All your points are very good, Baltika. I'm still on the fence, but I would like to play a character with true brains as well. Maybe the extra brains give us hints that will help us make the right choices and avoid the really bad ones... edit: treave, I'm looking at you when I say that. Seriously, bro - we needs us some training wheels when it comes to the blind choices that can majorly fuck us over...
...but not enough, I suppose. At the risk of being a douchebag, I'll bite.
How about we start exercising those "extra brains" right now? Consider this: we take the INT upgrade...and what then? How does this help us maximize our assets, the fight club with a parody of a human being it's only member, for our goals, which right now include first and foremost completing pwincess' "quest" (because if we don't we invite her scorn and very unpleasant consequences. If she demoted us from the top to the bottom in under an hour, what else will she do?) These guys will need a leader
and mentor right now, because currently nobody in the club can fight worth shit. And considering this is a treave LP, we will get Diogenes' scouting trip (where he stood with mouth open, shitting his pants) at Euphraxes rather than Ean's defense of Tjaru. The strength upgrade gives us the fighting instinct we
fucking need.
Next, we're also being hounded by interstellar chimeras. Advanced brain processing power is all well and good, but in a scenario like this it's goddamn useless. Again,
we need the strength and instinct.
Dimension hopping? Our suit breaks, our reasoning fails, we're pinned to the ground? We need that instinct and strength. Edit: especially with
our track record. We need a last resort that doesn't ddisfigure us like Dio, and punching someone in the face always works.
Advanced brainpower? We have enough of that and then some, we can already plan out war mechs and that's enough for now. We can bring it up later by studying and experimenting. As for the implants, I don't want to see treave's grimdark interpretation of trans-humanism and soulless cyborgs, we ahve enough working against us as it is.
In short: in favor of A we have congruence with past choices, immediate benefits (Fight Club, which is too close to the movie to be funny, and

with Kyrie, plus her respect and possibly friendship) and long term gains (rounding out critical weaknesses) and totally needed and essential fighting instincts.
In favor of B we have "omg, socially awkward Tony that is also AZN! Gigglesquee!" (which will wear thin quickly, trust me on that), increased intelligence (as stated, it is rather redundant now
and it increases our processing power, not a straight-up IQ boost) and improved mechs, which we can get the regular human way (which is my preferred way here: unlock humanity's inner strengths rather than tacking on machines and calling it a day).
Also, A makes us a fucking Space Marine. What else do you want?