The Brazilian Slaughter, we've mentioned several times why this won't be as simple as taking a shot and bolting. That strategy won't work at all. Oh, and guys, stop comparing this situation to our fight at Uranus - the doctrines, strategies and abilities between the League and the Empire are very different. Again, here is the comparison between their differing philosophies:
The Empire focuses on armour and mass volleys, drowning the enemy in fire. They have a lot more missiles on their warships than other factions, and their warships are also sturdier.
The League's ships are built around particle beams. Their ships are more maneuverable than those of the other two factions as far as warships go, allowing them to constantly shift position to fire an accurate beam salvo. The drones act to screen enemy fire and also to pin the enemy fleet in position with relentless attacks.
Now, we must consider our frame's abilities and how we can utilize them, first and foremost.
VII. Reactive Energy Armour. Uses the immense generator output to constantly create a layer of ablative energy. It can be supercharged and ejected outwards to burn the enemy, or contained and used for a ramming attack.
Okay, the issue is that we need to be in the same area long enough to get a shot off. However, our ramming abilities with VII create some interesting opportunities not just for offense, but for clever defense in helping us advance past the fortresses while taking a few out along the way. Look at this:
The armour of the super-heavy battleship appears to be layered with a super-dense material; even my graviton cannons fail to penetrate the hull fully.
Okay, I am assuming that our ramming abilities are strong enough to push a super-heavy battleship, which I could be wrong about.
But we can do this, potentially: ram into a super-heavy battleship, using it as a makeshift shield as we prepare our Annihilator Cannon. The super-dense armor on the shield will give us precious seconds to prepare as millions of particles and drones descend upon us. But to get to us, they'd have to get through the battleship, first. Once that happens and the battleship has been taken out to get to us, our shot is loaded up and we can fire it towards the enemy fortresses as we head towards the Vajra Shula.
There are plenty of things that could go wrong with this though. The main issue is that it assumes that we aren't getting flanked, so we can't do it deep inside the enemy's lines, we have to be advancing towards them and relatively sure that there's nobody behind us. We probably would need to fire a second shot to actually get to the superweapon, but I think this would be a great initial shock-and-awe attack that would wipe out many of their fortresses (which are carrying their drones).
The other issue is that once they fire at the battleship we're using as a shield, the resulting explosion will hurt us because we don't have the VII upgrade that allows us to absorb explosions. I don't know whether that could fuck up our ability to fire black holes.