Kodex Kool Krew are eliminated. Looks like the reinforcements are mostly being drawn towards the EXTREME Team for obvious reasons.
They are attempting to drown the mercenaries in redshirts, so far without success.
Except they got really close to provoking a casualty as their machineguns began to fire. And Maddog needs to improve his aiming.
Ulminati continues taking out targets of opportunity while most of the Kodex Kool Krew remains wary of further reinforcements from the west and most enemies are ignoring his team.
Their numbers are growing dangerously large, but so far the EXTREME squadron has managed to keep them at bay, although the glancing shots come out once in a while.
They don't last long enough to compensate for the shots they missed.
Those trees sometimes are more of an obstacle to the defenders than to the attackers. Only Brain had a clear shot to that enemy.
Fidel takes some hits, but is still well enough to continue fighting.
Their well defended position allowed them to make short work of their enemies so far.
And the Estonian got his own killing spree on.
Is there anyone left coming from the north? Looks like not. But better to keep the watch.
It looks like this is almost over. The reinforcements seem to be nearly totally wiped out. The last ones are in a tricky position for the EXTREME squadron to take down.
Thus Orgasm finishes it for them.
Looks like there was more, and Brain was lightly wounded because of him.
Deirdranna must be really feared if they feel no fear from seeing so many of them dead already. And finally, it was the last one! Time for more anti-tank EXTREME weaponry.
Another tank down with a single hit. This sector is almost clear now.
Once that one went down, the Kodex Kool Krew advanced to spot further tanks and eliminate the remaining infantry.
There goes the last shell. From now on there are only RPGs left. Hopefully not of the FAIL POPAMOLE SHIT type.
Damn! Will they ever stop coming?
The most stealthy of the Kodex Kool Krew advance forward. This is going to end soon.
The enemies holed up in their trenches cower in fear and die.
Because against two rangers they are no match.
There must be only one or two left by now.
Deirdranna must be readying everything by this moment. There is not much time to waste. After some healing, popamole, and having some AICWs swapped by other weapons because there were way too many grenade launchers and way too few grenades for the EXTREME squadron, they were ready to get into Meduna itself during the night.
On a more detailed note, Ira got a 7.62x51mm POPAMOLE FN SCAR-H for matching the range of that 7x scope and kingconrad got a
HK21E machinegun which is on par in degree of EXTREME with the previous gun.
Gladiator - The Battle
Infiltration first, noisy attack later, where in the previous operation the EXTREME team was at the spotlight, this time they will hold back to just take care of incoming reinforcements while the Kodex Kool Krew will do most of it, having a much better Night Ops gear.
Better to be very careful.
Yet, outside no enemies are found. They must be all inside this sign of all that is wrong with Arulco: A gladiatorial arena for bloodsports that are shunned in most of the civilized world, where those who were at the wrong place and wrong time had a horrible death. It is time to put the "show" of this sordid place to a proper end.
First they carefully checked through the windows, but strangely didn't manage to find any enemy in the entrance hall of this icon of Deirdranna's cruelty.
The statues were obvious enough on what could be found inside. Funnily, there were some signs of a struggle, including that broken window outside to the far right. Could it be some kitties getting loose?
One down!
They still got the element of surprise, but it is clear the enemies here won't be foolish, they will be well positioned to ambush the team instead, thus maximum alert will be required when getting inside this arena.
Bloodcats again. Hopefully these will be the last of them. PETA be damned because these vicious creatures must be wiped out!
Hollow-point ammo is very effective against them, even from a peashooter like the PSM.
Once Orgasm's pistol runs out of ammo, she knows what to do.
Along her insane charge against the puddycats some bullets fly very close as another enemy soldier positioned at the inner window of one of this Arena rooms tries to take her down but she rapidly vanishes from his firing range.
Another bloodcat dies by the sword. In her boldness she advances even further, and then:
MD is called for support.
Orgasm killed and gravely wounded most of them but one was lunging straight towards her. MD knew he had little time and a small chance to stop them from wounding or worse, killing her.
And he performed admirably.
Damn gunner! There is no safety. Elimination of that soldier is important but more are definitively coming.
The bloodcats must be nearly completely wiped out. Time to clean this place wholly.
When Barry attempted to get in position to lob a grenade into that window from where the fire was coming, he was surprised by another one coming from the west and called for backup.
Orgasm slashes the last of the kitties when Barry realized the number of enemies advancing to take him down. His situation was complicated and he knew what he could hope for to change it.
His grenade did short work of the ones who were closest to him, but there were still many of them left, MD had a grenade readied but he couldn't risk exposing himself too much to throw it.
He did his best, and luckily the grenade also detonated some explosives the enemy soldiers were carrying. The results were, as expected, incredibly gory.
Ulminati lobs another grenade to hopefully finish the job.
Meanwhile Black and Dmitri, covering the east, get their first contacts, including several enemies who were sneaking behind couches. Dmitri's life is in danger.
Fortunately Black makes short work of all of them.
HOLY! That was so close that whoever said always wearing gas masks is silly is stupid. Time to fix that mistake before the worst happens, and to kill without mercy the one who tossed that mustard gas.
Orgasm puts down what is hopefully the last of the bloodcats, and will now head inside to provide support for the others.
Ulminati doesn't forgive the one who tossed that mustard gas at him and fortunately missed.
Dmitri brutally blows a head off. With the large numbers of enemies coming from the east, Orgasm is called to back them up.
They try to interrupt her with fire, but someone who isn't afraid to die isn't afraid to kill.
Black finishes what Orgasm started and now the east sector seems mostly clear. Thus they advance further to finish the battle.
That was the last of them, but reinforcements arrived and explosions were heard, although the second team spotted nothing so far. The Kodex Kool Krew is sent to investigate.
Looks like some soldiers are so dumb they forgot where they left their own minefields. Better to not take advantage of this "back door" and use the main entrance then. But first, they decide to check this arena for anything of use.
Barry starts doing his work and that door ends being opened soon.
AWESOME!!! Brain will have more mortar shells to repeat the "Georgian routine" in Meduna.
There will definitively not be a shortage of anti-tank weapons now.
Meanwhile, more an heroes.
Enough, time to get this finished.
Break lights and illumination grenades are thrown to expose enemy positions. This is almost over.
Ulminati puts another down.
And Dmitri finishes the job.
The mercenaries have finally established a foothold in Meduna, and right west of them lies the critical SAM site. Once it is secured Skyrider will be able to ship them through Meduna with impunity, and further west of the SAM site is the Meduna Airport, which means, obviously, that Bobby Ray's purchases will arrive right there for the mercenaries once secured.
The arena hasn't any real strategic importance, which is why it was not as deadly and having as many enemies as they were expecting, save for the brutal fighting inside it. From this point on, the battles will definitively become tougher.