I doubt either side is going to win this quickly. Zeus has the home advantage and a whole pantheon of immortals on his side. Marduk has his power, power amplifiers and super soldiers. It's a pretty even fight at the moment. No, this choice is about who gets the short end of the stick.I'm on the verge of flopping to a trip back to Egypt, but I really want to get Marduk now, before either side has managed to win.
We can be the benevolent but fierce god that watches over his people without actually fooling around with administration. This should allow us some freedom to come and go as we please, exploring the world if we like.
3) B. Run a psychic check together with Sekhenun and keep only the ones that would loyally follow your cause. Kill 1 in 10 of the rest to set an example for the others. This will leave you with about 1800 soldiers. 1. Get the Gutians to come as 'mercenaries' to bolster your troops.
We need raw numbers and we can also establish our dominance with B. This one example of how Ean the god must behave differently from Ean the mortal. Bring in the Gutians for numbers and because they are loyal. Decimation will force the other soldiers to accept the Gutians as well, even if grudgingly.
4) C. You call Gudersu here and give him the crown.
A is out. I don't want Ean tied down. The people likely won't support an oppressive noble from the old regime (B). The cultists can't be trusted in case Shulgi comes back (C). And E is probably too drastic a change with everything else going on. Bring in Gudersu, explain that he is favored by us for his hospitality and loyalty when we were wandering the desert, and surround him with capable administrators.
Hey treave, when the time skips start getting big how much history that will happen be recognizable? The butterfly effect caused by our actions could quite possibly prevent the existence of Carthage or Alexander's conquest of Persia.
Simple fear and the idea that Gudersu and the Gutians are being rewarded by God-Ean. The people may not like it at first, but once they're no longer starving and disappearing to feed Nusku's experiments they'll probably soon forget.well, someone explain to me how that will help the soldiers accept the Gutians?
Simple fear and the idea that Gudersu and the Gutians are being rewarded by God-Ean. The people may not like it at first, but once they're no longer starving and disappearing to feed Nusku's experiments they'll probably soon forget.well, someone explain to me how that will help the soldiers accept the Gutians?
"The sun will be rising soon. The city will be ours by the time dawn breaks. There has been minimal damage and loss of life since Ahati and Ramman were defeated."
“I… you do know that for all my bluster, I am not very suited to wear a crown, right?” Gudersu speaks plainly, looking you straight in the eye. It was a very honest admission, one you didn’t expect to hear. “All that is just for show, so that our people do not lose hope.”
Making Ean king and then leaving immediately is probably worse for stabilizing Babylon than putting a reluctant Gudersu on the throne. Either Ean becomes king and stays or he appoints someone and leaves. I can see your point about Gudersu, but there really is no other alternative except Ean or rolling the dice on democracy. If I flopped off of Gudersu as king I could give up decimation, but if we went with Ean instead then I'd have to vote staying in Babylon.
Can the puppet king be temporary? So that when we return we take the throne.
... if it turns out that Gudersu was just being the sort of badass who underestimates their competence, he can take the reins. If not, well, we're reasonably competent in administration and can tell the thoughts of any near us, so we can probably afford to spend a few years stabilizing the area before moving on and leaving the power in Gutian hands.
On another note, it should be remembered that 1) people of the time didn't tend to give too many damns about who ruled them provided that they didn't screw around too much with their religion or make taxes heavy (though nobles who could rally the people for their own ambitions were sometimes a problem... it'd be good to keep an eye on those guys), and 2) the Gutians have a relatively large, experienced army with which to crush rebellion in the city if they goof up on one, not to mention us.
Yeah, his tribe can gather up maybe about 400 warriors at a pinch. Could maybe be more, but they're a bit scattered around the area at the moment, so it'll be hard to get everyone.
Smashing Axe: Tearing Marduk's cult apart brick by brick isn't going to work. Killing Ramman and Ahati is a good start, but the only surefire way to end his cult is to end Marduk.
Uhm, you guys suggesting we start a mini-Ean breeding program do realize that children with superhuman powers need to be raised, watched etc. It's just like that first time we became king - it sounded so cool! But when it actually happened, it was just unending waves of state-management and trying to play Civilization in a CYOA format. So, let's say we have kids. Then what? Do they shit supernatural shadows eating away the flesh of babysitters? Do they die in what seems like a blink of an eye to our immortal perspective? What if they get kidnapped by any of our numerous enemies and used against us - or just a curious Gieloth wanting to perform some quality scienmajific experiments? If we were still a simple immortal, we could probably get some info about what happens when they breed with sapiens from our lovely tentacle buddy; hell, immortals could be sterile for all we know. But Ean is currently an abomination of unknown nature and questionable control. Kids? You gotta be kidding me.
D'aw, she cares after all.Sek knows you want to keep things stable, so she's staying behind to do what she can. Wouldn't be arsed otherwise. The Babylonians do have little love for the Gutians, but they're willing to try it out for a while, after Marduk. You'll have to persuade the cult to persuade them.
Greece is our priority to preserve the integrity of of history and civilization. The real fight is not on Holy Terra, it is on the Masters' homeworlds. Our role is not playing God, because that reveals our hands and invites investigations: "OLOLO I ARE GOD!!!11111!" will draw both Immortals and Gieloth (all-devouring immortal-gieloth hybrid abomination,anyone?) and ake our jobs much more difficult.Marduk's conquest of India and the war with the Greeks, however, is a big deal, and depending on how it ends, the consequences might be severe (i.e. setbacks to Greece which might delay or even make it so that its Classical Age never comes, which in turn will pretty much change Western history).
That doesn't mean anything. Just because one region doesn't develop at the rate it should develop, doesn't mean we can't make other regions develop faster. Like I said before, we can make Bablyon have the same cultural impact if we decide to stay and expand its influence westwards. Set up colonies in Italy and Africa while developing Bablyon's culture and society, and voila, you have an alternative history Rome and Carthage in 1800 years.And, yeah, no Greece, no Rome. No Rome, no Western Civilization. No Western Civilization, well, space travel and space marines will be a loong time-a-comin'. Meanwhile, the KKK sits on Holy Terra and takes it up the ass, yelling "I AM GOD EMPRAH!" at the top of it's lungs. Nice.
The Set-Up
The player witnesses an extraordinary and horrific supernatural event that thrusts them into a unique and difficult circumstance. Burdened with the consequences of this event, the player has to investigate what has happened in order to free themselves from the restless forces that follow and haunt them wherever they go.