You guys proposing a cease-fire are misjudging Ares' personality. We can't broker an alliance with him because he isn't the type to put grudges aside and work together for a common goal. He's far too petty and arrogant for that, especially now that we've slighted him twice. No, the only hope we have here is to piss him off so badly that he abandons his siege of Memphis to come after us in Olympus, hopefully offering reinforcement against Marduk. This will give us another god to work with should it be too late against Marduk.
I've amended my plan to this:
C) Find one of the soldiers fleeing from Pikuat via telepathy, then tell him to deliver a message to Ares: We have decided that Ares is too weak to waste our time on, which is why we've opted to go to Olympus to find worthier enemies.
It's a good plan. Given Ares' haughty nature, it'll be the last straw for him. Even better, it doesn't waste another moment of our time, gives us a meat shield against Marduk, and it saves Egypt.
At first I wasn't worried too much about the possibility of Marduk destroying Zeus. Instead of 2 super strong opponents, their super lieutenants and their armies we would just have to fight 1 super super strong opponent and what's left of his army. And we wouldn't make enemies of the rest of immortals. That actually sounded like a good deal to me. But then that chart treave put up really threw me off. Apparently there was to be no way to defeat the fucker except by surrendering to him and devouring him as he tried to do the same to us, and all our attempts to do so would be futile.
But after the revolution, a duel against Marduk was winnable: why take the chance of either of them getting stronger? We could have dealt with them, Egypt had no relevance to our situation. Look, what's done is done, but this was all very obvious - the entire chapter was leading up to a confrontation with Marduk. You didn't need supernatural foresight to figure this shit out.
Oh, and we are going to make enemies of the other Immortals by our very nature, so you just have to accept this fact; we're an unbound Immortal with a Gieloth big sister. As others have said, the most likely person to ally with here is Shulgi - he'd be very likely to be curious about our condition, and he'd probably also want a way to make himself Unbound as well. Doesn't mean we can trust him, but there you go.