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Mar 24, 2013
What's funny about this situation is that, even next to a ghost, Jing doesn't feel nearly as terrified as when he met Master Zhang. What would our Master do, I wonder?
Guess that he would appreciate the bloody decorations. After greeting the ghost he would ask for a tea and mby interesting scroll. There could be some problems if that ghost briefly met him in the past, if not dont be afraid Zhang dont kill non pugilist ghost.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well, if he's willing to strip a young girl in front of a huge audience in the tournament and sleep with a married woman in her wedding bed, yeah, Jing's a total scoundrel and not at all gentlemanly.
We've been training for this our entire life. We took a course in stealth on Zhang's island to be able to sneak inside girls' bathrooms better. We chose PER technique to be able to commit to memory the juiciest bits we would be able to pick. And we took artistry lessons to commemorate these moments for eternity... fuck, we didn't. Nevermind, then.

I don't know what choice is the most correct one, but I know which one is the most Jing-like. In these situations I prefer to act in accordance with our nature. It did not let us down so far.
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Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
On the C vote here I'll say this.

Maybe it can work out, and maybe it can break the spell. Maybe this feeling of danger you get is just an illusion that the ghost have pulled on you. Then again, maybe not. The lighting, the smell, the sounds - those can probably be faked by a ghost, but can a danger-sense be faked as well? With Jing, it is far more keen than the other five, in fact, it had served him well in his battle with Yoriwaka where the others couldn't pick anything. When it tries to warn us, I would like to listen to it.

This is a huge gamble, and I don't like the odds.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
And on not wanting to bother ghosts or to be rude - well, how polite you want to be with a spirit that had cordially kidnapped you and your friends and stuck them up in a haunted mansion which is heavy on noose themes? You may very well find a rotting carcass bathing in a blood of its victims behind the door. Would you want to talk to that? Last thing I want to hear in the next update is "you have startled the witch".

It is a bad idea to actively interact with a potentially malevolent being that you do not know anything about. Sphere diplomacy bad. Sneak a peek inside, try to find out what are you dealing with. Maybe C would look like the best course of action after that.

If the girl and the mansion are the one and the same entity that is aware of what is happening around it, you can not surprise or insult her with either peeking or talking - she already knows you are there, judging by how the surroundings have changed. If they are separate, and the girl does not know, it is better that you keep it that way until you know more.

I guess I also do not want to leave her because the song intrigues me too much to just walk away. Maybe if we do not disturb her and she continues humming it, we would be able to recognize it. I did go on this quest to find out more about Jing, after all.

Rex Feral

Jan 29, 2013

Because I somehow expect something bad to happen if we pick either A or C. I won't go against my instincts.

Although I get the feeling we are being manipulated to go into that room. A sounds like a fucking disaster if that is the case.


Dec 7, 2010

Because I somehow expect something bad to happen if we pick either A or C. I won't go against my instincts.

Although I get the feeling we are being manipulated to go into that room. A sounds like a fucking disaster if that is the case.

If we're being manipulated to go into that room, then B sounds like a fucking disaster. We're having a conversation with some entity on the other side of the room, but we don't know what they look like or what they intend to do from our side - that's the textbook definition of playing into someone's hands. At least with A, we would know what we're up against.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Rex Feral said:
Although I get the feeling we are being manipulated to go into that room. A sounds like a fucking disaster if that is the case.
Manipulated by whom? By the girl? If she wants to draw us nearer, why would A result in disaster where B wouldn't? I mean, none of the men have returned so far. What could be more disastrous than that?

Whatever dwells in this place, it does not mean well. Better not to talk to it. I am sure some people have already attempted that.


Mar 24, 2013
C could be bad because of our sense danger roll, but could be right way if it is trap we should gtfo asap.
B could be bad because most normal people would choose this and taking into consideration track record of this place following our predecessors is bad idea.
A could be bad if people before us first offended ghost and then get torn apart.

Treave pointed out that there were horses. Does that mean there are other people trying to uncover local mystery? Or are they plotters of kidnaping? I doubt that kidnapped before us people or quest giving villagers. So either some neutral party or "ghosts".
Why would some people kidnap villagers? Either to make sure that everyone here would leave this place alone, or to profit from kidnapped people. Slavers? Man eaters?

