This is what triggered codexers most I guess - a lot of homosexuality in display. Very high. And Parvati suddenly acting like 15 and asking her dad,
Kalin for advice on lesbian romance.
This is just bizarre... but I gotta say the actress gave it her all. And the EXP didn't hurt. Just talk to her and you earned more experience than killing 10 hostiles in a row.
AMAZING how much importance they placed in such social interactions, no?
This is new Obsidian and there's no hope of changing back.
Tim Cain okayed this.
And Boyarski's dream game.
Footage during TOW Development:
'Tim, we've finished doing the Companion active skill. Take a look. They teleport straight up to the target, slams it in slow-mo and deals massive damage + crowd controls.'
'Bold and Stunning.' pipes one of the young designer.
Tim wanted to say something but he could only eke out a polite smile before speaking: