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In Progress Let's Succeed at Ruling the Waves 2: Electric Boogaloo


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror

Have you ever dreamed of being the Admiral of a mighty navy? Of planning its unsinkable battleships, designing its all-mighty carriers and constructing its deadly destroyers and cruisers? Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be in Spruance shoes as he sent off wave after wave of aircraft at the Japanese carriers at Midway? If none of the above applies to you then you are a perfectly normal person, but if it did you are a very deranged person and I want you to join us in a succession game of Rule the Waves 2!

For anyone who has read my successfully completed SAI LP (the predecessor of RTW) or Dayallu's shamelessly abandoned RTW LP, you should know what you're getting into. If you haven't then go ahead and read them, especially Dayallu's as RTW2 is basically the same game as RTW with the addition of a bunch of QOL feature and most importantly extends the tech tree to 1950 (although you can keep on playing for longer, I think 1975?). This means we get to play with fast Battleships, Aircrafts and Aircraft Carriers, radar and bigger and more expensive lumps of useless floating steel waiting to be sunk be a cheap submarine.

Standard rules of succession games will apply, one player plays for 5 or more years (we'll decide that depending on how many people sign up), passes the save to the next person, said person pulls his hair out marveling at the foolishness of his predecessor's designs, desperately tries to fix things making everything worse in the process then sends the save to next person so the cycle continues.



You get two choices of starting dates, 1900 and 1920. Now obviously we will do the 1900 start, we need to give ourselves distinguished codexers enough time to muck things up thoroughly.

We do have a critical decision to make though before getting started. Who do we play as? Because I'm a lazy bastard I'll just paste Dayallu's excellent summary of the nations available (minus Spain ) with screens from RTW2 nation selection screen as some stuff has changed there as well as some more period appropriate sexy ladies.




The leading superpower of the age, Britain is rich, advanced and powerful. With a worldwide empire and a stable government, it can manage to rule the Seas quite effectively. It's a safe choice, and its national advantages are many and well-rounded, with the Hidden flaws giving us however the chance of some random negative quirks (like ships exploding after a single hit or inefficient turrets). Our Global Naval power requirement forces us to have 10% of our tonnage on foreign station to keep the colonies happy and we can't use the Cramped Quarters build option. All in all, a solid if boring choice.




(Fun fact, my great grandfather served aboard the Richelieu)

France is another solid choice, with a big colonial empire, an adequate budget, and some asshole politicians trying to make your life impossible with random requests ( the Inconsistent Naval Policy Quirk). France was the birthplace of one of the most influential naval schools of thought of the age, the Jeune école ("Young School") that theorized the use of small, heavily armed units to engage quickly the enemy battleships and the massive use of commerce raiders to wreck their economy. If you want to test such theories in the rightful place, choose France.




Germany is rich, powerful, with good tech (muh Krupp Steel) and it has a Bombastic head of state (extra chance of stupid) and a Cautious policy (meaning their AI-controlled ships will avoid aggressive engagements). Historically, Germany went for a dick-waving contest with Britain by building newer, bigger ships in the foolish attempt to gain parity with the Royal Navy: a huge expense of resources that ended with the only "serious" battle that in our timeline tested the mettle of Dreadnoughts and Battlecruisers: Jutland, that had a rather unsatisfactory result for both sides. Can we do better than the historical Germans, expand our colonial empire and avoid a dire fate?




Nothing like home. Italy is poor, corrupted, with retarded politicians and bad tech. It has a ton of possible enemies in the Mediterranean (France, Britain, Austria) and it lacks the resources or the focus to fight properly. Historically, Italy failed pretty much every attempt to gain naval prominence and in both World Wars the only good results were obtained by the borderline suicidal frogmen. We can't use them here, so if we're going Ita Ita we'll have to employ better theories and better strategies than the historical Regia Marina.




(Obviously there is no image of the 'glorious' K.U.K fleet after :(1918 )

The K.u.K. fleet was always an afterthought. Poorly funded and rather small, it was a mess of eleven nationalities (Italians, Balkanites, Germans, Hungarians and whatever). However, despite the limited resources, here we have a solid budget in Game Mode, only the Cautious drawback and the tactical advantage to work only in the Adriatic, so with the more lenient Mediterranean conditions. Plus, our main objective will be to fuck with Italy. God is on our side, and He loves multi-ethnic empires!




