Not sure if serious.sisterhood
BarbarianschoolNot sure if serious.sisterhood
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!They learn the techniques/special abilities of the Barbarian class in the school/sisterhood.
Woman barbarian activates rage.get real mad
That is why I said it's Barbarian as in the class/mechanics, not as a way of life. Well, it kind of becomes a way of life when a woman decides to join their school. The woman has to have lost a child (as in it died), however, in order to be allowed in the sisterhood.How do new Barbarians get born then? It isn't like Barbarian is a profession; it is a way of life.
All the cardinals who elected me pope say you are full of shit.
It has to do with the origin of my dislike of arcane magic.But what does the depiction of arcane magic in D&D adventure books and official novels have to do with your faulty reasons for bannng mages in your setting?
I didn't think I could lose any more respect for you Lacrymas but oh look there goes a little bit moreThey learn the techniques/special abilities of the Barbarian class in the school/sisterhood.
Going to girl only school to become a barbarian is probably the weirdest shit I've read in this thread, and this thread started with castrate paladins.
The churches are not a walking talking acting things. Someone has to apply brutal force. We live in a society...1. The churches are castrating them.I dont actually have a problem with banning wizards but castrating pallys for sex is actually moronic and doesnt work in any setting.
Who is castrating them? Other pallys? Why would they do this to their own tribe?
What happens if a pally says "fuck you, ill make my own order with blackjack and hookers - we still casting"?
Its just doesnt make sense from a human self preservation and power sharing perspective.
In all of human history, all monarch were very careful around the "warrior caste". No tribe hurts its members for trivialities.
Punishment like castration is insanely high and is applied and tolerated to their own only when the evildoers does something to monumentally hurt the caste itself.
A cult like in Lacrymas setting does not survive 5 years.
2. This is the vow of chastity they swear and that is required of them to be Paladins in the first place.
3. You can do that, nobody is stopping you, you'll just be a social pariah.
Herr Reinhardt said it far better than I could.
No, I do remove the possibility to create their own spells when I DM. The setting is already plagued with rampant arcane magic use in general and that is reflected in the stories being told. The two aren't connected.Are you deliberately trolling people right now?
Let me sum-up your logic for banning mages as presented by you yourself in this thread. You won't allow arcane magic because option to create new spells makes it too hard to control. You won't remove the option of creating new spells because then your world would be incompatible with material intended for Forgotten Realms. Which is a huge problem because you despise FR.
Lacrymas is truly the only person capable of uniting the codex... Sadly only against his nonsensical shenanigans it seems though...
No, I do remove the possibility to create their own spells when I DM. The setting is already plagued with rampant arcane magic use in general and that is reflected in the stories being told. The two aren't connected.Are you deliberately trolling people right now?
Let me sum-up your logic for banning mages as presented by you yourself in this thread. You won't allow arcane magic because option to create new spells makes it too hard to control. You won't remove the option of creating new spells because then your world would be incompatible with material intended for Forgotten Realms. Which is a huge problem because you despise FR.
Why would castrati be castrated in order to sing high roles when they can just sing tenor roles and below, and let women sing the high roles? Society at large isn't, and has never been, 100% logical and intellectually rigorous. People have grown very complacent with the freedoms of modernity methinks.Why would pallys be in a church that CASTRATES them?
Because I don't want arcane magic in my setting due to the slew of reasons I already mentioned? If I create a setting in which arcane magic exists, I am going to severely limit it there and "solve" the issues. If the issues can really be solved while arcane magic exists. I am vindicated in my perspective when I see the amount of backlash I get all the time when I mention my setting doesn't feature arcane magic.If the issue is resolved why remove the arcane magic altogether?