We don't actually have to eat all 3 gieloths if we vote 1A. This devour soul thing is kind of new to us and we a still experimenting. Who knows what might happen if our first real meal (=Gieloth) is supercharged ûber specimen. We might go nuclear and accidentally take out whole middle east with our eartquake ability. Better safe than sorry.
And who cares about Sekhenun's motives? Or Zeus-Marduk conflict reason? Sekhenun helps us because of her own selfish motives but nevertheless she helps. Zeus and Marduk are fighting like immortals and gieloths have always done. The only reason to vote 3B would be if we tried to negotiate peace with Zeus and Marduk, which we aren't. If we are going to deal with Sekhenun, better get to the root of this whole war and vote A.
That's baseless speculation and there is no evidence of "going nuclear" whatsoever. I could just as easily say that we could "go nuclear" by devouring three Gieloth at once.
We don't have to eat all three of them, but then what's the point? The whole rationale of 1A is an easy assault on three fledglings so that we can boost our powers up by chowing down. The downside is that it would blow our cover, and it provides no strategic benefits to the war effort beyond the power boost and make us owe Sekhenun three human lives.
Except that we kill Marduk's kin. And we know, that if nothing else, Gieloth are pack animals, so to speak. So, God Emperor has his kin killed, he appears weak, powerless, against an obscure cult. That will make him clamp down on us, by making the populace suffer. The populace is the cult's support, without popular support, the cult will have little influence. Ask yourself: relief and death, or life? Plus, he'll be much more pissed off because we kill his family then he would be if it were some "ordinary" lieutenant.The point is to eat one weak gieloth and see what happens. If it is nothing bad, then go ahead and eat the other two. If we do it right, Marduk knows just that some humans rebelled and managed to kill 3 weaklings. Ean and the scale of rebellion will still remain unknown.
What you got from Panrath is still there. Barely any time has passed since you regained your powers, so you still aren't getting anything. I need a big time skip one of these days...
Except that we kill Marduk's kin. And we know, that if nothing else, Gieloth are pack animals, so to speak.
Only we had 'er by the balls back then, her life in our hands. And in any event, he'll have to retaliate for that, heavily, because it's the God Emperor's kin that were killed. If he turns over and takes it, his authority is blown.Except that we kill Marduk's kin. And we know, that if nothing else, Gieloth are pack animals, so to speak.
Didn't we kill Sekhenun's kin also? Not sure if I remember correctly though.
Oh, he'll pressure the people, hard. Not us, or the cult. The people will rat out the cult and then the support structure is out. Now, take out a war hero, an army symbol for the whole nation, an apparently skilled and brave general, and you take out one of the well-exercised, retaliatory hands of the Emperor, as opposed to three Limpwrist Mcfaggots who do nothing except breathe and eat. And the retaliation for that will be less brutal. Do the math. The first strike needs to be a crippling strike as well as an inspirational one. Besides, they're not priests, they're prissied up younglings, who got their position because Uncle is Emperor.He'll probably retaliate, but consider that he is far away. And weight in also how the people will react if we kill priest involved in human sacrifices vs. some general they know nothing about.
Yes, it is baseless, but then again we are first of our kind in history. We just don't know what will happen if we eat a gieloth (or another immortal). Possibilities are limitless and I would rather be safe than sorry.
The point is to eat one weak gieloth and see what happens. If it is nothing bad, then go ahead and eat the other two. If we do it right, Marduk knows just that some humans rebelled and managed to kill 3 weaklings. Ean and the scale of rebellion will still remain unknown.
I think it'll be more solid for morale to pull off three assassinations than risk an open battle where we could very likely get our ass kicked.
I also don't think information is a good enough trade with Sek.
I'll flop to 1C, but I really think you guys should vote 3D. This is not a good deal for Ean, even the people voting for a deal admit it's not a good deal. And if we can't break it then we're stuck for eternity until Sekhenun revokes it or she dies. The people dying for Sekhenun erotica are one thing (crazy and getting a little too repetitive), but the rest of you should be level-headed enough to realize that this is a bad play. Maybe if she was offering all her knowledge on the Gieloth like in the update where we chose the communications network, that would be worthwhile. But the information she's offering up is frankly shit. Walk away now and wait for a better deal later.
Besides, this may be her version of a "retard test", hence this might be a good case of "my way or the highway" being the right choice. Much as I hate passing up a chance at diplomacy and all.
A shit test is when a woman gives a guy a hard time, usually for the purpose of seeing how he will react. Because women (especially attractive women) are hit on all the time, they have developed behaviors that quickly disqualify potential suitors that are not of a high enough value for her.