Baltika9: It's our second, actually. Aphrodite, remember? We know all too well that she was pretty similar to her mythological counterpart.
Defending Memphis is wildly inconsistent with the choice we made previously: we chose to let the twins go in hopes of drawing Ares
away from Memphis, so why go
towards Memphis? Since we've chosen an overall strategy of "COME AT ME BRO", it would be stupid to go there now.
Also, it's important to note that the survivors suffered a humiliating defeat to Ares just two weeks ago, and morale is low; the terror twins are going to have a fucking field day using their powers on men who are already terrified. People are still unaware that Runi has returned to save Egypt again, so if we show up in Memphis declaring that we're the Son of Osiris without any deeds/proof to back it up, we're going to be greeted with contempt.
So before we do anything, we must first establish that the legend has returned. A is bad because actions speak louder than words (and besides, the commander of the Tjaru garrison will handle recruitment if we pick B. Sinking the Greek fleet will make his job easy), and C is bad because the terror twins would wreak havoc on a group of men who just had their asses kicked by Ares a few weeks ago. As I've stated earlier, morale will be the key to winning this war.
Anyways, I am positive that B will work. I am quite certain that Ares an impatient, bloodthirsty hothead like his mythological counterpart, but even if he isn't, this is exactly the sort of provocation that he won't be able to ignore. First we geld his sons, then we sink his fleet and kill 1,000 of his men: he looks like a bitch in front of his own men who can't go back home, and we look like a daring hero to the Egyptians. He'll pretty much have to change his plans if we sink his fleet - he knows that he could kill the Pharaoh at any time, but the longer he ignores Runi, the more he becomes a problem.
Hannibal did this "let's piss off the enemy to draw them out until they do something stupid" tactic to great effect before, and I think it'll work brilliantly here.