[Meta] A word from Lilura1
Regular readers may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately, either here or elsewhere. Well, that is because real life is very busy at the moment.
With what free time I have left to me for blogging, I've been revising, rewriting and expanding preexisting write-ups, such as my
Baldur's Gate retrospective. For example, sections have been added, sections have been expanded, pics have been added or upscaled and big paragraphs have been broken up and many footnotes have been removed and incorporated into the body of the post, in order to improve readability. It's all about refinement and thoroughness, not diversification and generalist commentary. In the blogging sphere, at least where I'm at, those are weaknesses.
The reasons for working on the preexisting are twofold:
• When I began blogging, it was just going to be for self-reference and journal-keeping, and so many of the write-ups were poorly written (and still are). Looking back, they were simply written "Let's Plays" containing little in the way of insights, comparisons or criticisms. Taking a look at the statistics from that time, the blog was barely read for the first two years. It wasn't until I moved into criticism and pro-tips that it gained a significant viewership. In fact, the blog now receives more views per month than it did in its first two years.
Also, no thought was given to the structure of a post, or of the blog, nor how I worded things, as it pertains to Google rankings. I never considered readership or the technical side of things, and the blog was solely for my own gratification -- readership just happened.
• In my experience, and power-blogging experts seem to frequently confirm my experience as well, write-ups that are not updated are not crawled by Google as often, resulting in loss of rankage. Experts even advise
reposting the revised and/or expanded, but I'm not going to put regular readers through that just for the sake of maintaining rankage. I've done it here and there in order to address fundamental technical errors or improve navigability of the blog for readers.
In addition, and this has been ongoing for a few years now (with a few exceptions),
new write-ups branch off from the prime ones and link back to them (consolidation); there won't be any new series' of write-ups for the foreseeable future. There are two reasons for this as well:
• I can't be assed starting up anew with uncovered games (even ones with which I'm deeply familiar). To do so requires huge amounts of time and effort, and I'm time-limited and not possessed of an abundance of energy.
• Google grants me an easy initial ranking with
a branch due to preexisting rankage authority on the subject, but will not easily grant me ranks on a new "trunk". Each time one enters new territory, one starts off at the bottom of the pile and has to put in the hard yards, get lucky with mainstream sheeple-site backing or play all kinds of tricks in order to get where I'm at with BG and NWN. I don't want to put in the hard yards again. Admittedly, I haven't yet thoroughly covered even the
core of the
Renaissance era at this point. To my defense, it's a pretty big subject and the games therein tend to be complicated.
Despite the reduction in activity and notable new posts, the blog is still going pretty strong. Fairly satisfied with what I've achieved thus far (in this limited sphere of human endeavour), I could let it go today and it would hang on for several years before it finally sank into obscurity, as happens to all sites that don't get updated. There has been a slight drop-off in traffic but all blogs experience that every now and again, even the leading ones that don't stop powering-on and get millions of views per month. When this happens, leading power-bloggers check for competitors first; if there are none, they look for technical reasons or the industry's shape in general.
Since I've confirmed the drop-off isn't due to competition, I put it down to (possibly a combination of) an algorithm change by Google, my recent employment of
Dynamic views, or gamers just not playing as much BG and NWN lately.
In sum, the commentary continues and the spark is still there, but in the foreseeable future there will be no new series' of posts, only refinement and expansion of the preexisting. That is not as limiting or narrow in scope as it may sound: in respect to certain RPGs I cover, there is a sense of inexhaustibility about them. I have little doubt that people will still be playing the RPGs I cover one decade from now, long after many current gen offerings have been entombed and forgotten.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying your experiences with RPGs such as BG and NWN!