Deleted Member 16721
Hehe. I've been insta-killed plenty in Elminage. But the resource management isn't as tight (IMO) as Xulima was for me. Plus the fact that you can teleport in and out of some dungeons when you get the spell kind of hurt the tense dungeon-crawling I experienced early on. Also, the game could really use an Ironman Mode like Xulima, because saving anywhere was another thing that made it easier. Of course, the RNG encounters now that spawn (insta-kill no question) would have to be tweaked to perhaps either be avoidable (Camouflage in Xulima) or not as nasty in general for an Ironman Mode to work. But I would welcome such a change to add back to the tense level exploration of the first 50 hours I experienced of the game.
And maybe a "cooldown" of sorts on the Diomente (teleportation) spell. You can teleport into the dungeon, but may have to crawl out, or move enough spaces to activate the spell again. Again, the game would need to be altered to accomodate it, but this would be a good addition I feel. And yes, I'm aware some dungeons don't allow Diomente. I would still like to see it a bit more carefully implemented in future 'crawlers.
And maybe a "cooldown" of sorts on the Diomente (teleportation) spell. You can teleport into the dungeon, but may have to crawl out, or move enough spaces to activate the spell again. Again, the game would need to be altered to accomodate it, but this would be a good addition I feel. And yes, I'm aware some dungeons don't allow Diomente. I would still like to see it a bit more carefully implemented in future 'crawlers.