Russia is big, poorly industrialized and poorly educated. It's not that poor, and it has some nice positions thanks to his size. Historically, everyone knows the Russian Navy in this age for their little debacles during the Russo-Japanese war: despite their strategical and tactical failures however the courage of the Russkie sailor was never put into question. With a broad range of bases and options, we can do better this time.




(BAD Dayu, BAD)

Japan is poor, backward and lacks building power. However, like the historical Japan, an aggressive policy, alliances and surprise attacks can balance the situation, and let you make gains in the Pacific area against more unfocused powers. Historically, the Japanese won their big naval confrontation with the Russkies in this age: this convinced them of the possibility of another Decisive Battle against more powerful foes like the US in WW2, and created monsters like the Yamato Class. We all know how it went.




The US gets a good budget, good tech, good traits and will become a superpower in the lategame. Its position is also quite flexible, but until Panama is built the travel between the East Coast and the West Coast will be a bit difficult, so planning is essential. I don't know a thing about the historical US Navy in this age, but as a gameplay choice is fun and rather easy. You can easily crush the weaker powers, and if you are insane enough engage Britain to decide who is the most hardcore Anglo around.





Yeh, Alt-history mod with a CSA surviving into the 20th century. Nice position and adequate budget, despite poor industrial capabilities. It will be difficult to challenge the proper US and the other powers, but we will fight for the Right of the States and for the Right to own slaves happy productive black people.

Other decision is whether or not we will build our legacy fleet at game start or use a automatically generated and less optimized one. I'm partial to the automatic one as part of the fun of this game is making do with sub-optimal designs and antiquated ships. Manual designing your fleet gives you a big advantage in the first 5 years as you're using a perfect fleet vs the ramshackles the AI is saddled with.

So join in mah boyz and trannies, first come first served in the navy list and get voting on what nation we will lead to the brink of oblivion and ruin! Even if you're not joining in in you can still vote and make us suffer for your viewing pleasure! You get one FULL vote for your favourite nation and one HALF vote for your second favourite.

Other options to consider:

Budget: We can either do Game budget or Historical budget. Historical budget is smaller, Game is bigger. Most affected is Great Britain as its budget (the largest one by a big margin) is the only one to not change if playing on Game mode, thus narrowing the gap between it and other nations.

Fleet size: Small, Medium, Large or Very Large. Should be self explanatory, I prefer at least large if not very large because otherwise fleets tend to be unhistorically small. And I like big fleets.

Splice the mainbrace!


Reference links:

Dayallu's RTW LP to give you an idea of what we're getting into:

My own SAI LP for tacticool mastery

Where to buy RTW2 you cheapskate
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
The Admiralty List:

- Dayyālu
- Comte
- ValeVelKal
- [S]oscar[/S]
- TheLoneGunman



The Supreme Reign of Grand Admiral Andnjord, 1900-1905. Completed

1. Who put the Stranded Frog in Charge
2. The Battle of Cape Richard
3. Grand Theft Auto
4. The Battle of Cape Hatteras

The Usurpation of Grand Admiral Dayyalu, 1905-1910. Completed

2. The United Soviet of America
3. Out of Africa
4. Into the Heart of Darkness

The Great Money Laundering of Grand Admiral Comte, 1910-1915. Completed

1. All your Iceland are Belongs to Us
2. The Italian Job

The Rats are Boarding the ship with Grand Admiral ValeVelKal, 1915-1920. Completed

2. Torpedo Andnjord
3. The Rat and the Queen
4. The Cold Trail of Admiral Comte
5. Babies for the Brood-Mother
6. The Rat and the Frog
7. Trading Lands
8. Rattenkrieg
9. Lost in Translation
10. ...squeak...

The Restoration of Grand Admiral Oscar Andjord, 1920-1925. Completed

1. Back in the Saddle
2. Wrapping Loose Ends
3. The Battle of Cape Finistere
4. Airborne!
5. Peaceful Transition

The Grand Coup of Grand Admiral Dayyalu, 1925-1930. Completed

1. Poking the Bear and slamming its balls
2. The Phony War
3. Play it again Sam

The Leap into the Future of Fliegend-Oberleutnant der Marine des Bundesstaates Vale, 1930-1935. Completed

1. Good Genes
2. SitRep
3. The One Who did not Save the Ship
4. Beating a dead horse
5. The Dividends of Peace
6. The Return of the Louisiana Clique
7. The Lost Cause
8. Mistaken Live Ordnance
9. Me P-President

Warring The US of A with TheLoneGunman, 1935-1940. Completed

1. Getting Started
2. First Blood
3. The Warrin' 30s
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Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
My save got nuked by a HD crash! I, like, had an update ready for months!

