I'm interested in pursuing more all-rounder type builds. It seems fun to make a character that can do a bit of everything. Half the fun with Jing in Legend was that we were able to be a sneaky type, a fighter, a talker, and a somewhat clever man all at once. Having options makes everything more interesting imo, so let's try to minimize penalties.
Here are a few options I'm considering:
- Hunter+Dhanusa/Archer: +0 str, +1 dex, +1 con, +1 wis, +1 int, +0 cha (Fire mutability)
- Merchantina/Fish: -1 str, +0 dex, +0 con, +1 wis, +2 int, +2 cha (Water mutability)
- Merchant+Kanya/Virgin: +0 str, +0 dex, +0 con, +0 wis, +1 int, +3 cha (Earth fixation)
- Scholar+Tula/Balance: +0 str, +2 dex, +0 con, +0 wis, +3 int, -1 cha (Air dynamism)
- Scholar+Kumbha/Water-bearer: +1 str, +0 dex, +1 con, +1 wis, +2 int, -1 cha (Air fixation, despite being called water-bearer)
- Slumratina/Fish: +0 str, +2 dex, +1 con, +1 wis, +0 int, +0 cha (Water mutability)
- Slumrat+Karka/Crab: +0 str, +3 dex, +1 con, +0 wis, +0 int, +0 cha (Water dynamism)
Hunter+Archer and Slumrat+Fish are the all-rounders. Merchant+Virgin is the most charismatic without any stat penalties. Slumrat+Crab most dextrous without any stat penalties. Merchant has the best mentals. Scholar+Water-bearer makes for an unusual scholar with more martial stats.
I think water mutability sounds fun, so going
Slumrat+Fish>Merchant+Fish>Hunter+Archer I think.