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Chapter 5.1: A Tiny Little Hunger
You were in a shanty town just on the outskirts of Babylon. It had taken you three long weeks to get here, though you had found out that Mehrune was still in the city - a stroke of good luck there. It had nearly been a century since you were last in Sumer, and things are different. Everywhere you looked, throughout your journey, there were many homeless and the poor. Farmers subsist on scraps while they work the fields for their masters, the priestly order called the Sons of Marduk. Land ownership was concentrated in the hands of the clergy, with Marduk being elevated as the one god above all. The soldiers and priests were the only ones enjoying the riches of Sumeria, and they were the foundation of Marduk's reign. Human sacrifice had become a large part of the new state religion, as it was with Sekhenun's cult. Though you defeated his top two lieutenants so many years ago, Marduk appears to have found replacements - now he has twelve.
Of course, he probably needs twelve just to make up for those two, you think to yourself.
You hear a small yelp, and a scream. Turning your head, you see a few rough men carrying away a struggling little girl into an alley. Some unbidden memories of your life as a street rat float briefly to the surface before a dark, ugly emotion - a terrible mix of anger and hunger - washes it away. Choking back that feeling, you lose a bit of control and give a desperate, emotional laugh as you hold your head tightly, trying to clear your mind.
"Ah, what's so funny, you busybody?"
The men holding the girl were looking at you. Their leader, a great hulk of a man confronts you, a wood-axe in one hand.
"Were you laughing at me? If people laugh at me they gotta pay up, y'hear?"
His scarred and bearded face glowers, making a practiced attempt at intimidation. You notice a few other people surrounding you with hostile intentions. Adding mugging to their crimes of kidnapping, it seems.
"You do now, do you?" You toss him a coin. It wasn't like you couldn't afford it, after you snuck into your own tomb in Egypt and took some treasures to fund your journey. It's not stealing if they gave it to you as a burial gift. The large man eyes the coin suspiciously, and sneers.
"Hand it all over, worm. This won't even pay for your funeral." Indeed it wouldn't. You smile at him. "That's what your joke of a face is worth, my friend."
His face turns a curious shade of purple as he chokes in rage. "That's it, you're dead!" The man roars as he raises his axe. As he takes a step forward, preparing to chop your head in two, you give his outstretched foot a telekinetic flick. Thrown off balance, he trips and falls right into the path of your incoming fist. There is a loud cracking noise, and his jaw is smashed by your right hook. At that instant, two of the other robbers fall upon you from behind, yelling dire threats. You move backwards with one quick, fast step, not looking at them - as their momentum sends them past you, you whip your knives out, one in each hand, and sink it between their ribs. That was when the rest of the robbers decided to run, leaving their would be abductee behind.
The fight was over in seconds.
You look down at the groaning robbers. Their leader was out cold, and the two you knived would bleed out if they weren't helped. And you were feeling quite peckish after your exertions...
A. You eat. Eating will make you stronger, and you need all the strength you can for what awaits you in Babylon. These were scum who would kidnap a little girl. They would serve far more good to this world as your nourishment than they would ever have done in a hundred years.
B. You resist the temptation to eat. You do not desire to feed unless absolutely necessary, even if these low-lives were kidnappers and robbers. You will find another way to deal with your hunger.