The only reason I'm voting 1 is because I hate hypocrites.
So you're willing to risk Sekhenun fucking us over... because it would be hypocritical not to. That makes no sense.
Sekhenun hasn't even raised the issue or brought it up to begin with, so why let her run free when she hasn't even asked for it? You're making concessions to her when it's not even necessary. Wait a bit, feel out her intentions with this Marduk/Zeus thing, then decide whether we should keep the same deal going.
I don't think it's as bad an idea as Tigranes does, because should Ean feed on a few Gieloth lieutenants to regain his power, stomping Sekhenun and putting her back in line shouldn't be too hard. He curbstomped her back in their first meeting, you add telekinesis into the mix and I don't think she really stands a chance, even in her prime. If only we had Anbar-Shi...
I suppose it does make sense from the standpoint of fostering some trust between us, but I definitely think there's something to all of this that she's keeping secret from us.
Here's one thing she probably neglected to mention: a big container, with a lot of water in it, probably requires a lot of sustenance. The more powerful we get, the more we'll have to eat to maintain ourselves.
You’ve become this very interesting abomination that I would love to experiment on, but that’s not what I promised you.”
I have a feeling Sekhenun wants to use our unique condition as an Immortal with a similar hunger to the Gieloth to create some sort of cure or vaccine for her species' cannibalistic curse. Very nice, but where does that leave us? Maybe we'll find a way to create more Immortals like ourselves and procure some other poor fuck to be her test subject. Might I suggest Naram? I like Shulgi better with a leash on him.
From what little we know, it's clear that the Masters really fucked this up and that they are to blame for Earth being a battleground. Seems to me if the Gieloth curse were cured, they would have no reason to stay on Earth anymore.