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Chapter 5.5: Gudersu and the Gutians
Your cultists let loose a volley of arrows at the supply guards, and go on the attack. Hollering what they think to be bandit-like profanities, they jump into the fray with great glee. Mehlu's men, pressed on all sides, are about to break. Unsheathing your sword, you run in, heading for the Gieloth general. All about you men were screaming and dying, but that did not matter to you now. Mehlu had unleashed his transformation, sending tendrils to wrap about the sword-arm of the Gutian who had attacked him. The man screamed in pain as a hissing, crackling sound came from his arm. Mehlu hefted his spear and prepared to send it into the man's heart. He didn't - couldn't - sense you walking up behind him... but one of his soldiers was looking out for him, and shouted a warning just before you struck. Your stab missed its mark by a bit, nicking a good bit of the flesh from his sides. Mehlu jumped back, twirling his spear. More tendrils flooded out of the wound, flailing around in an attempt to capture you. You step and dance around the tendrils, gently deflecting with telekinesis what you can't evade cleanly.
At the same time, Mehlu's golden spear made blindingly quick thrusts at you. They were fast, but he was predictable, and you managed to parry his attacks. He was strong, stronger than you - but you are better. He has fallen into the flow of your movements and you have him exactly where you want him. As he attempts another futile stab with his three-pronged spear, you brace your blade under his outstretched spear, and with a twist, flick it out of his hands... well, you tried. The spear did not move from Mehlu's hands. A grin spread across his face.
He had been saving his strength from the start of the battle. Twisting the spear and thrusting it forward, he locks your sword-arm behind you. You have no choice but to let go of the sword and unsheathe a knife with your other hand, but Mehlu is ahead of you there and slams the pole of the spear into you as you move forward. You tumble to the ground. In a flash you are back on your feet, just in time to lean away from another spear thrust that comes perilously close to opening up your side. It looks like you have to fall back - the head-on approach wasn't working. Mehlu knew how to use the spear's length well.
You run, into the fighting crowd, dodging the wild attacks of Gutians and Babylonians alike. Mehlu looked around him, confused. He couldn't sense you within the crowd. You see the barbarian giant attempting to raise his sword to attack Mehlu, who kicked him back to the ground brutally before continuing to look for you.
The time was now. You shove a Babylonian soldier at Mehlu's back.
Even before he has finished turning around, Mehlu has run the spear through the soldier's chest. Not giving him the chance to fully realize his mistake, you step forward quietly, very closely behind him, and he felt only the sting of your knife as it slipped neatly into the armour and through his spine, where his core was located. With a shudder, he falls wordlessly, the tendrils crumbling into smoky remnants.
That was... easy. All things considered.
You rip your knife out of his spine, bringing out the orb impaled on it. It was an ugly, green, fleshy thing, utterly unappetizing to you. You pluck it from the blade and shove it in your robes. You can eat it later.
All around you, the Babylonian soldiers were fleeing. You are about to heft a sigh of relief, but then, you see the Gutians engaging with your men. It looks like they were in a fight over the supplies the Babylonians had left behind. With their weapons out and the heat of battle still upon them, already blood had been drawn from your men and the Gutians. Some of the cultists and one tribesman lay dead in front of the caravans. You head towards the Gutians - if that was how they wanted to play it...
The large Gutian roars, his voice echoing off the cliff. Clutching his half-eaten arm, he gets to his feet shakily. Now that you stood besides him, you could tell that he was truly huge, towering over you by a full head and a half. He had fair hair and skin, as did all the Gutians. A great bushy beard dominated his face. "These bandits saved my life by coming when they did. That misbegotten monster of Marduk's almost had me... truly the God-King can call upon demons to do his bidding. Now, there are plenty of spoils to go around. Plenty for all of us. I am sure we can share?" As the Gutians step back, looking ashamed, the giant looks at you, waiting for your answer. You see no reason why not - the supplies were just a bonus for the cult.
"But, Dread Master, they killed Garam!" protested one of the cultists. "He was a good man!"
Probably most people here were good men, even the dead soldiers. You've seen enough to know that good men tend to do terrible things. His death was a pity, but inconsequential in the larger scheme of things. You raise your voice. "Aye, a good man, and that is why Lord Shulgi has raised him up to the gardens of paradise before any of you! His faith has served him well, and should any of you prove worthy, as the emissary of Death herself I shall reunite you with our god personally." You wave your hand at the caravans. "Now, get to checking the supplies. Keep an eye out for anything different." You turn back to the Gutian leader, feeling that you've never really gotten the knack of giving speeches. Surprisingly, he holds his uninjured arm out, to the side, as if readying for an embrace.
"You are like Ningursu himself, come down to aid his faithful! Hug me, brother!"
A bit embarrassed, you gingerly hug the large man. You suppose that was a compliement on his part. Ningursu was the god of war in the pantheon, and one of the few Sumerian gods that the Gutians actually worshipped.
"The way you dispatched that monster... beautiful! You are wasted on petty banditry, brother!" You seem to recall Garam saying something about Gutian bandits, and reply. "Are you not also a bandit?"
The man snorts. "I am Gudersu, and I take only what is needed to feed my people. We will not let that damned God-King chase out of our own lands!"
"If I remember correctly, your people came from the western mountains and conquered these lands."
"Exactly! A man who knows history is a man after my own heart! My tribe led the great alliance two hundred years ago. My great, great grandfather was the first Gutian King of Sumeria. I, Gudersu, am a royal king! As a descendant of those that conquered these lands, I am the rightful king of Sumeria."
"Marduk conquered these lands too. Shouldn't the right of kingship be his now?"
"For now. Right until I break his neck." Gudersu grins. "Until then, I rule over wherever his reach does not extend... and his reach does not extend to many places." He waves his arm all around him. Strong as Marduk was, even his armies couldn't patrol every inch of the empire. Gudersu's tribe must be moving from spot to spot, never staying in a single place.
"So, why have you moved here, Gudersu? It is quite close to Marduk's throne, and surely his reach extends here."
Gudersu pauses for a while, then laughs. "Glory! Goods! I'm thinking soon it is the time for the Gutians to raid Babylon again... teach Marduk that we are to be feared. Come to think about it, why don't you join us? We Gutians do not discriminate by blood, unlike the pansies in the cities. What matters is the strength of it, and your blood is strong. I like it. Why not come with us, you and your men? We can raid together!"
You chuckle. "Sorry. I have other banditry to perform in the area that is of a more quiet nature."
"Ah, you are a thief as well as a robber and a great warrior. You are a man of many talents, my bandit friend. We could really use your skills. You saved my life, and I need the chance to save yours!"
"You could... say that. But no, I do have some personal matters I need to resolve with just my band of men."
"Ah, a personal matter. I have heard of those in the tales your people sing. Usually a woman is involved. It is unfortunate, but I will not stand in the way." Gudersu gives a big shrug and walks towards the caravan. He turns back towards you a few steps later, and says to you hopefully, "If it is women... why not come meet my daughter? She takes after me, handsome and strong. A nice young man like you would like her."
An image of a female Gudersu popped into your mind, unbidden, and you laugh. "No, thank you, Gudersu. I do appreciate the offer but I have other things to settle at the moment. Maybe afterwards."
"Ah, is that it? Pity. Such a pity." He gives another big shrug, looking disappointed, and walks off.
When the dust had cleared, the cultists having scavenged what they needed, you bid farewell to Gudersu. He gave you another big hug, telling you to visit him, before moving off with his tribesmen on horses that they had hidden beyond the cliff.
Back in Babylon, you leaned Mehlu's golden spear against the wall as you freshened up. You suppose you should get the eating over with... you bring out the round, fleshy orb. It still looked unappetizing, even though you could feel some hunger rising within you. Before you could eat, however, Sekhenun walked into the room. She gives a slight yelp of disgust, seeing you about to bite into the orb.
"Would you mind? Please do knock next time." you quip.
"Don't eat that in front of me, please. I'm just here to tell you about the next targets you can get to and I certainly don't want to see you smearing Gieloth juices all over your mouth."
"Oh sure, I'll just wait until you leave. Right. What do you have for me?"
A. Nusku had been obtaining more human specimens for his experiments lately. He grabs the homeless and the poor from the shanties around Babylon. The increased demand has made his catchers less discriminating about who they capture and deliver - you could probably get 'caught' and get in close enough to assassinate the Gieloth.
B. Gamilsin has a taste for brothels despite his penchant for murder, where he reenacts his favourite scenarios non-lethally. This is a public secret, though to keep up his strict moralistic appearance, he goes about his visits quietly with minimum fuss. It appears one of the cultists working there has been booked for his next visit - she can help you come up with a plan to deal with him.
C. Although Mehlu died on his way to the fort, supplies still needed to be sent. This time, Marduk is sending the three fledglings but with five hundred men to the fort. Human lives, after all, are cheaper than those of valuable Gieloth.
D. Dakuri still continues to perform his weekly visits. He would be an easy mark on his way back from the tavern at night.