Yeah, Spain got killed by RTW2, but I guess it will be one of the first new things to be added. Together with missile tech like the Fritz-X.


Game budget

Large Fleet Size
(I play on Medium and for relaxing games on Small, because I like to micromanage everything, but we're going for more people, more ships)

Automated Legacy Fleet


(What the fuck do you mean your great grandfather served on the Richelieu MY great grandfather....uhnnnn.... *checks* no, that one died of disentery, the other one deserted and got shot.... uhnmmm.... better put it to rest)

Also, nowadays we have even better options for botesluts, as the chinks gave us Azur Lane in addition to Kantai Collection. The shitty mobile game you know you didn't want, but you nonetheless get because the Chinks are going to get your soul.


Hey, the Mikasa at least is cute. OH GOD ITS HOW THEY GET YOU THEN YOUR BRAIN ROTS

FULL VOTE JAPAN Because, amusing as it may be, I've never played them
HALF VOTE RUSSIA Tradition is important, we like tradition

Start Date 1900


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
I will not have the time to play, but I will have the time to read and vote.

On that note,
Start Date 1900
Game Budget
Automated Legacy Fleet
Large Fleet Size
HALF VOTE for Britain


Start Date 1900
Historic Budget
Automated Legacy Fleet
Large Fleet Size
Full Vote for CSA
Half Vote for Austria Hungary


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Oh, just realized I haven't voted myself yet.

Very Large Fleet Size
Game Budget
Auto Legacy Fleet
Primary vote for Japan.
Because they should be fun to go FULL CARRIER with and because I've never played them either.
Secondary vote for CSA. One of my favorite starting nations in RTW. All the fun of the USA without the boring OP late-game. Also you can end up in some gargantuan fleet actions against the US, so that's fun and should guarantee some CV on CV action.

Start Date 1900
Historic Budget
Automated Legacy Fleet
Large Fleet Size
Full Vote for CSA
Half Vote for Austria Hungary

Am I correct in understanding that you are joining us too?


Aug 24, 2011
Full vote for France, because I want at some point to see a Jeune Ecole strategy that works
Half vote for Russia, for the pleasure of struggling against the Russianness of Russia.
Historic budge. I would like to know what the historic budge can be for CSA though.
Automated Legacy Fleet
Large size.

I want a class of ship of my name !


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Oh, just to clarify any doubts. Please state in your post if you're joining the Admiralty list or just voting and reading ;)

I would like to know what the historic budge can be for CSA though.

That should be on the Country list, right? It's 20k for the CSA, so 6k less than USA's and half that of Great Britain


Aug 24, 2011
Oh, just to clarify any doubts. Please state in your post if you're joining the Admiralty list or just voting and reading ;)
I will join the admiralty list as an inept commander appointed because he is good at politics. I played several campaigns that always endeed in disaster, among other because I like torpedoes a BIT too much, as a real Jeune Ecole fan.
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Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
école, not échole

Because CIVILIZED countries call it scuola, from the Latin scola, and we PROUDLY KEEP IT SIMPLE

Historic budge. I would like to know what the historic budge can be for CSA though.

CSA Budget is 20k, roughly double compared to Italy. I am not entirely sure this is "correct", but the CSA has to deal with the US after all.

Comte , come on board u fuck


Sep 12, 2013
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
I'll be watching.

Large Fleet Size
Game Budget
Auto Legacy Fleet

Primary vote for CSA
Half vote for France


Aug 24, 2011
I propose that if we go for CSA, we rotate every 4 years for obvious reasons rather than 5 years.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
I propose that if we go for CSA, we rotate every 4 years for obvious reasons rather than 5 years.
We're not playing as the president though, so nothing says that each successive administration will kick you out. Also splitting 50 years in rounds of five just feels much better than dividing it by four.


Aug 30, 2008
Large Fleet Size (more people)
Historic Budget (makes the second rate nations as challenging as they should be)
(1) Russia - can't do much worse than they did historically
(2) Italy - always fun


Jan 5, 2011
i will be watching. i dont think ill vote coz to be honest i grew up 400km from the coast and closest thing to a river that we have is this
and also we have one artificial lake made for local thermoelectric plant with fishing boats that dont exceed 500kg so everything is mystery to me.. feeling little bit like an asshole coz i love the story and i still have problems what is what , what is the starboard side and i know that there are others specifical names for ship sides and dont want to google it now. its just too much for me now so ill watch.. I wish you all luck
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
The votes so far:

-CSA: 5.5
-Japan: 2.5
-France: 2
-Russia: 2
-Italy: 0.5
-Austria-Hungary: 0.5
-GB: 0.5

Looking like we might have a clear winner here with three runner-ups that can still potentially catch up. I'll let the voting go on for a little while more as I'd rather wait until the first bug-fixing patch is released before starting this madness.

