Jason Liang
It's one of the more popular decks in Pioneer, although that has Ensoul Artifact aka Scissors to power it, as well as Shrapnel Blast.

mono black in historic is making me happy. Problem is that there are a lot of cards coming up and so little wildcards. By the look of it we will be hit by 2 expansions at the same time, 1 standard and 1 historic? With how historic packs arent discounted, Im thinking for the first time getting some gems to buy bundled packs...
I've played this deck a lot before the companion rule change. The trick is to figure out the optimal creature count (and realise you probably shouldn't count Arselings as "real" creatures for that purpose).you'd think that if half the fucking deck is enchantments they'd just not draw a creature, not draw their dumb protection boy, flood out, just draw a bunch of enchantments and no creatures or just draw a bunch of creatures and no enchantments but every damn time it's like they start with the perfect combination of bullshit
Ah yes, the shuffler's capacity to flood never ceases to amaze me. That one time when I tested out an 18 land deck, I think I've hit a 4-5 land draw streak at least a few times (with the chance for mana flood being a whooping 1,9% in this case).I'm almost certain there's some sort of behind the scenes bullshit going down where the game decides you've won too much and will give you mulligan city opening hands and then throw so many fucking lands at you that you feel like you're playing a real estate agent deck.
At this rate, they'll soon be running out of artists to work with.
I can tell that "Kaya" planeswalker is their attempt at DIVERSITY. I know this because she looks distinctly lame as fuck compared to many others which is the telltale sign she was made to be as incl00siv and inoffensive towards the brothas/sistas as possible.
Well, the only thing I'm pissed about is the list of cards they replaced for MtGA jumpstart.
Sorry, you can't handle the Chad Exhume, here, have the Virgin Bond of Revival you most likely already have.
You can see that the character was 100% creatied to fit to corporate demand. Soulless and bland.
anyway new state of game is out and it's actually pretty damn good:
dupe protection on reprint rares, free brawl forever (not historic tho wtf fuck u wotc i wanna play with dinos), jumpstart's gonna be a sweet limited format, amontheprhetmotkoekmonthet remaster in august.. actually i think this may be the first 'state of the game' they've ever done that hasn't had anything to really piss people off
I really hope you're wrong on this one. Technically, Eldraine had some potentially disturbing pieces, like the eye on a stick from Eye Collector, a bunch of references to cannibalism, or ravens plucking eyes out. Perhaps someone caught whiff of it and they're trying to overcompensate in the other direction? Though yeah, I doubt we'd see a same-art reprint of Ad Nauseam or Surgical Extraction.I'm starting to wonder if the reason some of these cards are being replaced is because of "graphic" art. Like, I don't see anything broken with some of these cards but time to feed has a dude being eaten alive and thought scour may be too metal for the game? I hope that's not the case cuz that'd suck if we have phyrexian or horror shit in the future and they're like "no blood allowed!"
I really hope you're wrong on this one. Technically, Eldraine had some potentially disturbing pieces, like the eye on a stick from Eye Collector, a bunch of references to cannibalism, or ravens plucking eyes out. Perhaps someone caught whiff of it and they're trying to overcompensate in the other direction? Though yeah, I doubt we'd see a same-art reprint of Ad Nauseam or Surgical Extraction.