A - 1
B - 11
D - 3
Chapter 5.6: Gamilsin
The cultist who would sneak you in was Allari, a recent initiate to the cult. Her merchant husband had been executed by the Sons of Marduk for false worship, though that was only an excuse for some priest to seize his assets in the name of the temple. Having nowhere to turn to, she went into her current line of business. It was a rough profession, and the benevolence of Shulgi's cult made her a ready convert. Allari was more than eager to please when she heard of the cult's plot, and she did her best to get herself into Gamilsin's favour so that she would be in a position to help. It was supposed to be risk-free - rumours were that Gamilsin hurt the women he was with, but never went as far as killing them.
On the day of the assassination, he had stormed into the room, ranting about how Shamash and Ibilsin had been pressuring him to get results on some investigation, and how he was sure that the prick Dapimsin was plotting to replace him with a toadie of his own. Allari attempted to calm him down. For a while it seemed to work, but then Gamilsin sneered and slapped her, reminding her to know her place. Pushing her down on the bed, he began having his way with her roughly. Feeling a slight discomfort, you draw your dagger, sensing the mix of lust, rage and resignation coming from employee and client in the room.
Without warning, without reason, Gamilsin plunged a knife into Allari's chest while he was still on top of her, screaming in ecstasy. Her screams of pain, echoing his, were muffled by his hand over her mouth. Her body convulsed, pinned under his heaving bulk. A step too late - was it disbelief? surprise? - you burst from the alcove where you had been hiding, hunger suddenly burning in your throat despite having fed just days before. The priest groans loudly as he pumped the last of his seed into the dying woman. You grab him by the shoulders and hurl him away from Allari. Looking at the woman, you know immediately it is too late for her.
Gamilsin stares up at you, his eyes wide. He raises his bloody hands and, to your surprise, launches a wave of telekinetic force at you. Although you are forced a step back, evidently his powers were not as strong as he thought. You give a devilish grin, and return a push of your own, sending his head slamming into the wooden wall. Gamilsin's fear-stricken face opens its mouth to scream for help, but you choke his yell into a gurgle by driving your foot into his throat. You were going to slit his throat. But he deserves a worse death. How strange it is, you think, that one so ugly would be so... appetizing. As he struggles to his knees, you knock him back to the ground with a brutal blow to his head. He coughs and tries to speak, though only wheezing noises come out. The feared head of the priests of torture can only back away from you slowly. So fearful. So helpless.
"So, did you eat him?"
A couple of days later, Sekhenun was watching you have your dinner - paid for by her - in your little tavern room.
"Didn't you hear what the Sons of Marduk have been telling anyone who would listen? High Priest Gamilsin was involved in an unfortunate hunting accident. Apparently it was a boar."
You realize that this tavern served a very good plate of boar. You have another bite. "Speaking of boar, this is some really good boar. You should have a try. I swear it's better than priest."
She laughs, shaking her head. "It looks like the priests are jockeying for position now that there is a vacancy at the top. It looks like they aren't putting too much emphasis on finding the killer. Marduk, on the other hand, is not happy about this, but he has more important things to do right now than worry about some mysterious deaths.”
“What could a God-King worry about?”
“Zeus and his gods have crushed Crete, and plan to move on to Egypt to punish them for their 'transgressions'. Human soldiers could never stand up to them on the field once they decided to intervene directly. Like it or not, Marduk is the only one with enough power to challenge Zeus on the battlefield right now. His strength is... remarkable.”
You tap your dinner knife on the plate. “What are my chances against him?”
“Before you lost your powers, you might have been able to beat him if you had help. Fighting him alone would have been extremely dangerous. Right now... well, how do you feel?”
“Almost as good as I was before in some aspects... still lacking in others.” you say honestly.
“He's had many tens of years to grow in strength, while you have not. Unless we have some cunning plan, it's best not to confront him directly.”
“So, I'm guessing Mehrune was sent here in the first place because the Pharaoh foresaw the need for an alliance?”
“No, he was just extending a diplomatic hand to his very powerful neighbour. It is a lucky turn of events that he happens to have a representative here just when the Greeks are about to attack. At any rate, things will be changing in Babylon. Marduk leads in the field whenever he can. He is a competent enough strategist himself. The deaths that you inflicted concern him, but not enough that he would miss a chance to defeat Zeus. I expect most of his lieutenants will leave with him within a month to Egypt, as per the Pharaoh's request.”
“I see... Has Mehrune conveyed that request to Marduk?”
“No, not yet. What do you have in mind?” Sekhenun smiles again, waiting to see what you'll come up with.
“Do me a favour. Get her to change the request to that of opening up a new front of battle by sailing directly to Greece. Inviting Marduk's army into Egyptian lands isn't such a great idea. If I were the Pharaoh, I'd have whichever general made that proposal hanged for being a Babylonian spy.” you say.
“Sure, I can do that. Now, Marduk will probably leave Ahati, Ramman and Nusku behind to watch over Sumeria in his absence. I think it is best if we delay any further actions until after they have left the kingdom. If Marduk accepts the proposal to sail to Greece, it will postpone his departure for some time while the ships are readied... it might take another extra month. In the mean time, I suggest we keep our heads low. You will have a bit more time to spare... you might want to handpick some cultists for training. I hear they are not very good at combat.”
With that, Sekhenun gets up. Just before she leaves, she appears to notice the spear you took from Mehlu. She stops, staring at it.
“What's the matter, haven't you seen that the last time you barged into my room without permission?”
“No... it's just that...”
“What is it? Please don't tell me that spear is some cursed Gieloth artifact.”
Sekhenun hurries over and peers at it intently, before running her fingers over the spear's tip.
“On the contrary, no. I think it's something that belonged to your former masters... Something we Gieloth know and fear quite well, and the very weapon I patterned your Honourblade after. Vajra.”
“Sounds dangerously important. Why would some unimportant general like Mehlu be wielding it?”
Sekhenun ignores you, intently exploring the spear. Shrugging, you go back to eating while you wait for her to finish. She concludes her investigations with a sigh nearly an hour later.
“This is just a piece.” She detaches the three-pronged tip of the spear and lets the useless golden shaft fall to the floor. “This is just a part of Vajra. Even when it is complete, it is useless to most Gieloth as a weapon. It wasn't designed for us... that was part of why I began researching a way to replicate its functions.”
“Do you think Marduk knows that this is a piece of this Vajra?”
“I'm not sure. If he does, I can't see him not overturning the entire region in an attempt to find it. On the other hand, I can't see Mehlu being able to hide it from him. Even though he might not be able to use it, just having it in his possession means that everyone else doesn't have it. Back when your little mudball was at the forefront of the war, I had heard that this thing was sent here for their greatest champion.”
“War? Are you going to tell me the story? It sounds like there's plenty of history there to be told.”
“Oh, no.” she smiles. “We don't have a deal after all.”
A. You do not follow Sekhenun's suggestion to stay low, and continue with the assassinations, going after whoever is more vulnerable before Marduk leaves. This might draw more attention to the cult, but there are a few names that you really want to kill before they leave the city. The three fledglings are very prone to leaving themselves open – you could start with them...
B. You lie low and spend the next two months training a handpicked group of cultists that you think can help you with your missions. Having a small band of competent men and women that you can trust would aid you greatly in the future.
C. You lie low by spending your time out of the city. You head out to meet the Gutians, thinking to meet with them. You might be able to get help from them – after all, Gudersu claims to owe you a life-debt, but mostly you just want to relax and clear your mind a bit, free from the stifling confines of Babylon.