Most likely non extraordinary way of capturing Jing are Pressure Point strike or some short of neurotoxin. With our mandarins smashed PP isnt possible explanation. Posion still is possible.

Why there is that familiar song? It could be someone related to Jing (alive or dead) if this place is linked to afterlife, still its hard to imagine. So could ghost somehow check Jing memory?

Its either ordinary place in with someone invested time to make spooky (dunno why but first person i would vote for is Shadow Wolf preparing new trick followed by WiB) and people who get here on horse are bad guys (damn horse riders) or its haunted and people inside are trapped / baited here. Eventually whatever causing this isnt dangerous for them.

Vote A
We dont have any strong pointers. Either we will get jump on them and if it is ghost use our talisman in close combat, find out who riders were or who is behind doors nr 1. Mby we will be able to gain info and keep ourself hidden.


Jun 27, 2012
Most likely non extraordinary way of capturing Jing are Pressure Point strike
We don't have pressure points. But, yeah, leaning to an A flop. Peeping on ghosts, what could be more Jing?


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Jester said:
A could be bad if people before us first offended ghost and then get torn apart.
People didn't return regardless of whether they have offended the ghost or not. Somehow I doubt they all acted the same way we do. Most of the normal ones would choose B, as you've said.

Jester said:
treave pointed out that there were horses. Does that mean there are other people trying to uncover mystery?
No, these were just our nightmares made flesh.

Jester said:
Why there is that familiar song?

Baltika9 said:
Peeping on ghosts, what could be more Jing?
Peeping on bathing ghost girls.

Hey, if he likes what he sees, I would be the first to vote for rubbing her back.


Mar 24, 2013
Most likely non extraordinary way of capturing Jing are Pressure Point strike
We don't have pressure points. But, yeah, leaning to an A flop. Peeping on ghosts, what could be more Jing?
Yeah that "most likely" should be "possible".
Still did mentioned Jing invulnerability to PP later.


Mar 24, 2013
People didn't return regardless of whether they have offended the ghost or not. Somehow I doubt they all acted the same way we do. Most of the normal ones would choose B, as you've said.
We dont know what happened to them so i see two most likely scenarios for me are they: a) tried to fuck everything and run through the corridor we had bad feeling about or b) they tried to communicate with whatever is there and said/did something it didnt like. If that girl is a ghost and that theory about suicide and kill is true. Mby girl killed boy who wanted to leave her and people ask her where exit is reminding her about it.
Jester said:
treave pointed out that there were horses. Does that mean there are other people trying to uncover mystery?
No, these were just our nightmares made flesh.
Yes those are ghost of horses Jing killed in first act and this whole thing is their elaborate revenge. When Jing will get inside he will see a young hot girl... but it will be a cunningly masked horse.


Jun 27, 2012
Mby girl killed boy who wanted to leave her and people ask her where exit is reminding her about it.
Aw shit, we got into Yandere hell. Something tells me we won't be able to get her into our harem, guys.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Jester said:
Mby those are ghost of horses Jing killed in first act and this whole thing is their elaborate revenge.
But we only killed three horses... Oh, God, the fourth one is Yunzi's! That's why she joined the cult. It all makes sense now!


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Really, guys? Are we voting "B for Bai Jiutian", trying to be a perfect gentleman (which we aren't) with a bloodthirsty apparition that haven't let anyone out so far? Does it even care if we are gallant or not?

I'd be more comfortable with this if I saw more arguments backing such a desicion, but all I see is just a single sentence, if that. Some people are actually acknowledging the uncanny resemblance of this choice with Sphere diplomacy, yet vote for it regardless. And we aren't even immortal.

Zero Credibility, asxetos, Smashing Axe, The Brazilian Slaughter can you guys be persuaded otherwise? I am seriously unnerved by the direction we seem to be moving towards.


Mar 24, 2013
Jester said:
Mby those are ghost of horses Jing killed in first act and this whole thing is their elaborate revenge.
But we only killed three horses... Oh, God, the fourth one is Yunzi's! That's why she joined the cult. It all makes sense now!

We cracked the Mystery!
Horses. It was here whole time... WiB were manipulated by them. Ashina act was actually aimed at Jing, because of his failure to protect Shun he would be killed, but assasin meet Yunzi. With Duke horses dead and Yunzi horse put out of commission they had no forward intel thats why Jing reached the imperial court. Assassination here would be to risky, but with the Emperor pig order it seemed unnecessary. They didnt anticipated that Shun will make risky move to save Jing. They become desperate when he vanished. Thats when caravan horses reported sighting him, so they used bandits to attack his caravan and thought that they succeed. Horse overlords believed themselves secured in their supremacy with Jing out of picture, thats when he surfaced as killer physicist apprentice when he killed Jr. They leaked information about 10 sword to Emei believing that he will be killed, but Zhang interfered. Horses decided that they have to use everything they got, but couldnt attack Zhang. Thats when they mind raped Yunzi person who was on par with Jing to be their pawn. They brainwashed her to think that Jing killed her tribe, dad and horse and use fire cult to learn exotic and dangerous fight style as holy maiden. Tournament invitation was part of plan to split Zhang and Jing, but with Jing keeping low profile they thought that they failed. They put plan B into motion aiming to force 8 sect leaders to kill Zhang for them, so they could took care of Jing. Jing took out the person they wanted to use as pretender, with backing of crowd and sects heads looking they couldnt make move. They tried to use master avenging pawn to make Jing look like monster but JB interfered. They belived that JB will destroy our reputation giving them way to attack us directly, but they underestimated Jing silver toung. Now they lured person related to one of our masters using their fallen comrades spirits, hoping that Jing will trust him and fall into their grasp. Everything because Jings neigong is a perfect anti horse weapon, they can die on contact without him using it and if he learn how to control it... We must get out of here and spread the news, if we fail humanity will be forever ruled with iron hoof.
Feb 11, 2007
Zero Credibility, asxetos, Smashing Axe, The Brazilian Slaughter can you guys be persuaded otherwise? I am seriously unnerved by the direction we seem to be moving towards.
I don't really see a point in voting A. We were knocked out and then led here. Whether these are ghosts or not, they are clearly the ones in control and are observing us even now. Of course whatever is behind those doors knows exactly where we are and what we are doing, it's just waiting for us to enter. So we might as well introduce ourself politely.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Zero Credibility said:
Of course whatever is behind those doors knows exactly where we are and what we are doing, it's just waiting for us to enter. So we might as well introduce ourself politely.
If we are being lured here by the entity that kidnapped the villagers, it does not mean a thing if we are polite or not. Several people have gone missing, none have come back. If we play by its rules, we aren't coming back, too.

If it wanted to just chat with us, it would have started the conversation by itself. Oh, and maybe it wouldn't drag us along creepy corridors, too.

I want to be sneaky on the off chance there are several powers at work here (the haunted mansion and the girl, the girl and her lover, etc), and the girl (or whatever is there) does not know we are here. Even if she does, I want to look at what is beyond that door. At least then we would know whether to run away or to prepare for a fight - and if a fight is coming anyway, maybe get a clue to the girl's identity and how to overcome her. I want to learn at least something instead of starting the conversation blindly, without a goal.
Feb 11, 2007
Again, this thing knows exactly where we are, it can see us right now. So all peeking in is going to give us is what it wants us to see anyway. We are not going to surprise the ghost or whatever this is by doing this. We are not going to get any clues that we can't get by just opening a door and entering. All we do is add the risk of pissing this thing off even more.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Zero Credibility said:
We are not going to get any clues that we can't get by just opening a door and entering.
But that's the thing. We aren't opening the door and entering in B. We are completely clueless, and we stay that way because that would be a gentlemanly thing to do.

Zero Credibility said:
So all peeking in is going to give us is what it wants us to see anyway.
Ghosts are not omnipotent. They do have limitations. They follow certain procedures and rules.

I don't think it controls the place fully. Why would it even need to lure us to itself if that was the case? Couldn't it just teleport us there, or manifest itself inside our room?

No, I don't believe that this game is rigged from the start. But it will be, if we will follow its rules. Therefore I want to break them, starting now.
Feb 11, 2007
The lamps going out behind us tells us we are being watched right now. We don't have an element of surprise to lose by knocking on the door. Everything in that room is already as it wants us to see because it wants us to enter it now. Why would drilling a hole in the wall show anything else?

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