Azira oscar just watching or signing up as Admirals?

Also tagging Kalin and Grimwulf just to annoy them :)

i will be watching. i dont think ill vote coz to be honest i grew up 400km from the coast and closest thing to a river that we have is this
and also we have one artificial lake made for local thermoelectric plant with fishing boats that dont exceed 500kg so everything is mystery to me.. feeling little bit like an asshole coz i love the story and i still have problems what is what , what is the starboard side and i know that there are others specifical names for ship sides and dont want to google it now. its just too much for me now so ill watch.. I wish you all luck

Having people voting and making decisions for Codex LPs while having no idea whatsoever about their implications is integral to our tradition. Feel free to pick a nation at random.
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Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
So... is there CSA in every game mode or what? Can you play for eg. France and face off with CSS Virginia mk V? Or is CSA only present if you pick it as the player? In any case, how does the presence of CSA affect the USA naval budget? Given that a bunch of states comprise a rival naval power, is the USA naval budget lower?


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
So... is there CSA in every game mode or what? Can you play for eg. France and face off with CSS Virginia mk V? Or is CSA only present if you pick it as the player?
Only if you select it as a player.

In any case, how does the presence of CSA affect the USA naval budget? Given that a bunch of states comprise a rival naval power, is the USA naval budget lower?
Just checked in game with the 1900 start (since you can't pick the CSA in the 1920 start), game budget, medium sized fleet:

-When starting as USA you have 17088 base resources (16000 from base, 1088 from possessions)
-When starting as CSA according to the Almanac the USA has 16844 base resources (844 from possessions)

So to answer your question, yes. But only by an insignificant amount.

For comparison the CSA starts with 14300 (14000 from base, 300 from from possessions), but the USA a the 'Rapid Industrial Growth' modifier, so the gap will increase significantly over time.

Base resources represent your nation's max budget and it increases naturally over the course of the game or through war-gained reparations (no idea how the amount of the reparations is determined though). Your actual budget is a percentage of your base resources that can be influenced by either rising tensions or through player-made decisions taken through events. Fleet Size and Historical vs Game budget settings also adds a fixed modifier to that percentage, so that the base resources don't change regardless of those settings.
If that percentage gets too high you start slowly accruing unrest which can result in you losing wars that you would otherwise have won as your government gets toppled.

Possessions are all the provinces you that aren't part of your Home Provinces and can thus be seized during wars.


Aug 24, 2011
I propose that if we go for CSA, we rotate every 4 years for obvious reasons rather than 5 years.
We're not playing as the president though, so nothing says that each successive administration will kick you out. Also splitting 50 years in rounds of five just feels much better than dividing it by four.
Well. As I understand we are the equivalent Chief of Naval Operations (and captain on the flagship). That a a political position that gets rotated when a new president arrives quite often, if not earlier.
Checking Wikipedia, only one passed 5 years in office, an handful did the full 4 years.

Of course, CSA is going to be especially crony so I expect the position to be awarded to a friend of the president and being rotated almost as soon as the new president arrives


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Of course, CSA is going to be especially crony so I expect the position to be awarded to a friend of the president and being rotated almost as soon as the new president arrives

You are probably vastly overestimating the amount of historical accuracy we're going to put into this. We're all a bunch of schizos, after all.

I'll consider myself fortunate if my predecessor doesn't start to build 20k Battlecruisers with 50 torpedo tubes while declaring war to Britain. Imagine this as "Goering gets his chance at managing the Navy".


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Of course, CSA is going to be especially crony so I expect the position to be awarded to a friend of the president and being rotated almost as soon as the new president arrives

You are probably vastly overestimating the amount of historical accuracy we're going to put into this. We're all a bunch of schizos, after all.
Your reporting style will completely up to you Valevelkal, if you want to go full historically accurate style you're free to do so. Personally I haven't decided yet (definitively NOT full talking head like I did for my SAI LP), the only requirement is that we all have a fairly clear idea of what happened during everyone's turn.

I'll consider myself fortunate if my predecessor doesn't start to build 20k Battlecruisers with 50 torpedo tubes while declaring war to Britain.
Innovative and bold plans are highly encouraged. We are all new to this version of the game after all.

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