A C2 C1 B B
The Set-UpObsidian dun' ripped treave off. I hope they pay you premiums, bro.The player witnesses an extraordinary and horrific supernatural event that thrusts them into a unique and difficult circumstance. Burdened with the consequences of this event, the player has to investigate what has happened in order to free themselves from the restless forces that follow and haunt them wherever they go.
Tim Cain said:No, you don't have to be evil to access any abilities. They aren't categorised like that. Instead, in this world, your soul is connected to your power. Simply put, people who have whole, unbroken souls are more powerful than those people who just have fragments of souls. The nature of these souls, and how they might break, is something we will explore in the game.
Esquilax: Why do you say it won't work, exactly? Marduk isn't Shulgi, we've seen no evidence of him being capable of altering the minds of his followers to inspire devout fervor and an undying tenacity. Marduk asserts his divinity through brute strength, dominance and intimidation, which should be enough to allow us to stamp out his following.
However, the big problem here is 1C. You'd be hiring members of the Sons of Marduk, so you need to at least look the other way (B3/D3) on that regard.
That's the problem when you have multiple depended choices. But even with the design by committee, the vote (so far) is almost exactly your proposed plan for Egypt.
Leaving as soon as we are made God we are pretty much guaranteeing that we give up any sort of lasting power base or a powerful, united Sumerian Empire for the time being - if we don't end up being usurped by Shulgi / Marduk loyalist / whoever immediately, that is. All for what? Going to Egypt doesn't directly help us kill Marduk, we won't be able to take over the country there, and the Runi legend is pretty flimsy by itself. Seriously, we go to all this trouble, we have to go for the jugular with Esquilax(?)'s plan and kill Marduk, or stay here and make sure we get a kingdom out of it.
As an aside, I suspect Marduk is going to be in for a nasty surprise whenever Zeus decides to come out of hiding and enter the fray. If we do go to Greece we may end up having to help out Marduk temporarily rather than go straight for the kill.
"The Egyptians have been pushed back from their coastline, losing Pikuat. The Greek armies, led by Ares, are slowly gaining on Memphis. Two of Marduk's human lieutenants are helping to defend Egypt with a force of 5000. In Greece itself, however, the tide is turning. Marduk is a fearsome opponent on the battlefield, and there are reports that he has been using mobile amplifiers to bolster his troops' strength. I'm not sure how he managed to build that many, but the Greeks apparently have no counter to those at the moment. It looks like his forces will reach Athens soon, and the Egyptians are just holding out in hopes that he will do so quickly and force Ares to return to defend Greece."