In our encounter with Adrahasis, he managed to hide 10,000 ships while we were talking and surround us. I don't know what sort of tech the League has, but being backed by the Masters definitely presents a wild card, and could really throw a wrench in the works:
You don't know if they can hide all 20, but you find it unlikely unless they have tech you don't know about.
Now, we have one Master who is intrigued by Senya as he's never seen a being like him, but I'm betting that most of them are backing the League. Providing them with knowledge via the voices could be a sign of their divine favour, as well as an example of them "bending" the rules of the game. But then again, I see more Master fuckery occuring once we encounter the Council.
As for any counterarguments to this, I don't have any. If they have somehow managed to hide 20 fortresses via cloaking tech that we don't possess, our guys are dead meat if they charge in. According to treave, some jamming is in play to cover the retreat, which makes me uneasy. They could be well fortified there with all of their fortresses for all we know.
Treating the most consequence filled LP in history like it's a larpy power fantasy and gambling everything on a greedy division of our forces that would make Sun Tzu spin in his grave...
I don't think anyone is playing this like a power fantasy here. We all know the risks that come with A/B, it's just that sometimes you don't have all the information at hand and you need to make a risky decision if you want to achieve victory.
For example, you voted for the safest option, C. This is perfectly fine. But C also nets us nothing and allows our enemies to consolidate quite comfortably on their own turf and prepare for us - that's indisputable. So yes, with A we are taking a big gamble, but I suspect that winning this war will involve getting it right on a few gambles. If we play it safe here and for example, we link with Ean's group, then that simply postpones a hard decision like this for another day. And that decision might be even harder later.
Is A the right decision? I think so, but I could be horribly wrong. All I can do is really extrapolate from what we know, and this is it:
- When we arrived at Gelmark, we saw the stars and gas giants of the system, but the fortresses were nowhere to be seen. The fortresses are mobile, so they could simply have been moved and cloaked through advanced tech or immortal power. This is a point against A, to be sure, but doing something like that would require immense power and tech that we aren't familiar with. Adrahasis cloaked 10,000 ships, but this is a much greater feat.
- Armada Delta is heading toward a jump point that leads closer to the core.
- They sped up and made no attempt to fire on us after they saw us. Some jamming is in play to cover their retreat, or apparent retreat.
- Our intel tells us that Alpha is heading closer towards the core as well, to lie in wait for us. They possibly want to choose the site of the last battle at Carneus Beta. However, Gelmark provides the closest rout to Carneus Beta, allowing a fleet to reach it in just four jumps.
- We know the location of their forces except Epsilon, it's safe to assume they know the location of ours.