Re: Mining facility
It does seem the most straightforward and simple mission, doesn't it? Nothing much to say here, there's always a safe option. The facility is lightly guarded by one warship and ten first-gen Vizalas. They aren't expecting anyone to come knocking.
You've just summed up why I don't consider this our best option. It's safe, gets us a moderate payoff, something a regular tactician would do.
Ordinary. Being ordinary won't get us far.
Trouble is, in our situation being ordinary is far worse than being extraordinary: we already made an enemy of the Empress , we cut off our paths into other organizations since we went full Kyrie and Kyrie's rivals won't take too kindly to us influencing instead of them.
The best that can happen to us if we play our shit safe is that we'll end up a simple officer and advance through the career ladder, but will be marginalized in the highest echelons of power; the worst is that we just may end up on an operating table in some top-secret lab.
Contrast that with going Full Napoleon: the man knew to take risks and make sure they succeed and he knew the power of propaganda. Only unlike old Bonnie, Senya isn't a schizophrenic megalomaniac chasing after a high-class divorced prostitute, we have the future Empress of the Shinar on our side; if we play our cards right, we really may end up as (possibly God) Emperor.
Edit: plus, it's much easier to fight a demoralized enemy with a full stomach than a bunch of angry nationalists.
Re: Barrier
You could conceivably adjust the barrier to protect against even solid weaponry and beam sabers, or the mega particles of a battleship cannon, if you know where you should concentrate the shield's particles with the exact timing to intercept the hit. This would require use of your ability to perform the calculations needed in time to use the barrier in such a way. Yua is not able to obtain or analyse the information required at such a level yet, so you have to do it yourself. Given the drain of the field on your reactor, you will not be able to have it on all the time - it needs to be switched on and off as the situation requires. Yua can handle it for you automatically when she spots incoming attacks that you missed. A field created by dispersing the particles for jamming will last for up to three hours and has a diameter of about 5 km from the point of origin. You will also need three hours to regenerate enough particles for a second field.
I foresee much
in the future.
As for Kyrie, I'm glad to see that I misinterpreted the character, she seems to even kinda-sorta trust and rely on Senya(and I sense a wonderful opportunity here to pull off a political stunt that would make even Dio nod approvingly, ask me how
), and she's kind of like an inexperienced Sek specializing in politics instead of science, which makes missing out on an Ean 2.0 that much more regrettable. Although, who knows, Senya is kind of starting to remind me of him.
You won't be able to take any leaves while behind enemy lines.
I meant after this, because we really do need to investigate the Cult and discover what's what. Our sister wants to meet us, might as well use the invitation at our earliest convenience. So, will they or won't they give us one?
2C because it's the ballsiest choice, and balls are needed to avert a future in which Senya continues to flop around flaccidly whenever anyone implies that he and Kyrie might be holding hands.
...that too.