I suggest you tone down on the cringe. Additionally, you ape Lilura’s style too much. Try to find a way of being authoritative without being a ripoff.Arcanum: Land of arcane wizards and technobabble cunts
I suggest you tone down on the cringe. Additionally, you ape Lilura’s style too much. Try to find a way of being authoritative without being a ripoff.Arcanum: Land of arcane wizards and technobabble cunts
you have no shot when I release everything I've got.
Make your profile public. let's compare rating ratios. I'm at 1:3 with over 300 butt hurts and 964 retardreds. Also, there's a really old mod that would beat us bothI am the most hated RPG commentator.
I suggest you tone down on the cringe. Additionally, you ape Lilura’s style too much. Try to find a way of being authoritative without being a ripoff.
Make your profile public. let's compare rating ratios. I'm at 1:3
Dang, same problem wirh my Let's Play where I gave a pretty nice role (though short) to Lilura.I was about to update Lilura's Whole Realms Catalogue by replacing the Arcanum portrait with Buns from Jagged Alliance 2, but now Lilura has changed avatars yet again.
Do it anyway, Steve won't mind.I was about to update Lilura's Whole Realms Catalogue by replacing the Arcanum portrait with Buns from Jagged Alliance 2, but now Lilura has changed avatars yet again.
And I'll quote myself to once again provide everyone with the correct order of the IE games barring IWD2.PS:T>IWD≥BG>>>>>BG2. Never played IWD 2.
Lilura Will you ever take another look at Underrail? The game has changed greatly since you first covered it and has an expansion that adds another 40 hours of content at least, along with multiple new builds. I know Fallout is your baby, but I really think you'd enjoy Underrail if you gave it another chance.
This is the passion I want to see from my bloggers.Never. Because many Underrail fans slander Fallout.
Nearly 1,000I'm at 1:3 with over 300 butt hurts and 964 retardreds.
Can you translate the from African to English for the monolingual among us?A profound silence gripped the land and anticipation made the leaves shiver in fear and confusion
Telles vous cheminez, stoïques et sans plaintes,
À travers le chaos des vivantes cités,
Mères au cœur saignant, courtisanes ou saintes,
Dont autrefois les noms par tous étaient cités.
Vous qui fûtes la grâce ou qui fûtes la gloire,
Nul ne vous reconnaît ! un ivrogne incivil
Vous insulte en passant d'un amour dérisoire ;
Sur vos talons gambade un enfant lâche et vil.
Honteuses d'exister, ombres ratatinées,
Peureuses, le dos bas, vous côtoyez les murs ;
Et nul ne vous salue, étranges destinées !
Débris d'humanité pour l'éternité mûrs !
Mais moi, moi qui de loin tendrement vous surveille,
L'œil inquiet, fixé sur vos pas incertains,
Tout comme si j'étais votre père, ô merveille !
Je goûte à votre insu des plaisirs clandestins :
Je vois s'épanouir vos passions novices ;
Sombres ou lumineux, je vis vos jours perdus ;
Mon cœur multiplié jouit de tous vos vices !
Mon âme resplendit de toutes vos vertus !
Ruines ! ma famille ! ô cerveaux congénères !
Je vous fais chaque soir un solennel adieu !
Où serez-vous demain, Èves octogénaires,
Sur qui pèse la griffe effroyable de Dieu ?
laughing my ass
Baudelaire Gate
rips off shirt, suspenders still intact like Mike Haggar
This is the passion I want to see from my bloggers.Never. Because many Underrail fans slander Fallout.
I played fallout and Baldur's Gate after I thought I knew all, only to be shown how wrong I was. In my mind, that has so much more power. To be lost in your own ways and to be graced by the enlightening power that is the classics. I had choices. I had alternatives. I actually had to make decisions to get to where I am now. The classics didn't just fall into my life perfectly placed in order to influence me, I had to seek them out. What is better? To be born with the facts placed at your lap? or to have seek the truth out and separate it yourself from all the crap? Ultimately, it needs to be earned. You didn't take the journey. I found my way against the odds. I could have been the type of person that says "Zelda is my favorite rpg" but instead I rose above those scummy people. I found my way out. I did it myself, despite everything leading me away from it. I wasn't just an impressionable mind, I had to analyze and brush off my bias, which is so much harder than what you had to go through.This is the passion I want to see from my bloggers.Never. Because many Underrail fans slander Fallout.
My first RPG was Fallout. Do you know what that means? It means that my gaming pedigree is unquestionable: that I wasn't tainted by the shit that came before, and that I can't be tainted by any shit subsequent.
It means that Fallout is my RPG definition, that its precepts are embedded into my taste, and that all RPGs are auto-related back to Fallout for comparison purposes.
Through the likes of Fallout, Jagged Alliance 2 and the original Baldur's Gate, my taste in RPGs has been cultivated to an aristocratic level of refinement, as exhibited by my commentary.
Mass effect is more like a shooter with rpg-lite mechanics served on the side.My first RPG was Mass Effect 2.