She averts her eyes from your gaze, looking more repentant than you've ever seen her - which is to say, just a bit. You swallow your anger. It served no purpose to be angry right now... and you are starting to become concerned about your increasing ease to anger. It might jeopardize your mission if you don't manage to keep it under control. Discussing it with Sekhenun might give you more insights, but for now, you decide to change the topic to that of your little revolution.
"You mentioned the next stage of the plan. What would that be?"
You feel her relax. Sekhenun's relief was palpable, and a small smile manages to play itself back onto her lips as she begins talking.[/quote]
In all her interactions with Ean, she is definitely, irrefutably afraid of one of these two:
A) Some
THING: the only scenario I see is that Ean is suspecting and anticipating her double-cross and when he moves on to the3 other subject she is relieved because of "Whew, he really
is retarded." Alternatively she could sell Ean out
because she is afraid of him. Unchecked power and all that, besides which we already established that he has a distaste for the devouring of fellow Gieloth.
ALSO, if this is the case, then it makes a whole lot of sense for her to be present for this stage. She gets rid of the
loyal enemy Gieloth (ahem:
"Right now the only loyal lieutenants Marduk has in the area are Ahati and Ramman. The cultists are ready to begin an uprising and Edem has ensured that news will reach Shamash too late to prevent him from sailing."
If they're not loyal to Marduk, who are they loyal to then, exactly?)
Also, Edem's price for helping her may have been Ean's head on a silver platter(remember, we killed his daddy.
treave, if that's the case, you should have named him Inigo, or Montoya. Would have been far more tasteful).
Or, she plans to incapacitate us and take us for her "experiments", it's for her people, after all:
“That didn’t work out in the end. You’ve become this very interesting abomination that I would love to experiment on, but that’s not what I promised you.”
Or, she just wants a release from our "deal" without giving anything to a wild card.
ONE: And the only one I can see in this scenario is Ean. And why would she be afraid of him? Because she
knows about his rage and urge to devour everything and is afraid. Afraid that Ean will lose control and devour her. This would mesh nicely with the whole situation, seeing as how she violated his privacy and trust and placed a tracker on him that allows other Gieloth to negate his "psychic blank" status, and would genuinely scare her in relation to Ean losing his self control.
would be stupid from her standpoint (and you can't count everybody to do the smart thing all the time, least of all Ean and co., they're the biggest retards of all), but it would be with her "Hurr Durr, I iz Tzeentch, feer mai thousand and one plots!" (seriously, that whole situation was utterly retarded on her part, I'm still in disbelief), as demonstrated by her back door deal with Edem and her "I ain't tellin' you shit, cuz we ain't got no deal, nigga" shtick.
And as much as I'd like to "sniff" believe(!!!) and consider Sekhenun an always-intelligent being and absolutely loyal and faithful teammate, to do so would be extremely naive. So, I am very,
very sure that
2B is the correct choice here. think about it:
In case we fail, we have backup.
In case we succeed, we have backup, someone to shift the blame/fame/responsibility for the whole debacle(remember, anonymity) on and witnesses to our badassery (too much is never enough, and no, it's not contradictory. What the Babylonians hear and what the Gutians hear are two different things.)
In case Sekhenun betrays us, we have bros to back us up and pull our ass from the fire. And that is where my modification to the plan comes in:
We send the message and tell her nothing about it.
She may get caught in the crossfire, but it's a very,
very small chance.
And to my conspiracy bros: last deal we asked for far,
far, far too much. The only reasonable suggestion, anot to mentionsafe, we can make now is we lift our ban in exchange for a
mutual vow of friendship and fidelity to one another.
I call upon thee, O my Master, Changer of Ways. Send upon me they knowledge forbidden, and thy servants all knowing. Through thine all-knowing being, through thine omnipresent mind, through thine name, O Tzeentch, I summon the KLUB! Send thine servants and keepers of thine knowledge upon me, my Master! Send thy Mouths of Madness, send me the KKK! Seriously, I need input. I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakthrough.