What size are those sprites ProphetSword ?
Can you be more specific? I'm not sure what you mean?
What size are those sprites ProphetSword ?
What size are those sprites ProphetSword ?
Can you be more specific? I'm not sure what you mean?
I literally thought she was speaking:No I didn't mention other things in my post like being a trained classical musician or flaunt some immense prowess out of a fear of being perceived as something you are currently projecting because its not as relevant as things like being aware of period piece instruments and tools or relevant at all without appearing like an unhelpful high and mighty douchebag for an uncompleted project you also apparently lack humor to notice the obvious shift in writing style was intentionally obvious and not an individual perception of your genius analytical skills and in its obviousness would normally by non autistic human beings be considered somewhat self parodical or otherwise facetious which of course begs a typical droid like response as though a nueral network has been in the training which I'm just going to let you go ahead and shut down something like "i was only pretending to be retarded" which would just be a reiteration of what you had already posted hinting at again a cyclical and stagnant personality, again very much like a sort of droid or programmed non autonomous entity, if your post is even capable of being interpreted I have shown far more analytical or intellectual ability which now frames this post as pretentious which would be quite hilarious again if your code was not self aware enough to notice again what compounding irony is occurring here intentionally as I am having quite a time with both of our programmed response subroutines and its about here I should wonder to what degree you consider yourself thoroughly assimilated such that your in-joke goes without any set up or context, almost as if it were merely the growl of a zerg colony trained to respond en masse to noncontextual communication further I would say your individual perspective on an "art degree" would seem non-subjective (non-objective) and merely a sort of squirming pathetic ego feeler to navigate past trauma you have picked up consciously and contrivedly out of an image projection necessity fearing the absolute chaos of the non-subjective objective universe in which time is composed of non-simultaneously apprehended events and according to quantum causality insures both of our perspectives are based in the firing off of impossible to determine electronic whilings rendering both of our perspectives utterly meaningless, but yours most of all, because my ego is stronger than yours, getting so butthurt of such limited information which may not even be accurate, which much like your post seems ambiguously related and even more ironically this is exactly what you want and expect and here the snake has eaten its tail so many times you would be wise to just move on and kill yourself out of an inability to comprehend this post as it enlightens the netire nature of the cosmos because I am just that crafty and intelligent
well is the game dead
I've got some playtesters and I'll be sending out an early version of the game this week. Might be looking for one more. Should be interesting to see how things progress from here.
I've got some playtesters and I'll be sending out an early version of the game this week. Might be looking for one more. Should be interesting to see how things progress from here.
Sign me up as one if you need more.
I'm up for playtesting in the future if you need someone. Just as zwanzig_zwoelf, I come highly rated.
Mustawd; zwanzig_zwoelf and tweed said:Gimme free gaemz!!!
Try Hearkenwold: great, can't wait for a release.
Anyone know of any other Gold-Box like clones out there?
Looking great! How is the game part of it coming along? I'm curious about enemy AI. GoldBox is a good point of reference, but KOTC2 has raised the bar for the entire genre on its own.