Edit3: Seems to me the reason treave gave us the metal knowledge is that he is either fucking with us, big time (in which case, it is a most excellent troll) or just doesn't want this LP and Ean to end.
I hope it's the latter. I like Ean a lot as a character, and from a gameplay standpoint, there's never a dull moment with all the war and battle he's involved in. As cool as Shulgi is, I find him more interesting as a rival/adversary than I do as a PC. The motivation of "MOAR POWER!!!" isn't nearly as interesting as what motivates Ean's character. You can't really beat "Guide and prepare bronze age humans over the millennia to fight extra-dimensional beings of incredible power" as a motivation.
treave: I find it very interesting that we
gained a point with Sekhenun by refusing to let her feed. Has Ean's sense of honor and morality rubbed off on her? I know that she has a distaste for eating her own kind, but does that now extend to humans as well?
Zero Credibility: We didn't need an army because there were already two armies tearing each other apart in Greece anyways, the chaos would have worked to our advantage. Our presence there have would allowed us to nudge events in our favour - by going to Egypt, we became a passive observer in an event that was far too important to leave up to Zeus and Marduk. As I mentioned before, we also had an ace up our sleeve in the form of Edem. Leaving things up to chance like that was stupid.
It was clear to me that both sides were evenly matched, and a victory by either side before we intervened would have tipped the balance to the winner to a point where we wouldn't be able to defeat them. Lastly, what the hell are we doing all of this for? Our objective is to defeat Marduk and Zeus, it's the entire end-game of all we've been trying to ahieve. Petty empire-building and hunting down some pissant Olympian out of sentiment for Egypt don't accomplish our goals. They were both bullshit distractions from our real purpose, so they were both bad ideas. treave even told us that a duel with Marduk was winnable, which I took to mean "hey, you should probably go fight him now".
Too late to take it back now, though. Hopefully we can still salvage things by manipulating Ares into a battle with Marduk once we arrive at Olympus. But I have to stress that we've got to be smart in how we play this. We need to point Ares towards Marduk without getting our hands dirty and wasting any of our energy in the process.
Once we get there, I actually think we should go after Zeus, not Marduk. The whole reason that Marduk is in Greece in the first place is to eat Zeus and absorb his powers, so if we take Zeus out of the equation (we're Unbound and we have our toxin to aid us), we deprive Marduk of his meal.
We're going to have to time things extremely well if we want to save our skin and take both of them out of the picture. This late in the game, we need Ares' help to wear down Marduk or else we'll lose for sure, but if we fuck up and he finds us before we've managed to set him towards Marduk, we're completely fucked here. I hope Edem is alive when we get there, but I'm not optimistic about that.
Kipeci: The reason we fight against the Olympians is because most of them serve the whims of the Masters. Our existence and our nature is something that the Masters find dangerous because we're something they can't control. When you look at Ean's overall goal of raising up Humanity to one day become strong enough to face them, along with the possibility of an alliance with the Gieloth should Sekhenun's faction prevail, it's obvious why the Masters and the loyal immortals with properly functioning voices (i.e. Naram), all want to kill him. Because of this, it's smart to assume that most Immortals are an enemy until they prove otherwise.
Zeus is almost as much of a threat to us as Marduk is, so he's got to go too. On the list of gods, I see Artemis being a good potential ally. Maybe Athena? That's about it.