The Price Has Been Paid
“Fuck, alright, I’ll do it. I’ll do it. Yeah. Not gonna let that piece of plastic get a nigga down, I ain’t too proud to do it if I hafta.” Psyching himself up, Benton grabs the inflatable swim ring shaped like an extremely ugly duck. He squeezes himself into it – it is an uncomfortable fit, and try as he might, he is unable to pull it up around his waist. The hips are as far as it goes, and as a result, Benton looks like he is sporting a fat duck head around his crotch. “Alright. Let’s do this shit! A nigga finna swim!”
With a yell, Benton runs into the water and makes a big splash. His arms and legs flail about wildly and somehow, he manages to stay afloat. “Fuck! Fuck! I’m swimming! I’m swimming, bitches!” he laughs nervously. Thrashing through the brackish pool, Benton reaches the corpse. He is forced to cling to its rubbery, bloated skin to maintain his balance in the water. Parts of the flesh have turned a deep jet-black and seem to be disintegrating into the pool. The cloudy, yellowing eyes are bulging halfway out of their sockets. There is a tangible stench that assails his nostrils. Benton resists the urge to gag: he’s sniffed some gross stuff growing up, but this was a whole new level of grossness.
The key is in her mouth. Her slimy, cold, wet mouth. “Sheeeeeit. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.” Muttering the word like a mantra, Benton reaches in. His fingers push her swollen tongue aside, touching her icy teeth. The key slips further in, lodging at the back of her throat. “Oh fuck.”
Something cold and wispy brushes past Benton’s kicking ankles.
Did he imagine it? He is not staying around to find out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” In a hurry, he manages to get his fingers around the bow of the key. “Yes!” Holding up the key triumphantly, Benton pushes away from the dead woman and flees for the side of the pool. He clambers up, water streaming off of his body, and dances a little jig in victory. “Yeah! Yeah! Who’s drowning now, motherfucker?”
You’ll believe even a nigger can swim…
“Yeah, you dig? Even a nigga like me can swim… yeah?” Benton pauses, uncertain. That thought had not felt like his own, yet…
“That ain’t my name, nigga!” shouts Quack-Quack at the screen furiously, as Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf Op. 67: III –
The Duck – begins to play. But the monitor has gone dark. Still stewing, Quack-Quack stomps off to the lockers. He tries the key on them, one by one, until he finds the right lock. The door of the metal locker creaks open slowly on squeaky hinges. Inside, he finds two things.
A battered fedora, and a key-card.
There is a note taped to the back of the locker. It reads:
This card will open the third door from the left in the Administration office. From there, you will be able to make your way outside.
“Is this shit real?” frowns Quack-Quack. “Hope it’s legit, man.” He picks up the card, inadvertently brushing against the back of the locker as he does so. It rattles. With a squeak, the panel leans slightly ajar, revealing an empty space behind the locker; a narrow passage of some sort. It is about big enough for a single person to squeeze through…
Quack-Quack’s Choice:
A. Exit the swimming pool and head for the Administration office.
B. Investigate the secret passage hidden behind the locker.
A. Take the fedora.
B. Don’t take the fedora.
One item.
One knife.
That is all he needs.
Edgar places the ring on his pinky. The inward-pointing spikes scratch his skin but do not draw blood – they are merely mildly uncomfortable. And he knows uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath, he inserts his finger into the hole. Nothing happens. He waits for a second. And then two. And on the third second, the machine whirs to life. There is a flash of red light from the hole.
Edgar lets out a stifled scream as pain pierces his finger. He can feel the spikes gouging in, boring into his flesh, digging until they touch bone. Then, the ring is pulled. It goes swiftly, drawn by a powerful mechanical force, vanishing into the depths of the machine as payment. Payment. That is what it meant. Edgar withdraws his trembling hand, beads of sweat rolling off his dirty brow.
This is… He stares at his finger, amazed. Blood is spurting out of the wound profusely, though he knows it would clot soon enough. He had thought that the machine would have cut it off altogether, but what it had merely done was to strip the ring, and all the flesh of his pinky together with it. Exposed bone and ligaments are all that is left behind. That, and the pain coursing up his arm.
Edgar reaches towards the vending machine with his left hand and taps what he wants. A hunting knife. The machine makes some clunking noises, and some more whirring, and after a while, spits out his prize. He takes the knife, hefting it in his good hand.
It is a well-balanced knife. Edgar stares at his reflection in the polished surface of the blade.
Now… He looks at his finger again.
Edgar’s Choice:
A. Sacrifice another finger for a first-aid kit so that he can bandage the wounds properly.
B. Bite and break off the exposed bone with his teeth, and wrap the wound with cloth cut from his rags.
A. Head for the ‘Administration’.
B. Head for the ‘Swimming Pool’.
Caitlyn and Francesca stare at each other. They had been unable to come to an agreement on what answer to give. Who runs the world? They could not even each make up their own mind enough to admit that they did not know the answer. So that is all they can do: to stare at each other.
The bushes shake and rustle. Something steps out from the bushes. As one, they turn to look at the newcomer. It is a large teddy bear, one the size of a small child. It wobbles uncertainly with each step, toddling towards them.
“Oh, how cute!” coos Caitlyn.
Francesca, on the other hand, is frowning with suspicion. “Is it… a puppet?” She has seen this before. Toys possessed by the devil.
“All bears are toys!” says the teddy bear joyfully without opening its mouth.
“Awh!” goes Caitlyn.
There is more rustling, and more stuffed toys begin to step out of the forest. Bears, cats, dogs, and even the odd duck. “All bears are toys! All bears are toys!” they chant as one, hopping up and down.
“Oh, you’re so silly. Not all of you are bears!” laughs Caitlyn.
The thick door slides open. “Hey! It’s opening!” points Caitlyn. “They helped us open it! These little things are so nice!”
“All bears… are toys!” The high-pitched, childlike voice of the bear turns into a hissing growl. Its sewn mouth tears open to reveal a gaping maw full of sharp, needle-like teeth.
“I knew it! Oh, Jesus!” cries out Francesca. These toys are clearly of the devil, with their non-ecologically friendly construction in some Chinese sweatshop halfway across the world.
As all the other toys open their mouths to the chant of “All bears are toys! All bears are toys!” Caitlyn drops her previous liking for the stuffed toys quickly and begins sprinting for the door. Francesca, a split-second slower to react, follows on her heels. And behind them, the animals begin the hunt.
Caitlyn is first to the door, being younger and in better shape. She darts in, turns around, and looks at Francesca. She sees the look of horror on Francesca’s face as the door begins to close. “Quickly!” she shouts.
The bear pounces. It sinks its sharp teeth into Francesca’s calf. She stumbles the last few steps, managing to wedge her elbow into the door. The door’s progress is halted – temporarily – but Francesca is being gradually pulled back by the rabid bear. The other animals are closing in on the dome, chanting “All bears are toys!”
“Help… help me!” cries Francesca, screaming in pain as the bear digs into her leg.
Caitlyn’s Choice:
A. Take the emergency fire-axe nearby, wedge it against the door, and pull Francesca through at the risk of letting the other animals in.
B. Attempt to pull Francesca through without wedging the door open. She might not make it through in time before the door shuts, however.
C. Pry off Francesca’s arm, pushing her away. Getting close might let her grab you, however, putting the both of you in danger.
D. Take the axe and cut off Francesca’s arm. It has to be done. You can’t endanger your life to rescue her.
Francesca's Choice:
A. Pray for help.
B. Pray for help harder.