I'm torn between A and B. C is still the shit option.
Tough choice. I'm against C because as Equilax said, we have let his sons go to draw him to us, so let him come to us. B sound suitably heroic, but I'm not sure if A wouldn't be better. Yeah, B might be a great blow to the Greek morale, but destroying their way back home might also increase their resolve - it's victory or death for them then, no retreat possible. A will also give us more bodies for our army - but how effective they would be is a different matter. I'm not sure.
Good points.
We can't go to Memphis because it would be a flip-flopping disaster, but sinking the boats might only embolden Ares' men further. However, would it embolden the Greeks to go march on Memphis, or would it embolden them to change course and try to deal with us instead? Given the humiliation we inflicted on Ares' sons, I'm thinking it's the latter.
It's crucial that we buy some time for the survivors at Memphis so that they can fall back to Herakleopolis. With a successful mission in Pikuat, the commander we met at Tjaru should have little trouble procuring conscripts to defend Egypt. My problem with A is that it doesn't do anything really heroic to get people to really believe that we're Runi. Look at this:
“They already hold most of the major cities in the Delta. It is always the same – Ares arrives and displays his strength, and the governors surrender the city to him. Damned cowards!”
Ares displayed his strength to intimidate the cities of the Delta, so we have to display ours to restore faith in the country.
As far as the issue with the boats, couldn't we just kill Ares' garrison and leave the boats intact? I think that gets our message across nicely: "Go home." In fact, we should probably leave some of the garrison alive so that when they report to Ares, they can sow dissent and mutiny in his ranks. It would put Ares in a Catch-22 situation: either he marches on Memphis while dealing with a ton of desertion issues, or he wastes a few days returning to Pikuat to burn down his remaining ships so that he can get his men back in line.
In any case, we'll cross that bridge when we reach it. B will work, but I'm more concerned about the consequences that it could cause down the road if we defeat Ares; we'll have no way of bringing our army to Greece if we burn down all of Ares' ships. That means that our Egyptian troops in Greece, who are probably getting battered over there, won't be receiving any fresh reinforcements.
Tigranes, we let the twins go in hopes of drawing Ares away from Memphis by provoking him. Based on our initial move, I think
our goal should be to buy enough time for the surviving Egypt-Babylon forces to retreat into the better fortified Herakleopolis (where the Pharaoh is located), while establishing our reputation as Runi in the meantime. With the men's morale restored and a mighty fortress, we have a very good chance at winning. Here's a map of Egypt below:
So I think that's the gist of it: B would mean quickly establishing our legend as Runi in the short-term, but sacrificing long-term effectiveness. Given the terror twins' abilities, I would say that in this war, courage and morale will count for more than skill in battle: a brave peasant who knows Runi has come to save Egypt is worth more than a soldier who's lost all heart.