After analyzing the situation and thinking about it, this is what I surmised:
A- we get free and are incapacitated for the rest of the fight (psychic assault and wounds and all), which leaves it up to Sekhenun to finish Ahati off. I think we all see the problem here. Besides, something tells me that Sekhenun is either dead or incapacitated. Double the trouble then.
B- we lose an arm (as I read it, the whole appendage, up to the shoulder, not just the fapping part. Confirm, treave?), but we kill it for sure. Now, I don't know what our regenerative capabilities were at pre-earthquake level(again, is a confirm possible?), but our hand way back when took more than a couple of months to heal. It would not be the safest course of action in the long term, but short-term it is. And who can say what happens to Marduk on his way and during his stay in Greece?
Of course there
is that small chance that we die, or go to sleep (unless treave confirms that this will get her killed and keep us conscious.)
C- I honestly think this is Panharth, or whatever her name is, trying to break through now that our mental defenses are distracted (however, in that case, why didn't she do it while we were depowered?), and if we give in, we have a strong chance of losing our body to her for quite a bit of time. I don't think that Sekhenun will help us push her sister back in our subconscious (this may have been her plan all along. Not likely though), whatever the odds/cost are/is. Or, we'll just go batfuck insane. However, if we beat the odds, we stand a strong chance of getting an "ultimate form" and a considerable power boost. Also:

Can anyone here blame me? Can you, can you really?
Of course, whatever happens, I'm rather sure that this will cancel out the Immortals' and other Gieloth's obliviousness towards Ean. Maybe due to stories, or due to them sensing us. And I'm also rather sure that this will kill Sekhenun, since she's already quite banged up, and unleashing whatever it is will not be safe for the surrounding environment.
So, I flopped as a result of my own arguments. As much as I'd love to be a massive douche for a couple of decades around the whole world. Hey, maybe we should find Shulgi and Naram and just troll them for a bit after we get done here, how about it, bros?