Gotta make sure all the brothaz in the hood who play steal Magic cards feel included, homie.
I crafted arclight phoenixes and I'm playing them in historic now. Should've crafted the fuckers ages ago, they're not incredibly good but JUST LIKE ALWAYS Izzet decks are the most fun to play and I'm having a good time with them. I do feel stupid I didn't buy historic anthology 1 when it was on sale though, bunch of cards I'd like in there. Main thing holding me back from trying some mono black is not wanting to craft Phyrexian Arena and shit. And of course I'm jonesing for Serra Ascendant for mono-white fug u luka
Son of a bitch. Changing the multiverse ID on Invoke Prejudice is criminal. The stars were fucking aligned when it was assigned 1488.
Not to mention, there's that entire color which isn't okay to be. They really dropped the ball on this one and I think it's time for lukaszek to step up and get vocal, make them do the right thing.EDIT:
Okay, I can see why this one is a big nicht nicht in 2020
Oh I actually missed cleanse in the upload. Its the one that annoys me the most, since nothing apart from the colour black references it is aboutniggersPOC.
Is protection from Black racist now? Hexproof from black? Destroy target black creature? Counter black spell? Those are very fundamental mechanics to the game.
Not to mention, there's that entire color which isn't okay to be. They really dropped the ball on this one and I think it's time for lukaszek to step up and get vocal, make them do the right thing.EDIT:
Okay, I can see why this one is a big nicht nicht in 2020
Oh I actually missed cleanse in the upload. Its the one that annoys me the most, since nothing apart from the colour black references it is aboutniggersPOC.
Is protection from Black racist now? Hexproof from black? Destroy target black creature? Counter black spell? Those are very fundamental mechanics to the game.
Let's suppose for a second it isn't about color, if Cleanse isn't okay, they should also remove Planar Cleansing once the shit is out of the bag. All kinds of cleansings must go.
Whatever the fuck is racist about Pradesh Gypsies? Or is it just the word itself? If so, they should cut all the Pygmy XYZs. Calling shit pygmy because it's small, what is this the 1980s?
Vertically Challenged Hippo, now this has a certain ring to it.
And Stone Throwing Devils? What's the story here? Is the act of throwing stones bad and we don't want to promote it?
Or were certain stone-throwing people offended that the card calls them devils? Does wotc want to imply that you're not actually a devil if you throw the occasional stone?
Seriously, unwrapping the logic behind these things is a chore.
Right. I just read you shouldn't say Eskimo either, which means I wasn't too far off and we should also say goodbye to Vertically Challenged Pyromancers etc.If you let me to a bit of brain damage, since a lot of Europeans are racist against Gypsies, Gypsie and all local translations are considered racist.
Our german Zigeunerschnitzel (Gypsy Cutlets) is now called Schnitzel nach Balkanart (which is literally wrong Balkan is not Gypsies)
Seeing how Talmud also recommended this practice, yeah, better err on the side of caution, WotC. Don't wanna mess with both of them.I think Stone Throwing Devils are Muslims. Hilarious that Wotc are the first ones to make the connection, who is the racist now?
I know he's loopy as hell, but at the same time I don't much care when it comes to Magic artists. His art is (In my opinion of course) good and interesting to look at when it comes to Magic cards. Sure, he makes Hitler stamps in his spare time, but something as generic and simple as Fog gets this result out of him while every other art for Fog is just "CAN'T SEE SHIT IT'S FOGGY". Same reason I hope they keep hiring Terese Nielson even if she says "Gas all trannies sex war now" or whatever. And I guess I should be kind and spoiler tag card art just so it doesn't take up yonks of space.Harold McNeill is somewhere between Fedoria Edgelord Provocateur and genuine Neonazi. So this is a lot less of an accident and more an unfortunate easteregg.
not calling wedges ana ceta dega necra and raka raka after cards from apocalypse smh
These are badass I'm referring to all as such from now onnot calling wedges ana ceta dega necra and raka raka after cards from apocalypse smh