At last until casinos re-open I can fuel my degeneracy in another way.
1v1 Tavern Swindler only me, pussy.
Is it normal to wish you were sitting across the table from someone when playing so you could smash your head into their mouth?
Okay after a solid week of actual playing I've been focusing on a heavily modified version of the Mono Black NPE deck. I've been having some decent success with it, especially against decks of similar power. I'm going to spoiler tag it for wall of text purposes from a mentally challenged n00b.
The cards I took off immediately were Vampire Opportunist, Vindictive Vampire, Spinal Centipede and Gravewaker. I also reduced the amount of Swamps down some from the initial 25 down to around 21. I cut Gruesome Menagerie and Agonizing Siphon as well. I also trimmed down the Thirsting Bloodlords from 3 to 2 and Childs of Night from 4 to 2 and Murder from 3 to 2.
I've been putting a focus on the interaction of life gain with the Vampire Aerialist and ways to hit the opponent to enhance both the Aerialist and Savage Gorger (which I've added 2 more of) as well as the Knight of the Ebon Legion being able to constantly smash things. The cards I've gone with are Serrated Scorpions for their death trigger, Ill Gotten Inheritance for its constant life drain at the start of my upkeep as well as a game closer condition with its sacrifice effect, and I've tossed in a couple Blood Burglars for their cheap mana cost and situational lifelink.
I've added in some additional cards that are there for some utility purposes as well. I have a few copies of Duress since I like to use it for knowledge of what my opponent is holding and making them drop key spells. I added in two Murderous Riders for removal as well as Blacklance Paragons to intercept problematic monsters and again add in some free lifelinking. I've also put in a couple Grimdancers for ghetto board wiping with Menace/Deathtouch.
Beyond that I've played with a few cards I've pulled for fun like Inevitable End or Severed Strands to varying degrees of success, but how would you further improve this? I've been looking at things like Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord and Haunt of Hightower. Sorin seems like a good addition all around but the Haunt looks like you could do some dirty things with cards like Vicious Rumors. My only problem with the Haunt is it's pretty expensive to play and a 3/3 at that stage seems like it's begging to be hit with a removal, but the gambler in me can't help but think how wild things could become if you can have it live long enough to take advantage of its effect.
But at the same time, if Haunt is allowed to spiral out of control then is it considered a simple win more card? Right now Sorin seems like the smarter choice to go with (I know there's the rotation coming in the Fall, but I've also been playing most of my time in the Play vs. mode). Basically I'm looking to go up to the next level in terms of upgrading the deck and would like some pointers on where to go next from here. I've also not looked at many M21 cards coming in and if I should save wildcards for anything there.
Cutting a few swamps was probably the smart thing to do. the starter decks are notorious for giving you a bit too much.Things
Discard is one of the perks of playing black.
Aggro this is what Mono Black aggro looks like somewhat
Discard is one of the perks of playing black.
I actually fought someone using this exact strategy where they'd make you discard a bunch of cards which I found very interesting. Somehow I managed to win in the end, but it was one frustrating ordeal to go up against especially with that Davriel card constantly smacking you about. Very annoying and trolly, so I like it.
Keep in mind this is my sort of "growing pains" deck since I've never played Magic before so I wanted something relatively straightforward to get accustomed and comfortable with before trying out the more crazy decks. Do you think going black/white would be a superior idea, then, for what I'm trying to incorporate here? this is what Mono Black aggro looks like somewhat
I'm guessing this is the Oven/Cat thing that spectre mentioned above?
Going back to Haunt of Hightower, what do you think about using Sorin's ability that lets you play a vamp from your hand directly to get him out there quicker (assuming you have done well in baiting removals that it feels comfortable)? Does that up his viability in a vamp centric deck or is he still whatever?
Heyo, control is dead
Add Rankle, Foreboding Fruit and Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted. I am running a deck like this and it's 50/50 whether it works 100% of the time.As I played mono black devotion recently, here is my take: It works best with bolas citadel. Bolas citadel in mono black works best if you can cheat it earlier - priest is the only option.
Thats for standard, I feel it becomes way better in historic once you add obliterators and phyrexian arenas.
Once core21 kicks in, I'll have some fun by trying underworld dreams and, maybe even ditch half of the critters and focus on black enchantments/artifacts + board wipes at that point.![]()
Without citadel you need shepherd and some way of saccing to cheat merchant into being cast twice
Just wanted to remind you all that anyone supporting this shit company by playing this game should have the cuck tag.