Baltika9, I'm seeing a lot of mental gymnastics and wishful thinking going on. Dio has just achieved a massive power-boost, why the hell would he become Ean's lackey? if anything, he's all the more determined to become the undisputed ruler of the universe at this point - he wants to usurp that power, not become a sycophant to it. He doesn't give a fuck about the Emperor or the Empire - he only cares about himself. Look at this:
You are Diogenes Camna. You would be a poor excuse for a man if you let such toys manipulate your reason for existence. You can sacrifice anything at all to get ahead because you knewthe universe was your plaything and nothing else mattered as long as you won. Your ego would not be defeated by some two-bit cursed sword the royal family dredged out from some vault.
He's a man with a tremendous ego who views the universe as his plaything and will sacrifice anything to get ahead. This is not a man who is content to be in second place. I agree with Kipeci entirely and I believe that there is pretty much no justification that could exist for him
I want Ean back, but nevertheless we've got this character and we can't not play as him. I see things going down in one of two ways:
1) Our control over the blade is still very tenuous:
“No… I don’t think so. You are mine.” You force the sentience of the blade under your control with a harsh effort. Soon it recognizes your logic and ceases to resist, acknowledging your will for now.
A/B: We break our promise with Anbar-Shi. This is bad. The sword will then proceed to attack our psyche while our guard is down, the same thing that we did just now. We end up like Ban, the sword hijacks our body and makes way toward New Athens, feasting on Ean. Very shitty ending.
2) C: We keep faith with the sword... for now. Once the opportunity arises, we betray the sword a second time when it won't suspect our subterfuge. Maintaining the appearance of honoring our deal now will give us options in the future.
treave, I'm assuming that C doesn't necessarily lock us into doing the blade's bidding for the remainder of the chapter, correct?
On that note, I'm voting for C, nonsense of waking up with Ean and teaming up with him aside (look at the choices as they're written, not gonna happen). At the very least, with C, we have room to maneuver and outwit the sword. Going for a powerplay with A/B seems like a surefire way to end up like our pal Ban. I'd love to hear any ideas to the contrary though.
Flopped to B